Protected wreck site
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000058 | Facts |
Prefix | protected-wreck-site | Facts |
Dataset | Protected wreck site | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1981-06-08 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2004-10-05 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((1.500296 51.255313, 1.500566 51.255318, 1.500835 51.255334, 1.501101 51.25536, 1.501365 51.255397, 1.501878 51.255502, 1.502126 51.255569, 1.502366 51.255646, 1.502598 51.255732, 1.502822 51.255827, 1.503035 51.255931, 1.503238 51.256043, 1.503429 51.256163, 1.503607 51.25629, 1.503773 51.256424, 1.503924 51.256564, 1.504062 51.25671, 1.504184 51.256861, 1.504292 51.257016, 1.504383 51.257176, 1.504458 51.257338, 1.504517 51.257504, 1.50456 51.257671, 1.504585 51.25784, 1.504593 51.258009, 1.504585 51.258178, 1.50456 51.258347, 1.504517 51.258514, 1.504458 51.25868, 1.504383 51.258842, 1.504292 51.259002, 1.504184 51.259157, 1.504062 51.259308, 1.503924 51.259454, 1.503773 51.259594, 1.503607 51.259728, 1.503429 51.259855, 1.503238 51.259975, 1.503035 51.260087, 1.502822 51.260191, 1.502599 51.260286, 1.502366 51.260372, 1.502126 51.260449, 1.501878 51.260516, 1.501365 51.260621, 1.501101 51.260658, 1.500835 51.260684, 1.500566 51.2607, 1.500296 51.260706, 1.500026 51.2607, 1.499757 51.260684, 1.499491 51.260658, 1.499227 51.260621, 1.498714 51.260516, 1.498466 51.260449, 1.498225 51.260372, 1.497993 51.260286, 1.49777 51.260191, 1.497556 51.260087, 1.497354 51.259975, 1.497163 51.259855, 1.496984 51.259728, 1.496819 51.259594, 1.496667 51.259454, 1.49653 51.259308, 1.496407 51.259157, 1.4963 51.259002, 1.496209 51.258842, 1.496133 51.258679, 1.496074 51.258514, 1.496032 51.258347, 1.496007 51.258178, 1.495998 51.258009, 1.496007 51.25784, 1.496032 51.257671, 1.496074 51.257504, 1.496134 51.257338, 1.496209 51.257176, 1.4963 51.257016, 1.496407 51.256861, 1.49653 51.25671, 1.496668 51.256564, 1.496819 51.256424, 1.496985 51.25629, 1.497163 51.256163, 1.497354 51.256043, 1.497557 51.255931, 1.49777 51.255827, 1.497993 51.255732, 1.498226 51.255646, 1.498466 51.255569, 1.498714 51.255502, 1.499227 51.255397, 1.499491 51.25536, 1.499757 51.255334, 1.500026 51.255318, 1.500296 51.255313)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (1.500296 51.258009)
Facts |
Legislation | 1981/827 1989/2089 2004/2395 | Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1000058",
"prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
"dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1981-06-08",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2004-10-05",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.500296 51.255313, 1.500566 51.255318, 1.500835 51.255334, 1.501101 51.25536, 1.501365 51.255397, 1.501878 51.255502, 1.502126 51.255569, 1.502366 51.255646, 1.502598 51.255732, 1.502822 51.255827, 1.503035 51.255931, 1.503238 51.256043, 1.503429 51.256163, 1.503607 51.25629, 1.503773 51.256424, 1.503924 51.256564, 1.504062 51.25671, 1.504184 51.256861, 1.504292 51.257016, 1.504383 51.257176, 1.504458 51.257338, 1.504517 51.257504, 1.50456 51.257671, 1.504585 51.25784, 1.504593 51.258009, 1.504585 51.258178, 1.50456 51.258347, 1.504517 51.258514, 1.504458 51.25868, 1.504383 51.258842, 1.504292 51.259002, 1.504184 51.259157, 1.504062 51.259308, 1.503924 51.259454, 1.503773 51.259594, 1.503607 51.259728, 1.503429 51.259855, 1.503238 51.259975, 1.503035 51.260087, 1.502822 51.260191, 1.502599 51.260286, 1.502366 51.260372, 1.502126 51.260449, 1.501878 51.260516, 1.501365 51.260621, 1.501101 51.260658, 1.500835 51.260684, 1.500566 51.2607, 1.500296 51.260706, 1.500026 51.2607, 1.499757 51.260684, 1.499491 51.260658, 1.499227 51.260621, 1.498714 51.260516, 1.498466 51.260449, 1.498225 51.260372, 1.497993 51.260286, 1.49777 51.260191, 1.497556 51.260087, 1.497354 51.259975, 1.497163 51.259855, 1.496984 51.259728, 1.496819 51.259594, 1.496667 51.259454, 1.49653 51.259308, 1.496407 51.259157, 1.4963 51.259002, 1.496209 51.258842, 1.496133 51.258679, 1.496074 51.258514, 1.496032 51.258347, 1.496007 51.258178, 1.495998 51.258009, 1.496007 51.25784, 1.496032 51.257671, 1.496074 51.257504, 1.496134 51.257338, 1.496209 51.257176, 1.4963 51.257016, 1.496407 51.256861, 1.49653 51.25671, 1.496668 51.256564, 1.496819 51.256424, 1.496985 51.25629, 1.497163 51.256163, 1.497354 51.256043, 1.497557 51.255931, 1.49777 51.255827, 1.497993 51.255732, 1.498226 51.255646, 1.498466 51.255569, 1.498714 51.255502, 1.499227 51.255397, 1.499491 51.25536, 1.499757 51.255334, 1.500026 51.255318, 1.500296 51.255313)))",
"point": "POINT (1.500296 51.258009)",
"entity": 12800014,
"legislation": "1981/827 1989/2089 2004/2395",
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.