Protected wreck site


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000066 Facts
Prefix protected-wreck-site Facts
Dataset Protected wreck site no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1980-09-23 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 1983-02-09 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-6.331287 49.904723, -6.331029 49.904755, -6.33078 49.904807, -6.330543 49.904879, -6.330321 49.90497, -6.330119 49.905078, -6.32994 49.905201, -6.329786 49.905338, -6.329659 49.905487, -6.329563 49.905644, -6.329498 49.905808, -6.329465 49.905976, -6.329465 49.906146, -6.329498 49.906314, -6.329563 49.906478, -6.329659 49.906635, -6.329786 49.906783, -6.32994 49.90692, -6.330119 49.907044, -6.330321 49.907152, -6.330543 49.907243, -6.33078 49.907315, -6.331029 49.907367, -6.331287 49.907399, -6.331549 49.907409, -6.33181 49.907399, -6.332068 49.907367, -6.332317 49.907315, -6.332555 49.907243, -6.332776 49.907152, -6.332978 49.907044, -6.333158 49.90692, -6.333312 49.906784, -6.333438 49.906635, -6.333535 49.906478, -6.3336 49.906314, -6.333621 49.90623, -6.333637 49.906061, -6.333621 49.905892, -6.3336 49.905808, -6.333535 49.905644, -6.333438 49.905487, -6.333312 49.905338, -6.333158 49.905201, -6.332978 49.905078, -6.33288 49.905022, -6.332668 49.904922, -6.332438 49.904841, -6.332194 49.904778, -6.33194 49.904736, -6.33168 49.904715, -6.331549 49.904712, -6.331287 49.904723))) Facts
Point POINT (-6.331549 49.906061) Facts
Legislation 1980/1419 1980/1456 1983/128 2006/1178 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000066",
    "prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
    "dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1980-09-23",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "1983-02-09",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-6.331287 49.904723, -6.331029 49.904755, -6.33078 49.904807, -6.330543 49.904879, -6.330321 49.90497, -6.330119 49.905078, -6.32994 49.905201, -6.329786 49.905338, -6.329659 49.905487, -6.329563 49.905644, -6.329498 49.905808, -6.329465 49.905976, -6.329465 49.906146, -6.329498 49.906314, -6.329563 49.906478, -6.329659 49.906635, -6.329786 49.906783, -6.32994 49.90692, -6.330119 49.907044, -6.330321 49.907152, -6.330543 49.907243, -6.33078 49.907315, -6.331029 49.907367, -6.331287 49.907399, -6.331549 49.907409, -6.33181 49.907399, -6.332068 49.907367, -6.332317 49.907315, -6.332555 49.907243, -6.332776 49.907152, -6.332978 49.907044, -6.333158 49.90692, -6.333312 49.906784, -6.333438 49.906635, -6.333535 49.906478, -6.3336 49.906314, -6.333621 49.90623, -6.333637 49.906061, -6.333621 49.905892, -6.3336 49.905808, -6.333535 49.905644, -6.333438 49.905487, -6.333312 49.905338, -6.333158 49.905201, -6.332978 49.905078, -6.33288 49.905022, -6.332668 49.904922, -6.332438 49.904841, -6.332194 49.904778, -6.33194 49.904736, -6.33168 49.904715, -6.331549 49.904712, -6.331287 49.904723)))",
    "point": "POINT (-6.331549 49.906061)",
    "entity": 12800022,
    "legislation": "1980/1419 1980/1456 1983/128 2006/1178",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area