Protected wreck site


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000057 Facts
Prefix protected-wreck-site Facts
Dataset Protected wreck site no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1981-06-08 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2004-10-05 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((1.500464 51.257816, 1.500734 51.257821, 1.501003 51.257837, 1.50127 51.257863, 1.501533 51.2579, 1.502046 51.258005, 1.502294 51.258072, 1.502535 51.258149, 1.502767 51.258235, 1.50299 51.25833, 1.503204 51.258434, 1.503406 51.258546, 1.503597 51.258666, 1.503776 51.258793, 1.503941 51.258927, 1.504093 51.259067, 1.50423 51.259213, 1.504353 51.259364, 1.50446 51.259519, 1.504552 51.259679, 1.504627 51.259841, 1.504686 51.260007, 1.504728 51.260174, 1.504753 51.260343, 1.504762 51.260512, 1.504753 51.260681, 1.504728 51.26085, 1.504686 51.261017, 1.504627 51.261183, 1.504552 51.261345, 1.50446 51.261505, 1.504353 51.26166, 1.50423 51.261811, 1.504093 51.261957, 1.503941 51.262097, 1.503776 51.262231, 1.503597 51.262358, 1.503406 51.262478, 1.503204 51.26259, 1.50299 51.262693, 1.502767 51.262789, 1.502535 51.262875, 1.502294 51.262952, 1.502046 51.263019, 1.501533 51.263124, 1.50127 51.263161, 1.501003 51.263187, 1.500734 51.263203, 1.500464 51.263209, 1.500194 51.263203, 1.499926 51.263187, 1.499659 51.263161, 1.499395 51.263124, 1.498882 51.263019, 1.498634 51.262952, 1.498393 51.262875, 1.498161 51.262789, 1.497938 51.262693, 1.497724 51.26259, 1.497522 51.262478, 1.497331 51.262358, 1.497153 51.262231, 1.496987 51.262097, 1.496835 51.261957, 1.496698 51.261811, 1.496575 51.26166, 1.496468 51.261505, 1.496377 51.261345, 1.496301 51.261182, 1.496243 51.261017, 1.4962 51.26085, 1.496175 51.260681, 1.496166 51.260512, 1.496175 51.260343, 1.4962 51.260174, 1.496243 51.260007, 1.496302 51.259841, 1.496377 51.259679, 1.496468 51.259519, 1.496576 51.259364, 1.496698 51.259213, 1.496835 51.259067, 1.496987 51.258927, 1.497153 51.258793, 1.497331 51.258666, 1.497522 51.258546, 1.497725 51.258434, 1.497938 51.25833, 1.498161 51.258235, 1.498394 51.258149, 1.498635 51.258072, 1.498882 51.258005, 1.499136 51.257948, 1.499396 51.2579, 1.499659 51.257863, 1.499926 51.257837, 1.500194 51.257821, 1.500464 51.257816))) Facts
Point POINT (1.500464 51.260512) Facts
Legislation 1981/827 1989/2089 2004/2395 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000057",
    "prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
    "name": "RESTORATION",
    "dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1981-06-08",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2004-10-05",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.500464 51.257816, 1.500734 51.257821, 1.501003 51.257837, 1.50127 51.257863, 1.501533 51.2579, 1.502046 51.258005, 1.502294 51.258072, 1.502535 51.258149, 1.502767 51.258235, 1.50299 51.25833, 1.503204 51.258434, 1.503406 51.258546, 1.503597 51.258666, 1.503776 51.258793, 1.503941 51.258927, 1.504093 51.259067, 1.50423 51.259213, 1.504353 51.259364, 1.50446 51.259519, 1.504552 51.259679, 1.504627 51.259841, 1.504686 51.260007, 1.504728 51.260174, 1.504753 51.260343, 1.504762 51.260512, 1.504753 51.260681, 1.504728 51.26085, 1.504686 51.261017, 1.504627 51.261183, 1.504552 51.261345, 1.50446 51.261505, 1.504353 51.26166, 1.50423 51.261811, 1.504093 51.261957, 1.503941 51.262097, 1.503776 51.262231, 1.503597 51.262358, 1.503406 51.262478, 1.503204 51.26259, 1.50299 51.262693, 1.502767 51.262789, 1.502535 51.262875, 1.502294 51.262952, 1.502046 51.263019, 1.501533 51.263124, 1.50127 51.263161, 1.501003 51.263187, 1.500734 51.263203, 1.500464 51.263209, 1.500194 51.263203, 1.499926 51.263187, 1.499659 51.263161, 1.499395 51.263124, 1.498882 51.263019, 1.498634 51.262952, 1.498393 51.262875, 1.498161 51.262789, 1.497938 51.262693, 1.497724 51.26259, 1.497522 51.262478, 1.497331 51.262358, 1.497153 51.262231, 1.496987 51.262097, 1.496835 51.261957, 1.496698 51.261811, 1.496575 51.26166, 1.496468 51.261505, 1.496377 51.261345, 1.496301 51.261182, 1.496243 51.261017, 1.4962 51.26085, 1.496175 51.260681, 1.496166 51.260512, 1.496175 51.260343, 1.4962 51.260174, 1.496243 51.260007, 1.496302 51.259841, 1.496377 51.259679, 1.496468 51.259519, 1.496576 51.259364, 1.496698 51.259213, 1.496835 51.259067, 1.496987 51.258927, 1.497153 51.258793, 1.497331 51.258666, 1.497522 51.258546, 1.497725 51.258434, 1.497938 51.25833, 1.498161 51.258235, 1.498394 51.258149, 1.498635 51.258072, 1.498882 51.258005, 1.499136 51.257948, 1.499396 51.2579, 1.499659 51.257863, 1.499926 51.257837, 1.500194 51.257821, 1.500464 51.257816)))",
    "point": "POINT (1.500464 51.260512)",
    "entity": 12800013,
    "legislation": "1981/827 1989/2089 2004/2395",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area