Protected wreck site
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000080 | Facts |
Prefix | protected-wreck-site | Facts |
Name | FILEY BAY WRECK | Facts |
Dataset | Protected wreck site | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 2002-07-17 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-02-22 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.224409 54.189029, -0.224122 54.189045, -0.223837 54.189072, -0.223555 54.189109, -0.223277 54.189156, -0.223006 54.189214, -0.222741 54.189281, -0.222484 54.189357, -0.222235 54.189444, -0.221996 54.189539, -0.221768 54.189643, -0.221552 54.189755, -0.221347 54.189874, -0.221157 54.190001, -0.220979 54.190135, -0.220817 54.190275, -0.22067 54.190421, -0.220539 54.190572, -0.220424 54.190727, -0.220327 54.190886, -0.220246 54.191049, -0.220183 54.191214, -0.220138 54.191381, -0.220111 54.19155, -0.220102 54.191719, -0.220111 54.191888, -0.220138 54.192057, -0.220183 54.192224, -0.220246 54.192389, -0.220326 54.192552, -0.220424 54.192711, -0.220539 54.192867, -0.22067 54.193018, -0.220817 54.193163, -0.220979 54.193303, -0.221156 54.193437, -0.221347 54.193564, -0.221551 54.193684, -0.221768 54.193796, -0.221996 54.1939, -0.222235 54.193995, -0.222483 54.194081, -0.222741 54.194158, -0.223006 54.194225, -0.223554 54.19433, -0.223836 54.194367, -0.224122 54.194393, -0.224409 54.194409, -0.224698 54.194415, -0.225274 54.194393, -0.225559 54.194367, -0.225841 54.19433, -0.22639 54.194225, -0.226655 54.194158, -0.226912 54.194081, -0.22716 54.193995, -0.227399 54.1939, -0.227627 54.193796, -0.227844 54.193684, -0.228048 54.193564, -0.228239 54.193437, -0.228416 54.193303, -0.228578 54.193163, -0.228725 54.193018, -0.228856 54.192867, -0.228971 54.192711, -0.229069 54.192552, -0.22915 54.192389, -0.229213 54.192224, -0.229258 54.192057, -0.229285 54.191888, -0.229294 54.191719, -0.229285 54.19155, -0.229258 54.191381, -0.229212 54.191214, -0.229149 54.191049, -0.229069 54.190886, -0.228971 54.190727, -0.228856 54.190572, -0.228725 54.190421, -0.228578 54.190275, -0.228416 54.190135, -0.228239 54.190001, -0.228048 54.189874, -0.227844 54.189755, -0.227627 54.189643, -0.227399 54.189539, -0.22716 54.189444, -0.226912 54.189357, -0.226655 54.189281, -0.22639 54.189214, -0.226118 54.189156, -0.225841 54.189109, -0.225559 54.189072, -0.225274 54.189045, -0.224986 54.189029, -0.224409 54.189029)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.224698 54.191719)
Facts |
Legislation | 2002/1858 | Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1000080",
"prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
"name": "FILEY BAY WRECK",
"dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "2002-07-17",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-02-22",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.224409 54.189029, -0.224122 54.189045, -0.223837 54.189072, -0.223555 54.189109, -0.223277 54.189156, -0.223006 54.189214, -0.222741 54.189281, -0.222484 54.189357, -0.222235 54.189444, -0.221996 54.189539, -0.221768 54.189643, -0.221552 54.189755, -0.221347 54.189874, -0.221157 54.190001, -0.220979 54.190135, -0.220817 54.190275, -0.22067 54.190421, -0.220539 54.190572, -0.220424 54.190727, -0.220327 54.190886, -0.220246 54.191049, -0.220183 54.191214, -0.220138 54.191381, -0.220111 54.19155, -0.220102 54.191719, -0.220111 54.191888, -0.220138 54.192057, -0.220183 54.192224, -0.220246 54.192389, -0.220326 54.192552, -0.220424 54.192711, -0.220539 54.192867, -0.22067 54.193018, -0.220817 54.193163, -0.220979 54.193303, -0.221156 54.193437, -0.221347 54.193564, -0.221551 54.193684, -0.221768 54.193796, -0.221996 54.1939, -0.222235 54.193995, -0.222483 54.194081, -0.222741 54.194158, -0.223006 54.194225, -0.223554 54.19433, -0.223836 54.194367, -0.224122 54.194393, -0.224409 54.194409, -0.224698 54.194415, -0.225274 54.194393, -0.225559 54.194367, -0.225841 54.19433, -0.22639 54.194225, -0.226655 54.194158, -0.226912 54.194081, -0.22716 54.193995, -0.227399 54.1939, -0.227627 54.193796, -0.227844 54.193684, -0.228048 54.193564, -0.228239 54.193437, -0.228416 54.193303, -0.228578 54.193163, -0.228725 54.193018, -0.228856 54.192867, -0.228971 54.192711, -0.229069 54.192552, -0.22915 54.192389, -0.229213 54.192224, -0.229258 54.192057, -0.229285 54.191888, -0.229294 54.191719, -0.229285 54.19155, -0.229258 54.191381, -0.229212 54.191214, -0.229149 54.191049, -0.229069 54.190886, -0.228971 54.190727, -0.228856 54.190572, -0.228725 54.190421, -0.228578 54.190275, -0.228416 54.190135, -0.228239 54.190001, -0.228048 54.189874, -0.227844 54.189755, -0.227627 54.189643, -0.227399 54.189539, -0.22716 54.189444, -0.226912 54.189357, -0.226655 54.189281, -0.22639 54.189214, -0.226118 54.189156, -0.225841 54.189109, -0.225559 54.189072, -0.225274 54.189045, -0.224986 54.189029, -0.224409 54.189029)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.224698 54.191719)",
"entity": 12800036,
"legislation": "2002/1858",
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.