Park and garden


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000142 Facts
Prefix park-and-garden Facts
Name KENWOOD Facts
Dataset Park and garden no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1987-10-01 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-12 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.166956 51.572959, -0.167387 51.57296, -0.168015 51.572922, -0.16914 51.572828, -0.16968 51.572774, -0.170344 51.572663, -0.170677 51.572595, -0.170979 51.572514, -0.171133 51.572461, -0.171391 51.57234, -0.171734 51.572168, -0.171813 51.572089, -0.171839 51.572021, -0.171988 51.571957, -0.17215 51.571947, -0.17225 51.571915, -0.172937 51.571511, -0.173052 51.571433, -0.173446 51.57101, -0.173547 51.570861, -0.173637 51.570658, -0.173694 51.570467, -0.173719 51.570016, -0.173762 51.569804, -0.173783 51.569766, -0.173808 51.569747, -0.173832 51.569702, -0.17412 51.569472, -0.173881 51.569331, -0.173695 51.569242, -0.173547 51.569186, -0.173503 51.569151, -0.173488 51.569116, -0.173514 51.569048, -0.173746 51.568843, -0.17389 51.568693, -0.173981 51.568565, -0.174108 51.568331, -0.174188 51.568278, -0.174265 51.568251, -0.174247 51.568121, -0.174236 51.568088, -0.174161 51.568002, -0.174136 51.567991, -0.173883 51.567805, -0.17308 51.567704, -0.17327 51.567527, -0.174243 51.566744, -0.173946 51.566612, -0.173884 51.566133, -0.169977 51.566016, -0.169957 51.565913, -0.169932 51.565847, -0.169805 51.5656, -0.16978 51.565582, -0.169722 51.565562, -0.169597 51.565557, -0.169512 51.565574, -0.169401 51.565615, -0.169321 51.565656, -0.169257 51.565705, -0.168954 51.56631, -0.167381 51.566382, -0.166941 51.566395, -0.166272 51.566608, -0.166301 51.566642, -0.166213 51.566692, -0.166183 51.566692, -0.166144 51.566708, -0.166149 51.566734, -0.165989 51.566757, -0.165959 51.566733, -0.165942 51.566741, -0.165861 51.566804, -0.165665 51.566997, -0.165495 51.567138, -0.165156 51.567268, -0.16495 51.567299, -0.162988 51.567658, -0.162929 51.567691, -0.162926 51.567712, -0.162941 51.567741, -0.163289 51.568085, -0.163579 51.568425, -0.163809 51.568612, -0.163957 51.568754, -0.163261 51.568963, -0.163211 51.568994, -0.163177 51.569041, -0.163177 51.569066, -0.163199 51.569096, -0.163225 51.56912, -0.163254 51.569126, -0.163389 51.569092, -0.163493 51.569095, -0.164137 51.569216, -0.164174 51.569352, -0.164237 51.569487, -0.164289 51.56956, -0.164382 51.569647, -0.164441 51.569722, -0.164456 51.56984, -0.16447 51.56989, -0.164488 51.569912, -0.164532 51.569936, -0.164893 51.570056, -0.165105 51.570171, -0.165032 51.570194, -0.165016 51.570225, -0.16469 51.570473, -0.164625 51.570538, -0.164582 51.570617, -0.164559 51.570734, -0.164627 51.571987, -0.164597 51.572023, -0.164538 51.572038, -0.163671 51.572036, -0.162333 51.57198, -0.161615 51.571944, -0.161255 51.571916, -0.161238 51.571926, -0.16123 51.572006, -0.161194 51.572053, -0.161007 51.572184, -0.160753 51.572339, -0.16072 51.572413, -0.160687 51.572516, -0.160691 51.572556, -0.160707 51.572586, -0.160752 51.572622, -0.160878 51.57266, -0.160904 51.572675, -0.160937 51.572713, -0.160953 51.572749, -0.162209 51.572593, -0.163366 51.572504, -0.16373 51.572487, -0.164505 51.572502, -0.164507 51.572518, -0.164776 51.572555, -0.165003 51.572612, -0.165016 51.572592, -0.165083 51.572607, -0.16507 51.572627, -0.165184 51.572654, -0.1652 51.572641, -0.165261 51.572651, -0.165273 51.572669, -0.165632 51.572738, -0.165719 51.57275, -0.165831 51.572738, -0.165889 51.572718, -0.166115 51.572764, -0.166145 51.572801, -0.166214 51.572844, -0.166321 51.572879, -0.166501 51.572914, -0.166719 51.572945, -0.166956 51.572959))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.168747 51.569459) Facts
Documentation url Facts
Park and garden grade II* Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000142",
