Protected wreck site
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000076 | Facts |
Prefix | protected-wreck-site | Facts |
Name | LOE BAR WRECK | Facts |
Dataset | Protected wreck site | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1999-05-23 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-02-22 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.290231 50.061208, -5.289801 50.061261, -5.289383 50.061349, -5.288987 50.061469, -5.288617 50.06162, -5.288443 50.061706, -5.288279 50.0618, -5.287979 50.062005, -5.287844 50.062117, -5.287721 50.062234, -5.287609 50.062356, -5.28751 50.062481, -5.287422 50.062611, -5.287348 50.062744, -5.287287 50.062879, -5.287239 50.063017, -5.287205 50.063156, -5.287184 50.063297, -5.287177 50.063438, -5.287184 50.063579, -5.287205 50.06372, -5.287239 50.063859, -5.287287 50.063997, -5.287348 50.064133, -5.287422 50.064266, -5.287509 50.064395, -5.287609 50.064521, -5.287721 50.064643, -5.287844 50.064759, -5.287978 50.064871, -5.288278 50.065077, -5.288616 50.065257, -5.288987 50.065408, -5.289383 50.065528, -5.2898 50.065615, -5.290231 50.065668, -5.290669 50.065686, -5.291106 50.065668, -5.291537 50.065615, -5.291954 50.065528, -5.292351 50.065408, -5.292721 50.065257, -5.293059 50.065077, -5.293214 50.064977, -5.293359 50.064871, -5.293494 50.064759, -5.293617 50.064643, -5.293729 50.064521, -5.293828 50.064395, -5.293915 50.064266, -5.29399 50.064133, -5.294051 50.063997, -5.294098 50.063859, -5.294133 50.06372, -5.294154 50.063579, -5.29416 50.063438, -5.294154 50.063297, -5.294133 50.063157, -5.294098 50.063017, -5.294051 50.062879, -5.293989 50.062744, -5.293915 50.062611, -5.293828 50.062481, -5.293728 50.062356, -5.293617 50.062234, -5.293494 50.062117, -5.293359 50.062005, -5.293059 50.0618, -5.292894 50.061706, -5.29254 50.061541, -5.292155 50.061405, -5.291748 50.061301, -5.291537 50.061261, -5.291106 50.061208, -5.290669 50.061191, -5.290231 50.061208)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-5.290669 50.063438)
Facts |
Legislation | 1999/1438 | Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1000076",
"prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
"name": "LOE BAR WRECK",
"dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1999-05-23",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-02-22",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.290231 50.061208, -5.289801 50.061261, -5.289383 50.061349, -5.288987 50.061469, -5.288617 50.06162, -5.288443 50.061706, -5.288279 50.0618, -5.287979 50.062005, -5.287844 50.062117, -5.287721 50.062234, -5.287609 50.062356, -5.28751 50.062481, -5.287422 50.062611, -5.287348 50.062744, -5.287287 50.062879, -5.287239 50.063017, -5.287205 50.063156, -5.287184 50.063297, -5.287177 50.063438, -5.287184 50.063579, -5.287205 50.06372, -5.287239 50.063859, -5.287287 50.063997, -5.287348 50.064133, -5.287422 50.064266, -5.287509 50.064395, -5.287609 50.064521, -5.287721 50.064643, -5.287844 50.064759, -5.287978 50.064871, -5.288278 50.065077, -5.288616 50.065257, -5.288987 50.065408, -5.289383 50.065528, -5.2898 50.065615, -5.290231 50.065668, -5.290669 50.065686, -5.291106 50.065668, -5.291537 50.065615, -5.291954 50.065528, -5.292351 50.065408, -5.292721 50.065257, -5.293059 50.065077, -5.293214 50.064977, -5.293359 50.064871, -5.293494 50.064759, -5.293617 50.064643, -5.293729 50.064521, -5.293828 50.064395, -5.293915 50.064266, -5.29399 50.064133, -5.294051 50.063997, -5.294098 50.063859, -5.294133 50.06372, -5.294154 50.063579, -5.29416 50.063438, -5.294154 50.063297, -5.294133 50.063157, -5.294098 50.063017, -5.294051 50.062879, -5.293989 50.062744, -5.293915 50.062611, -5.293828 50.062481, -5.293728 50.062356, -5.293617 50.062234, -5.293494 50.062117, -5.293359 50.062005, -5.293059 50.0618, -5.292894 50.061706, -5.29254 50.061541, -5.292155 50.061405, -5.291748 50.061301, -5.291537 50.061261, -5.291106 50.061208, -5.290669 50.061191, -5.290231 50.061208)))",
"point": "POINT (-5.290669 50.063438)",
"entity": 12800032,
"legislation": "1999/1438",
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.