Protected wreck site

Langdon Bay

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000059 Facts
Prefix protected-wreck-site Facts
Name Langdon Bay Facts
Dataset Protected wreck site no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1978-05-25 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2017-03-31 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((1.344941 51.125904, 1.34521 51.125915, 1.345343 51.125928, 1.345603 51.12597, 1.345853 51.126033, 1.346089 51.126114, 1.346307 51.126214, 1.346503 51.126329, 1.346675 51.12646, 1.346819 51.126603, 1.34688 51.126678, 1.346979 51.126836, 1.347046 51.127, 1.347067 51.127083, 1.347084 51.127252, 1.347067 51.127421, 1.347046 51.127505, 1.346979 51.127669, 1.34688 51.127827, 1.34675 51.127975, 1.346592 51.128112, 1.346408 51.128235, 1.346201 51.128343, 1.345973 51.128434, 1.34573 51.128506, 1.345474 51.128558, 1.34521 51.12859, 1.344941 51.128601, 1.344673 51.12859, 1.344408 51.128558, 1.344152 51.128506, 1.343909 51.128434, 1.343682 51.128343, 1.343474 51.128235, 1.34329 51.128112, 1.343132 51.127975, 1.343002 51.127827, 1.342903 51.127669, 1.342836 51.127505, 1.342803 51.127337, 1.342803 51.127168, 1.342836 51.127, 1.342903 51.126836, 1.343002 51.126678, 1.343132 51.12653, 1.34329 51.126393, 1.343474 51.12627, 1.343682 51.126162, 1.343909 51.126071, 1.344152 51.125999, 1.344408 51.125947, 1.344673 51.125915, 1.344941 51.125904))) Facts
Point POINT (1.344941 51.127252) Facts
Legislation 1978/764 1979/56 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000059",
    "prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
    "name": "Langdon Bay",
    "dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1978-05-25",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2017-03-31",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.344941 51.125904, 1.34521 51.125915, 1.345343 51.125928, 1.345603 51.12597, 1.345853 51.126033, 1.346089 51.126114, 1.346307 51.126214, 1.346503 51.126329, 1.346675 51.12646, 1.346819 51.126603, 1.34688 51.126678, 1.346979 51.126836, 1.347046 51.127, 1.347067 51.127083, 1.347084 51.127252, 1.347067 51.127421, 1.347046 51.127505, 1.346979 51.127669, 1.34688 51.127827, 1.34675 51.127975, 1.346592 51.128112, 1.346408 51.128235, 1.346201 51.128343, 1.345973 51.128434, 1.34573 51.128506, 1.345474 51.128558, 1.34521 51.12859, 1.344941 51.128601, 1.344673 51.12859, 1.344408 51.128558, 1.344152 51.128506, 1.343909 51.128434, 1.343682 51.128343, 1.343474 51.128235, 1.34329 51.128112, 1.343132 51.127975, 1.343002 51.127827, 1.342903 51.127669, 1.342836 51.127505, 1.342803 51.127337, 1.342803 51.127168, 1.342836 51.127, 1.342903 51.126836, 1.343002 51.126678, 1.343132 51.12653, 1.34329 51.126393, 1.343474 51.12627, 1.343682 51.126162, 1.343909 51.126071, 1.344152 51.125999, 1.344408 51.125947, 1.344673 51.125915, 1.344941 51.125904)))",
    "point": "POINT (1.344941 51.127252)",
    "entity": 12800015,
    "legislation": "1978/764 1979/56",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area