Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | E04000099 | Facts |
Prefix | statistical-geography | Facts |
Name | Warmsworth | Facts |
Dataset | Parish | no fact link |
Organisation | Office for National Statistics | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2024-12-10 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.196455 53.498911, -1.196232 53.498664, -1.195834 53.498421, -1.195273 53.498056, -1.194984 53.497825, -1.194694 53.497472, -1.194471 53.497145, -1.194135 53.496698, -1.193906 53.496371, -1.193692 53.496094, -1.193384 53.495649, -1.193141 53.49534, -1.192857 53.494905, -1.192409 53.494124, -1.192283 53.493838, -1.192165 53.493654, -1.192166 53.493587, -1.191857 53.493205, -1.192097 53.49311, -1.191906 53.492897, -1.191822 53.492722, -1.191528 53.492008, -1.191364 53.491719, -1.191107 53.491317, -1.191063 53.491111, -1.190986 53.490949, -1.190973 53.490847, -1.190858 53.4907, -1.19067 53.490362, -1.190495 53.490072, -1.19014 53.489583, -1.190047 53.489324, -1.18885 53.489649, -1.188023 53.489847, -1.185896 53.490321, -1.184147 53.49062, -1.183186 53.49075, -1.18271 53.490879, -1.18134 53.490873, -1.180678 53.490892, -1.18016 53.490893, -1.178687 53.490883, -1.178376 53.490861, -1.173971 53.490735, -1.172064 53.49067, -1.170702 53.490633, -1.168437 53.490604, -1.167885 53.490569, -1.162124 53.49028, -1.163062 53.491625, -1.164277 53.491317, -1.164569 53.491503, -1.165666 53.491035, -1.165791 53.491052, -1.16595 53.491241, -1.167438 53.492789, -1.167542 53.492833, -1.167566 53.492939, -1.167779 53.492918, -1.167861 53.493019, -1.167991 53.492998, -1.168424 53.492982, -1.168736 53.493003, -1.168911 53.493133, -1.16903 53.493157, -1.169446 53.493139, -1.169877 53.493841, -1.170474 53.494596, -1.170887 53.495073, -1.17134 53.495557, -1.171932 53.496219, -1.172557 53.496855, -1.173135 53.497545, -1.173213 53.497569, -1.172949 53.497935, -1.172703 53.498402, -1.172415 53.499029, -1.172201 53.499369, -1.172135 53.499652, -1.172051 53.500113, -1.171975 53.500888, -1.172064 53.501524, -1.172346 53.502449, -1.172469 53.502948, -1.172521 53.50322, -1.172531 53.503916, -1.172509 53.503986, -1.172522 53.504419, -1.17239 53.505049, -1.171295 53.505242, -1.170921 53.504789, -1.170723 53.504565, -1.17053 53.504571, -1.169966 53.504812, -1.170276 53.505126, -1.170932 53.505711, -1.171749 53.506521, -1.172012 53.506686, -1.172044 53.506759, -1.172031 53.50687, -1.171909 53.507065, -1.172235 53.50714, -1.172745 53.507272, -1.17313 53.507408, -1.173497 53.50751, -1.176077 53.50844, -1.177399 53.508873, -1.177986 53.509083, -1.178554 53.509234, -1.17895 53.509367, -1.179293 53.509434, -1.180332 53.509581, -1.18076 53.509653, -1.181464 53.509804, -1.182136 53.509905, -1.182512 53.509991, -1.183178 53.510068, -1.184411 53.510088, -1.184955 53.510028, -1.185182 53.509978, -1.185418 53.509899, -1.185743 53.509758, -1.185909 53.509667, -1.186103 53.509533, -1.18639 53.509289, -1.186932 53.508915, -1.187046 53.508876, -1.187418 53.508673, -1.18763 53.508522, -1.188494 53.507743, -1.188653 53.507534, -1.189009 53.507253, -1.189239 53.507108, -1.18947 53.507003, -1.189512 53.506973, -1.18955 53.506942, -1.189713 53.506761, -1.189862 53.50663, -1.190086 53.506476, -1.190636 53.506035, -1.190914 53.505792, -1.191153 53.505596, -1.191221 53.505514, -1.191405 53.505229, -1.191715 53.50446, -1.192352 53.503098, -1.192667 53.502592, -1.193109 53.501792, -1.193188 53.501688, -1.193392 53.501494, -1.194026 53.500846, -1.194265 53.500616, -1.194632 53.500289, -1.195173 53.499828, -1.195415 53.499599, -1.196455 53.498911)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-1.181827 53.499172)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
