

Field Value Fact links
Reference E04000133 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Brunswick Facts
Dataset Parish no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-12-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.638916 55.042493, -1.639072 55.042887, -1.639438 55.043594, -1.639671 55.043985, -1.639714 55.044082, -1.639759 55.044368, -1.639577 55.044612, -1.639239 55.044971, -1.639084 55.045147, -1.638537 55.045664, -1.638335 55.045813, -1.638014 55.045983, -1.637274 55.046318, -1.636914 55.046497, -1.636724 55.046577, -1.636075 55.046814, -1.635971 55.04689, -1.635411 55.04721, -1.634929 55.047362, -1.634785 55.047456, -1.634231 55.047961, -1.632209 55.048229, -1.632547 55.048952, -1.632834 55.049635, -1.632926 55.050101, -1.633055 55.050267, -1.63319 55.050667, -1.633385 55.051592, -1.63352 55.052088, -1.633663 55.052393, -1.633862 55.053103, -1.634254 55.054156, -1.634621 55.054733, -1.634768 55.055029, -1.634797 55.055177, -1.634703 55.055403, -1.634723 55.05548, -1.634881 55.05549, -1.634996 55.05591, -1.635048 55.056245, -1.635115 55.056572, -1.635266 55.057085, -1.635544 55.057839, -1.635733 55.058488, -1.635925 55.058799, -1.636153 55.059513, -1.636431 55.060275, -1.636654 55.060579, -1.636791 55.060854, -1.636799 55.060969, -1.636895 55.061243, -1.636958 55.061529, -1.637059 55.061777, -1.637451 55.062233, -1.637833 55.062587, -1.638084 55.062721, -1.639109 55.063031, -1.639324 55.063126, -1.639492 55.06325, -1.639609 55.063413, -1.639689 55.063584, -1.639699 55.063673, -1.639677 55.063853, -1.639654 55.063969, -1.639633 55.064024, -1.639575 55.064135, -1.63939 55.064315, -1.639023 55.064509, -1.638612 55.064616, -1.638148 55.064695, -1.63796 55.06476, -1.637894 55.064769, -1.638051 55.065254, -1.63833 55.066191, -1.638508 55.066597, -1.638694 55.067057, -1.638929 55.067476, -1.639182 55.068047, -1.63963 55.06894, -1.639636 55.06895, -1.639674 55.068942, -1.639952 55.068796, -1.640561 55.068506, -1.640991 55.068945, -1.641772 55.069676, -1.642013 55.069929, -1.642232 55.06984, -1.64255 55.070189, -1.642725 55.070412, -1.643231 55.070247, -1.643727 55.070105, -1.644164 55.070124, -1.645295 55.070219, -1.648125 55.070438, -1.648771 55.070479, -1.649615 55.070499, -1.649688 55.071117, -1.649736 55.071213, -1.649841 55.071257, -1.650418 55.071248, -1.651242 55.071251, -1.651757 55.071279, -1.651758 55.071244, -1.65276 55.071175, -1.653249 55.071111, -1.654157 55.070961, -1.654577 55.070876, -1.655007 55.070762, -1.655224 55.070676, -1.655378 55.070586, -1.655477 55.070442, -1.655739 55.070143, -1.656047 55.069828, -1.656072 55.069649, -1.656087 55.069607, -1.6562 55.069543, -1.656218 55.069473, -1.656232 55.069397, -1.656247 55.069214, -1.656244 55.068988, -1.656313 55.068018, -1.656362 55.066953, -1.656063 55.066938, -1.656088 55.066763, -1.656165 55.06653, -1.656298 55.066346, -1.656644 55.066105, -1.656791 55.06604, -1.657319 55.065975, -1.657412 55.06594, -1.657554 55.065775, -1.657611 55.065477, -1.657647 55.064967, -1.657867 55.06262, -1.659324 55.062369, -1.659806 55.062309, -1.6593 55.061618, -1.657801 55.059667, -1.656942 55.058865, -1.655022 55.057019, -1.653791 55.055983, -1.654013 55.056036, -1.654211 55.056046, -1.65461 55.05599, -1.655031 55.055955, -1.655468 55.055931, -1.655511 55.053654, -1.653951 55.053417, -1.651147 55.052961, -1.651661 55.050985, -1.651794 55.04983, -1.6519 55.049132, -1.65195 55.04853, -1.651933 55.048062, -1.651796 55.04778, -1.651015 55.047772, -1.650342 55.047801, -1.649001 55.047929, -1.648953 55.046439, -1.648934 55.045213, -1.65051 55.045134, -1.651683 55.045094, -1.651709 55.044452, -1.650905 55.044494, -1.649958 55.044193, -1.649954 55.044173, -1.650005 55.043628, -1.650078 55.04338, -1.650101 55.043049, -1.651096 55.043049, -1.651072 55.041849, -1.651098 55.041433, -1.651111 55.041362, -1.649288 55.041232, -1.648301 55.041262, -1.646982 55.041342, -1.646096 55.04136, -1.645469 55.041412, -1.644544 55.041475, -1.643227 55.041554, -1.642634 55.041939, -1.642472 55.042018, -1.642097 55.042109, -1.641002 55.042227, -1.640581 55.04229, -1.638916 55.042493))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.645735 55.05693) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E04000133",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Brunswick",
