

Field Value Fact links
Reference E04000074 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Edenthorpe Facts
Dataset Parish no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-12-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.084028 53.552523, -1.083547 53.551958, -1.083137 53.5515, -1.080637 53.548634, -1.079149 53.546982, -1.078546 53.546264, -1.078199 53.545778, -1.077827 53.54523, -1.077583 53.544847, -1.07734 53.544437, -1.077077 53.54397, -1.075551 53.545313, -1.075724 53.54548, -1.075286 53.545906, -1.07713 53.54684, -1.077957 53.547249, -1.077967 53.54726, -1.077438 53.547531, -1.076053 53.547444, -1.074353 53.547408, -1.066775 53.547342, -1.065464 53.547323, -1.061673 53.547299, -1.058251 53.547261, -1.055166 53.547242, -1.050759 53.547189, -1.04927 53.547162, -1.047032 53.546761, -1.044486 53.546273, -1.043423 53.546023, -1.041802 53.545618, -1.040171 53.545139, -1.038855 53.544767, -1.037944 53.545341, -1.03847 53.545509, -1.038453 53.545525, -1.040284 53.546111, -1.040302 53.546176, -1.040293 53.546585, -1.040242 53.547677, -1.040121 53.549348, -1.040191 53.54946, -1.042348 53.549403, -1.042949 53.54946, -1.043696 53.549517, -1.043372 53.550778, -1.043189 53.551553, -1.043322 53.551575, -1.042949 53.552871, -1.042201 53.554096, -1.041991 53.554474, -1.041849 53.554647, -1.041501 53.555029, -1.04094 53.555665, -1.04085 53.555691, -1.04101 53.555842, -1.041202 53.555901, -1.041573 53.555998, -1.042124 53.556109, -1.042527 53.556181, -1.042817 53.556251, -1.043197 53.556389, -1.043532 53.556589, -1.043776 53.556767, -1.044033 53.557015, -1.044369 53.557361, -1.04451 53.55757, -1.044668 53.557718, -1.044927 53.558086, -1.045053 53.558395, -1.045074 53.558514, -1.045266 53.558557, -1.048615 53.55968, -1.050079 53.559377, -1.050094 53.5594, -1.051709 53.559071, -1.053938 53.558594, -1.054584 53.558433, -1.056252 53.558073, -1.057761 53.557784, -1.060172 53.557273, -1.060294 53.557215, -1.062978 53.556688, -1.063065 53.556828, -1.065907 53.556311, -1.067287 53.558798, -1.068171 53.55876, -1.069068 53.55878, -1.069464 53.558658, -1.069714 53.558592, -1.070357 53.558525, -1.071228 53.558397, -1.072445 53.558101, -1.072891 53.558015, -1.073352 53.557942, -1.073828 53.557896, -1.074704 53.557889, -1.075142 53.557857, -1.075452 53.557859, -1.075713 53.557982, -1.076577 53.557504, -1.078629 53.556192, -1.080005 53.555346, -1.082566 53.553833, -1.082849 53.553651, -1.084028 53.552523))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.061103 53.552352) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E04000074",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Edenthorpe",
    "dataset": "parish",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-12-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.084028 53.552523, -1.083547 53.551958, -1.083137 53.5515, -1.080637 53.548634, -1.079149 53.546982, -1.078546 53.546264, -1.078199 53.545778, -1.077827 53.54523, -1.077583 53.544847, -1.07734 53.544437, -1.077077 53.54397, -1.075551 53.545313, -1.075724 53.54548, -1.075286 53.545906, -1.07713 53.54684, -1.077957 53.547249, -1.077967 53.54726, -1.077438 53.547531, -1.076053 53.547444, -1.074353 53.547408, -1.066775 53.547342, -1.065464 53.547323, -1.061673 53.547299, -1.058251 53.547261, -1.055166 53.547242, -1.050759 53.547189, -1.04927 53.547162, -1.047032 53.546761, -1.044486 53.546273, -1.043423 53.546023, -1.041802 53.545618, -1.040171 53.545139, -1.038855 53.544767, -1.037944 53.545341, -1.03847 53.545509, -1.038453 53.545525, -1.040284 53.546111, -1.040302 53.546176, -1.040293 53.546585, -1.040242 53.547677, -1.040121 53.549348, -1.040191 53.54946, -1.042348 53.549403, -1.042949 53.54946, -1.043696 53.549517, -1.043372 53.550778, -1.043189 53.551553, -1.043322 53.551575, -1.042949 53.552871, -1.042201 53.554096, -1.041991 53.554474, -1.041849 53.554647, -1.041501 53.555029, -1.04094 53.555665, -1.04085 53.555691, -1.04101 53.555842, -1.041202 53.555901, -1.041573 53.555998, -1.042124 53.556109, -1.042527 53.556181, -1.042817 53.556251, -1.043197 53.556389, -1.043532 53.556589, -1.043776 53.556767, -1.044033 53.557015, -1.044369 53.557361, -1.04451 53.55757, -1.044668 53.557718, -1.044927 53.558086, -1.045053 53.558395, -1.045074 53.558514, -1.045266 53.558557, -1.048615 53.55968, -1.050079 53.559377, -1.050094 53.5594, -1.051709 53.559071, -1.053938 53.558594, -1.054584 53.558433, -1.056252 53.558073, -1.057761 53.557784, -1.060172 53.557273, -1.060294 53.557215, -1.062978 53.556688, -1.063065 53.556828, -1.065907 53.556311, -1.067287 53.558798, -1.068171 53.55876, -1.069068 53.55878, -1.069464 53.558658, -1.069714 53.558592, -1.070357 53.558525, -1.071228 53.558397, -1.072445 53.558101, -1.072891 53.558015, -1.073352 53.557942, -1.073828 53.557896, -1.074704 53.557889, -1.075142 53.557857, -1.075452 53.557859, -1.075713 53.557982, -1.076577 53.557504, -1.078629 53.556192, -1.080005 53.555346, -1.082566 53.553833, -1.082849 53.553651, -1.084028 53.552523)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.061103 53.552352)",
    "entity": 130000069

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area