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"prefix": "statistical-geography",
"name": "Warmsworth",
"dataset": "parish",
"organisation-entity": "10",
"start-date": "",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2024-12-10",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.196455 53.498911, -1.196232 53.498664, -1.195834 53.498421, -1.195273 53.498056, -1.194984 53.497825, -1.194694 53.497472, -1.194471 53.497145, -1.194135 53.496698, -1.193906 53.496371, -1.193692 53.496094, -1.193384 53.495649, -1.193141 53.49534, -1.192857 53.494905, -1.192409 53.494124, -1.192283 53.493838, -1.192165 53.493654, -1.192166 53.493587, -1.191857 53.493205, -1.192097 53.49311, -1.191906 53.492897, -1.191822 53.492722, -1.191528 53.492008, -1.191364 53.491719, -1.191107 53.491317, -1.191063 53.491111, -1.190986 53.490949, -1.190973 53.490847, -1.190858 53.4907, -1.19067 53.490362, -1.190495 53.490072, -1.19014 53.489583, -1.190047 53.489324, -1.18885 53.489649, -1.188023 53.489847, -1.185896 53.490321, -1.184147 53.49062, -1.183186 53.49075, -1.18271 53.490879, -1.18134 53.490873, -1.180678 53.490892, -1.18016 53.490893, -1.178687 53.490883, -1.178376 53.490861, -1.173971 53.490735, -1.172064 53.49067, -1.170702 53.490633, -1.168437 53.490604, -1.167885 53.490569, -1.162124 53.49028, -1.163062 53.491625, -1.164277 53.491317, -1.164569 53.491503, -1.165666 53.491035, -1.165791 53.491052, -1.16595 53.491241, -1.167438 53.492789, -1.167542 53.492833, -1.167566 53.492939, -1.167779 53.492918, -1.167861 53.493019, -1.167991 53.492998, -1.168424 53.492982, -1.168736 53.493003, -1.168911 53.493133, -1.16903 53.493157, -1.169446 53.493139, -1.169877 53.493841, -1.170474 53.494596, -1.170887 53.495073, -1.17134 53.495557, -1.171932 53.496219, -1.172557 53.496855, -1.173135 53.497545, -1.173213 53.497569, -1.172949 53.497935, -1.172703 53.498402, -1.172415 53.499029, -1.172201 53.499369, -1.172135 53.499652, -1.172051 53.500113, -1.171975 53.500888, -1.172064 53.501524, -1.172346 53.502449, -1.172469 53.502948, -1.172521 53.50322, -1.172531 53.503916, -1.172509 53.503986, -1.172522 53.504419, -1.17239 53.505049, -1.171295 53.505242, -1.170921 53.504789, -1.170723 53.504565, -1.17053 53.504571, -1.169966 53.504812, -1.170276 53.505126, -1.170932 53.505711, -1.171749 53.506521, -1.172012 53.506686, -1.172044 53.506759, -1.172031 53.50687, -1.171909 53.507065, -1.172235 53.50714, -1.172745 53.507272, -1.17313 53.507408, -1.173497 53.50751, -1.176077 53.50844, -1.177399 53.508873, -1.177986 53.509083, -1.178554 53.509234, -1.17895 53.509367, -1.179293 53.509434, -1.180332 53.509581, -1.18076 53.509653, -1.181464 53.509804, -1.182136 53.509905, -1.182512 53.509991, -1.183178 53.510068, -1.184411 53.510088, -1.184955 53.510028, -1.185182 53.509978, -1.185418 53.509899, -1.185743 53.509758, -1.185909 53.509667, -1.186103 53.509533, -1.18639 53.509289, -1.186932 53.508915, -1.187046 53.508876, -1.187418 53.508673, -1.18763 53.508522, -1.188494 53.507743, -1.188653 53.507534, -1.189009 53.507253, -1.189239 53.507108, -1.18947 53.507003, -1.189512 53.506973, -1.18955 53.506942, -1.189713 53.506761, -1.189862 53.50663, -1.190086 53.506476, -1.190636 53.506035, -1.190914 53.505792, -1.191153 53.505596, -1.191221 53.505514, -1.191405 53.505229, -1.191715 53.50446, -1.192352 53.503098, -1.192667 53.502592, -1.193109 53.501792, -1.193188 53.501688, -1.193392 53.501494, -1.194026 53.500846, -1.194265 53.500616, -1.194632 53.500289, -1.195173 53.499828, -1.195415 53.499599, -1.196455 53.498911)))",
"point": "POINT (-1.181827 53.499172)",
"entity": 130000094
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.