Protected wreck site


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000072 Facts
Prefix protected-wreck-site Facts
Name Hanover Facts
Dataset Protected wreck site no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1997-07-18 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2022-06-06 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.182257 50.33525, -5.182268 50.335343, -5.182304 50.335482, -5.182363 50.335619, -5.182444 50.33575, -5.182527 50.335855, -5.182645 50.335974, -5.182758 50.336067, -5.18291 50.336169, -5.183078 50.336261, -5.183259 50.336341, -5.18342 50.336398, -5.183588 50.336446, -5.183797 50.336491, -5.18394 50.336513, -5.184158 50.336534, -5.184415 50.33654, -5.184634 50.336529, -5.184851 50.336503, -5.185028 50.336471, -5.1852 50.336429, -5.185397 50.336366, -5.185583 50.33629, -5.185728 50.336218, -5.185888 50.336121, -5.186009 50.336032, -5.186117 50.335937, -5.186194 50.335857, -5.186307 50.335709, -5.18637 50.335598, -5.186425 50.335462, -5.186458 50.335322, -5.186468 50.335181, -5.186458 50.335064, -5.186426 50.334924, -5.186371 50.334787, -5.186294 50.334655, -5.186177 50.334508, -5.186098 50.334429, -5.185988 50.334335, -5.185839 50.334231, -5.185674 50.334137, -5.185494 50.334055, -5.185335 50.333996, -5.1851 50.333929, -5.184926 50.333893, -5.184711 50.333862, -5.184492 50.333846, -5.184308 50.333844, -5.184125 50.333852, -5.183907 50.333875, -5.183695 50.333913, -5.183456 50.333974, -5.183262 50.334042, -5.18311 50.334107, -5.182967 50.334181, -5.18281 50.33428, -5.182691 50.33437, -5.182566 50.334486, -5.182461 50.33461, -5.182376 50.334741, -5.182322 50.334853, -5.182278 50.334991, -5.182257 50.335132, -5.182257 50.33525))) Facts
Point POINT (-5.184361 50.335192) Facts
Legislation 2022/535 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000072",
    "prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
    "name": "Hanover",
    "dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1997-07-18",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2022-06-06",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.182257 50.33525, -5.182268 50.335343, -5.182304 50.335482, -5.182363 50.335619, -5.182444 50.33575, -5.182527 50.335855, -5.182645 50.335974, -5.182758 50.336067, -5.18291 50.336169, -5.183078 50.336261, -5.183259 50.336341, -5.18342 50.336398, -5.183588 50.336446, -5.183797 50.336491, -5.18394 50.336513, -5.184158 50.336534, -5.184415 50.33654, -5.184634 50.336529, -5.184851 50.336503, -5.185028 50.336471, -5.1852 50.336429, -5.185397 50.336366, -5.185583 50.33629, -5.185728 50.336218, -5.185888 50.336121, -5.186009 50.336032, -5.186117 50.335937, -5.186194 50.335857, -5.186307 50.335709, -5.18637 50.335598, -5.186425 50.335462, -5.186458 50.335322, -5.186468 50.335181, -5.186458 50.335064, -5.186426 50.334924, -5.186371 50.334787, -5.186294 50.334655, -5.186177 50.334508, -5.186098 50.334429, -5.185988 50.334335, -5.185839 50.334231, -5.185674 50.334137, -5.185494 50.334055, -5.185335 50.333996, -5.1851 50.333929, -5.184926 50.333893, -5.184711 50.333862, -5.184492 50.333846, -5.184308 50.333844, -5.184125 50.333852, -5.183907 50.333875, -5.183695 50.333913, -5.183456 50.333974, -5.183262 50.334042, -5.18311 50.334107, -5.182967 50.334181, -5.18281 50.33428, -5.182691 50.33437, -5.182566 50.334486, -5.182461 50.33461, -5.182376 50.334741, -5.182322 50.334853, -5.182278 50.334991, -5.182257 50.335132, -5.182257 50.33525)))",
    "point": "POINT (-5.184361 50.335192)",
    "entity": 12800028,
    "legislation": "2022/535",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area