    "dataset": "parish",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-12-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.638916 55.042493, -1.639072 55.042887, -1.639438 55.043594, -1.639671 55.043985, -1.639714 55.044082, -1.639759 55.044368, -1.639577 55.044612, -1.639239 55.044971, -1.639084 55.045147, -1.638537 55.045664, -1.638335 55.045813, -1.638014 55.045983, -1.637274 55.046318, -1.636914 55.046497, -1.636724 55.046577, -1.636075 55.046814, -1.635971 55.04689, -1.635411 55.04721, -1.634929 55.047362, -1.634785 55.047456, -1.634231 55.047961, -1.632209 55.048229, -1.632547 55.048952, -1.632834 55.049635, -1.632926 55.050101, -1.633055 55.050267, -1.63319 55.050667, -1.633385 55.051592, -1.63352 55.052088, -1.633663 55.052393, -1.633862 55.053103, -1.634254 55.054156, -1.634621 55.054733, -1.634768 55.055029, -1.634797 55.055177, -1.634703 55.055403, -1.634723 55.05548, -1.634881 55.05549, -1.634996 55.05591, -1.635048 55.056245, -1.635115 55.056572, -1.635266 55.057085, -1.635544 55.057839, -1.635733 55.058488, -1.635925 55.058799, -1.636153 55.059513, -1.636431 55.060275, -1.636654 55.060579, -1.636791 55.060854, -1.636799 55.060969, -1.636895 55.061243, -1.636958 55.061529, -1.637059 55.061777, -1.637451 55.062233, -1.637833 55.062587, -1.638084 55.062721, -1.639109 55.063031, -1.639324 55.063126, -1.639492 55.06325, -1.639609 55.063413, -1.639689 55.063584, -1.639699 55.063673, -1.639677 55.063853, -1.639654 55.063969, -1.639633 55.064024, -1.639575 55.064135, -1.63939 55.064315, -1.639023 55.064509, -1.638612 55.064616, -1.638148 55.064695, -1.63796 55.06476, -1.637894 55.064769, -1.638051 55.065254, -1.63833 55.066191, -1.638508 55.066597, -1.638694 55.067057, -1.638929 55.067476, -1.639182 55.068047, -1.63963 55.06894, -1.639636 55.06895, -1.639674 55.068942, -1.639952 55.068796, -1.640561 55.068506, -1.640991 55.068945, -1.641772 55.069676, -1.642013 55.069929, -1.642232 55.06984, -1.64255 55.070189, -1.642725 55.070412, -1.643231 55.070247, -1.643727 55.070105, -1.644164 55.070124, -1.645295 55.070219, -1.648125 55.070438, -1.648771 55.070479, -1.649615 55.070499, -1.649688 55.071117, -1.649736 55.071213, -1.649841 55.071257, -1.650418 55.071248, -1.651242 55.071251, -1.651757 55.071279, -1.651758 55.071244, -1.65276 55.071175, -1.653249 55.071111, -1.654157 55.070961, -1.654577 55.070876, -1.655007 55.070762, -1.655224 55.070676, -1.655378 55.070586, -1.655477 55.070442, -1.655739 55.070143, -1.656047 55.069828, -1.656072 55.069649, -1.656087 55.069607, -1.6562 55.069543, -1.656218 55.069473, -1.656232 55.069397, -1.656247 55.069214, -1.656244 55.068988, -1.656313 55.068018, -1.656362 55.066953, -1.656063 55.066938, -1.656088 55.066763, -1.656165 55.06653, -1.656298 55.066346, -1.656644 55.066105, -1.656791 55.06604, -1.657319 55.065975, -1.657412 55.06594, -1.657554 55.065775, -1.657611 55.065477, -1.657647 55.064967, -1.657867 55.06262, -1.659324 55.062369, -1.659806 55.062309, -1.6593 55.061618, -1.657801 55.059667, -1.656942 55.058865, -1.655022 55.057019, -1.653791 55.055983, -1.654013 55.056036, -1.654211 55.056046, -1.65461 55.05599, -1.655031 55.055955, -1.655468 55.055931, -1.655511 55.053654, -1.653951 55.053417, -1.651147 55.052961, -1.651661 55.050985, -1.651794 55.04983, -1.6519 55.049132, -1.65195 55.04853, -1.651933 55.048062, -1.651796 55.04778, -1.651015 55.047772, -1.650342 55.047801, -1.649001 55.047929, -1.648953 55.046439, -1.648934 55.045213, -1.65051 55.045134, -1.651683 55.045094, -1.651709 55.044452, -1.650905 55.044494, -1.649958 55.044193, -1.649954 55.044173, -1.650005 55.043628, -1.650078 55.04338, -1.650101 55.043049, -1.651096 55.043049, -1.651072 55.041849, -1.651098 55.041433, -1.651111 55.041362, -1.649288 55.041232, -1.648301 55.041262, -1.646982 55.041342, -1.646096 55.04136, -1.645469 55.041412, -1.644544 55.041475, -1.643227 55.041554, -1.642634 55.041939, -1.642472 55.042018, -1.642097 55.042109, -1.641002 55.042227, -1.640581 55.04229, -1.638916 55.042493)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.645735 55.05693)",
    "entity": 130000115

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area