Protected wreck site


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000056 Facts
Prefix protected-wreck-site Facts
Dataset Protected wreck site no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1980-05-07 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2004-10-05 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((1.506966 51.271579, 1.507505 51.271606, 1.508034 51.271675, 1.508292 51.271725, 1.508544 51.271785, 1.508791 51.271855, 1.509029 51.271935, 1.50926 51.272023, 1.509481 51.272121, 1.509691 51.272227, 1.509891 51.272341, 1.510079 51.272463, 1.510254 51.272592, 1.510416 51.272727, 1.510564 51.272869, 1.510698 51.273016, 1.510817 51.273169, 1.51092 51.273325, 1.511007 51.273486, 1.511078 51.273649, 1.511133 51.273815, 1.511171 51.273983, 1.511192 51.274152, 1.511196 51.274321, 1.511183 51.274491, 1.511153 51.274659, 1.511107 51.274826, 1.511043 51.274991, 1.510964 51.275153, 1.510868 51.275311, 1.510757 51.275466, 1.51063 51.275615, 1.510489 51.27576, 1.510333 51.275898, 1.510164 51.27603, 1.509982 51.276156, 1.509788 51.276274, 1.509582 51.276384, 1.509366 51.276485, 1.50914 51.276578, 1.508905 51.276662, 1.508663 51.276737, 1.508413 51.276801, 1.508157 51.276856, 1.507896 51.276901, 1.507632 51.276935, 1.507364 51.276959, 1.507095 51.276972, 1.506825 51.276974, 1.506555 51.276966, 1.506286 51.276947, 1.50602 51.276918, 1.505757 51.276879, 1.505499 51.276829, 1.505246 51.276769, 1.505 51.276699, 1.504762 51.276619, 1.504531 51.276531, 1.50431 51.276433, 1.5041 51.276327, 1.5039 51.276213, 1.503712 51.276091, 1.503537 51.275962, 1.503375 51.275826, 1.503226 51.275685, 1.503093 51.275537, 1.502974 51.275385, 1.502871 51.275228, 1.502784 51.275068, 1.502712 51.274905, 1.502658 51.274739, 1.50262 51.274571, 1.502599 51.274402, 1.502595 51.274232, 1.502608 51.274063, 1.502638 51.273895, 1.502684 51.273728, 1.502748 51.273563, 1.502827 51.273401, 1.502923 51.273243, 1.503035 51.273088, 1.503161 51.272938, 1.503302 51.272794, 1.503458 51.272655, 1.503627 51.272523, 1.503809 51.272398, 1.504003 51.27228, 1.504209 51.27217, 1.504425 51.272069, 1.504651 51.271976, 1.504886 51.271892, 1.505129 51.271817, 1.505378 51.271753, 1.505634 51.271698, 1.505895 51.271653, 1.506159 51.271619, 1.506427 51.271595, 1.506696 51.271582, 1.506966 51.271579))) Facts
Point POINT (1.506895 51.274277) Facts
Legislation 1980/645 1980/1306 2004/2395 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000056",
    "prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
    "name": "STIRLING CASTLE",
    "dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1980-05-07",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2004-10-05",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.506966 51.271579, 1.507505 51.271606, 1.508034 51.271675, 1.508292 51.271725, 1.508544 51.271785, 1.508791 51.271855, 1.509029 51.271935, 1.50926 51.272023, 1.509481 51.272121, 1.509691 51.272227, 1.509891 51.272341, 1.510079 51.272463, 1.510254 51.272592, 1.510416 51.272727, 1.510564 51.272869, 1.510698 51.273016, 1.510817 51.273169, 1.51092 51.273325, 1.511007 51.273486, 1.511078 51.273649, 1.511133 51.273815, 1.511171 51.273983, 1.511192 51.274152, 1.511196 51.274321, 1.511183 51.274491, 1.511153 51.274659, 1.511107 51.274826, 1.511043 51.274991, 1.510964 51.275153, 1.510868 51.275311, 1.510757 51.275466, 1.51063 51.275615, 1.510489 51.27576, 1.510333 51.275898, 1.510164 51.27603, 1.509982 51.276156, 1.509788 51.276274, 1.509582 51.276384, 1.509366 51.276485, 1.50914 51.276578, 1.508905 51.276662, 1.508663 51.276737, 1.508413 51.276801, 1.508157 51.276856, 1.507896 51.276901, 1.507632 51.276935, 1.507364 51.276959, 1.507095 51.276972, 1.506825 51.276974, 1.506555 51.276966, 1.506286 51.276947, 1.50602 51.276918, 1.505757 51.276879, 1.505499 51.276829, 1.505246 51.276769, 1.505 51.276699, 1.504762 51.276619, 1.504531 51.276531, 1.50431 51.276433, 1.5041 51.276327, 1.5039 51.276213, 1.503712 51.276091, 1.503537 51.275962, 1.503375 51.275826, 1.503226 51.275685, 1.503093 51.275537, 1.502974 51.275385, 1.502871 51.275228, 1.502784 51.275068, 1.502712 51.274905, 1.502658 51.274739, 1.50262 51.274571, 1.502599 51.274402, 1.502595 51.274232, 1.502608 51.274063, 1.502638 51.273895, 1.502684 51.273728, 1.502748 51.273563, 1.502827 51.273401, 1.502923 51.273243, 1.503035 51.273088, 1.503161 51.272938, 1.503302 51.272794, 1.503458 51.272655, 1.503627 51.272523, 1.503809 51.272398, 1.504003 51.27228, 1.504209 51.27217, 1.504425 51.272069, 1.504651 51.271976, 1.504886 51.271892, 1.505129 51.271817, 1.505378 51.271753, 1.505634 51.271698, 1.505895 51.271653, 1.506159 51.271619, 1.506427 51.271595, 1.506696 51.271582, 1.506966 51.271579)))",
    "point": "POINT (1.506895 51.274277)",
    "entity": 12800012,
    "legislation": "1980/645 1980/1306 2004/2395",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area