Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | E04000059 | Facts |
Prefix | statistical-geography | Facts |
Name | Askern | Facts |
Dataset | Parish | no fact link |
Organisation | Office for National Statistics | no fact link |
Start date | no fact link | |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2024-12-10 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.126154 53.609285, -1.126165 53.609327, -1.127123 53.60964, -1.127577 53.60981, -1.127166 53.61042, -1.126977 53.610666, -1.126836 53.610799, -1.126575 53.610997, -1.126438 53.611188, -1.126184 53.611518, -1.125959 53.611718, -1.125813 53.611889, -1.126325 53.611974, -1.127987 53.612174, -1.128031 53.612226, -1.128054 53.612452, -1.127966 53.612575, -1.127928 53.612754, -1.127824 53.613086, -1.127855 53.613268, -1.127873 53.613532, -1.127831 53.613797, -1.127874 53.614063, -1.127859 53.614202, -1.128513 53.613991, -1.128687 53.613927, -1.128983 53.613915, -1.129511 53.613841, -1.130343 53.613805, -1.130532 53.613818, -1.130281 53.614099, -1.130057 53.614394, -1.129679 53.614865, -1.129604 53.614911, -1.130865 53.615752, -1.131846 53.615775, -1.132208 53.615812, -1.132583 53.61587, -1.132751 53.615935, -1.132815 53.616009, -1.132868 53.616195, -1.132998 53.616823, -1.13293 53.61708, -1.132809 53.61851, -1.13278 53.618576, -1.13283 53.618718, -1.13278 53.618801, -1.132807 53.619044, -1.132862 53.619218, -1.132813 53.619349, -1.132683 53.619422, -1.132735 53.619763, -1.132843 53.620078, -1.133107 53.620782, -1.133614 53.621727, -1.133701 53.621716, -1.134243 53.621708, -1.134007 53.62112, -1.133801 53.62056, -1.1338 53.620463, -1.1339 53.620272, -1.133998 53.620226, -1.134301 53.620132, -1.134418 53.620106, -1.134786 53.620062, -1.13528 53.620035, -1.136656 53.619988, -1.137039 53.619978, -1.137689 53.619975, -1.139525 53.619935, -1.142475 53.619923, -1.143899 53.619935, -1.146011 53.619918, -1.146631 53.619934, -1.147236 53.619971, -1.147684 53.620016, -1.147851 53.620208, -1.148003 53.620267, -1.148581 53.620919, -1.14915 53.621485, -1.149359 53.621683, -1.149609 53.62197, -1.150138 53.622289, -1.151063 53.622403, -1.151374 53.622457, -1.152543 53.622836, -1.152967 53.623096, -1.153689 53.623314, -1.154575 53.62353, -1.154911 53.623649, -1.155514 53.623767, -1.155952 53.623489, -1.156176 53.623304, -1.156458 53.623032, -1.156747 53.62273, -1.157114 53.622878, -1.157585 53.623003, -1.157673 53.622999, -1.157792 53.622948, -1.157932 53.622798, -1.158465 53.622869, -1.159933 53.623146, -1.160484 53.623214, -1.160901 53.623275, -1.161409 53.62331, -1.162488 53.623414, -1.162895 53.623396, -1.163067 53.623147, -1.163321 53.622915, -1.163594 53.622687, -1.164132 53.622307, -1.164422 53.622139, -1.164521 53.621983, -1.16486 53.621656, -1.165301 53.6213, -1.16562 53.621063, -1.165993 53.620718, -1.166249 53.620456, -1.166829 53.620001, -1.167388 53.619485, -1.167662 53.619168, -1.167769 53.619035, -1.167968 53.618757, -1.168378 53.618259, -1.168075 53.618093, -1.167755 53.617898, -1.167176 53.617493, -1.167361 53.617379, -1.168714 53.616934, -1.168697 53.616797, -1.168696 53.616637, -1.168714 53.616501, -1.168772 53.616315, -1.168894 53.616059, -1.168973 53.615927, -1.169239 53.61551, -1.169978 53.614787, -1.17009 53.614697, -1.170172 53.614616, -1.170213 53.614564, -1.170313 53.614423, -1.17039 53.614277, -1.170436 53.614137, -1.170457 53.614024, -1.170475 53.613705, -1.170466 53.613535, -1.170432 53.613367, -1.170343 53.613143, -1.170247 53.612983, -1.170127 53.612828, -1.169911 53.612586, -1.16967 53.612378, -1.169348 53.612199, -1.167863 53.611632, -1.167263 53.611376, -1.166366 53.610889, -1.166786 53.610644, -1.167016 53.61052, -1.167374 53.610361, -1.167748 53.61017, -1.167585 53.609989, -1.167333 53.609763, -1.166965 53.609463, -1.166354 53.609185, -1.166124 53.608981, -1.165284 53.608643, -1.16473 53.608383, -1.164563 53.608436, -1.164415 53.608268, -1.163667 53.608277, -1.163524 53.608222, -1.162997 53.608222, -1.16264 53.608202, -1.16227 53.608205, -1.162059 53.608155, -1.161726 53.6082, -1.161599 53.608145, -1.160833 53.60817, -1.160687 53.608157, -1.160217 53.608093, -1.159658 53.607967, -1.158956 53.607873, -1.158656 53.607847, -1.158133 53.607846, -1.157791 53.607855, -1.15732 53.60783, -1.157184 53.607833, -1.156936 53.607822, -1.156856 53.607822, -1.15667 53.607839, -1.156437 53.607844, -1.15598 53.607823, -1.155431 53.607898, -1.155011 53.60797, -1.154786 53.608011, -1.15463 53.608061, -1.154476 53.608112, -1.154097 53.60826, -1.153855 53.608399, -1.153747 53.608497, -1.153556 53.608615, -1.151442 53.608897, -1.150427 53.609015, -1.147684 53.609364, -1.147472 53.609408, -1.147389 53.609383, -1.147206 53.609482, -1.144896 53.60974, -1.14289 53.609979, -1.142457 53.610002, -1.141859 53.609993, -1.138822 53.609837, -1.135525 53.609704, -1.131248 53.609501, -1.128189 53.609378, -1.126154 53.609285)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-1.150455 53.615073)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
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"point": "POINT (-1.150455 53.615073)",
"entity": 130000054
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.