    "prefix": "park-and-garden",
    "name": "KENWOOD",
    "dataset": "park-and-garden",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1987-10-01",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-12",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.166956 51.572959, -0.167387 51.57296, -0.168015 51.572922, -0.16914 51.572828, -0.16968 51.572774, -0.170344 51.572663, -0.170677 51.572595, -0.170979 51.572514, -0.171133 51.572461, -0.171391 51.57234, -0.171734 51.572168, -0.171813 51.572089, -0.171839 51.572021, -0.171988 51.571957, -0.17215 51.571947, -0.17225 51.571915, -0.172937 51.571511, -0.173052 51.571433, -0.173446 51.57101, -0.173547 51.570861, -0.173637 51.570658, -0.173694 51.570467, -0.173719 51.570016, -0.173762 51.569804, -0.173783 51.569766, -0.173808 51.569747, -0.173832 51.569702, -0.17412 51.569472, -0.173881 51.569331, -0.173695 51.569242, -0.173547 51.569186, -0.173503 51.569151, -0.173488 51.569116, -0.173514 51.569048, -0.173746 51.568843, -0.17389 51.568693, -0.173981 51.568565, -0.174108 51.568331, -0.174188 51.568278, -0.174265 51.568251, -0.174247 51.568121, -0.174236 51.568088, -0.174161 51.568002, -0.174136 51.567991, -0.173883 51.567805, -0.17308 51.567704, -0.17327 51.567527, -0.174243 51.566744, -0.173946 51.566612, -0.173884 51.566133, -0.169977 51.566016, -0.169957 51.565913, -0.169932 51.565847, -0.169805 51.5656, -0.16978 51.565582, -0.169722 51.565562, -0.169597 51.565557, -0.169512 51.565574, -0.169401 51.565615, -0.169321 51.565656, -0.169257 51.565705, -0.168954 51.56631, -0.167381 51.566382, -0.166941 51.566395, -0.166272 51.566608, -0.166301 51.566642, -0.166213 51.566692, -0.166183 51.566692, -0.166144 51.566708, -0.166149 51.566734, -0.165989 51.566757, -0.165959 51.566733, -0.165942 51.566741, -0.165861 51.566804, -0.165665 51.566997, -0.165495 51.567138, -0.165156 51.567268, -0.16495 51.567299, -0.162988 51.567658, -0.162929 51.567691, -0.162926 51.567712, -0.162941 51.567741, -0.163289 51.568085, -0.163579 51.568425, -0.163809 51.568612, -0.163957 51.568754, -0.163261 51.568963, -0.163211 51.568994, -0.163177 51.569041, -0.163177 51.569066, -0.163199 51.569096, -0.163225 51.56912, -0.163254 51.569126, -0.163389 51.569092, -0.163493 51.569095, -0.164137 51.569216, -0.164174 51.569352, -0.164237 51.569487, -0.164289 51.56956, -0.164382 51.569647, -0.164441 51.569722, -0.164456 51.56984, -0.16447 51.56989, -0.164488 51.569912, -0.164532 51.569936, -0.164893 51.570056, -0.165105 51.570171, -0.165032 51.570194, -0.165016 51.570225, -0.16469 51.570473, -0.164625 51.570538, -0.164582 51.570617, -0.164559 51.570734, -0.164627 51.571987, -0.164597 51.572023, -0.164538 51.572038, -0.163671 51.572036, -0.162333 51.57198, -0.161615 51.571944, -0.161255 51.571916, -0.161238 51.571926, -0.16123 51.572006, -0.161194 51.572053, -0.161007 51.572184, -0.160753 51.572339, -0.16072 51.572413, -0.160687 51.572516, -0.160691 51.572556, -0.160707 51.572586, -0.160752 51.572622, -0.160878 51.57266, -0.160904 51.572675, -0.160937 51.572713, -0.160953 51.572749, -0.162209 51.572593, -0.163366 51.572504, -0.16373 51.572487, -0.164505 51.572502, -0.164507 51.572518, -0.164776 51.572555, -0.165003 51.572612, -0.165016 51.572592, -0.165083 51.572607, -0.16507 51.572627, -0.165184 51.572654, -0.1652 51.572641, -0.165261 51.572651, -0.165273 51.572669, -0.165632 51.572738, -0.165719 51.57275, -0.165831 51.572738, -0.165889 51.572718, -0.166115 51.572764, -0.166145 51.572801, -0.166214 51.572844, -0.166321 51.572879, -0.166501 51.572914, -0.166719 51.572945, -0.166956 51.572959)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.168747 51.569459)",
    "entity": 11100035,
    "documentation-url": "",
    "park-and-garden-grade": "II*"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area