Park and garden


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000139 Facts
Prefix park-and-garden Facts
Dataset Park and garden no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1988-01-14 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-12 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.270244 52.574881, -0.270713 52.574953, -0.270811 52.574962, -0.270951 52.574962, -0.27175 52.574912, -0.272126 52.574909, -0.272968 52.574927, -0.273249 52.574925, -0.273678 52.574841, -0.273839 52.574792, -0.274126 52.574633, -0.274359 52.574451, -0.2746 52.574304, -0.275103 52.574072, -0.275655 52.573777, -0.275973 52.573638, -0.277449 52.572843, -0.27769 52.572696, -0.277105 52.572463, -0.277112 52.572426, -0.275935 52.572341, -0.275951 52.572312, -0.276 52.572268, -0.277873 52.570606, -0.277842 52.570589, -0.277844 52.570541, -0.277873 52.570383, -0.278231 52.570161, -0.277971 52.569893, -0.276559 52.568969, -0.277065 52.568745, -0.277365 52.568716, -0.277533 52.568752, -0.277939 52.568945, -0.278691 52.568936, -0.278717 52.568921, -0.278728 52.568901, -0.278731 52.568837, -0.278758 52.568736, -0.27908 52.568461, -0.279085 52.568445, -0.27908 52.568424, -0.27927 52.5683, -0.279667 52.567961, -0.279022 52.56737, -0.279056 52.567356, -0.278947 52.567259, -0.278232 52.566695, -0.277926 52.566839, -0.277902 52.566859, -0.277631 52.566952, -0.277239 52.567112, -0.275924 52.56768, -0.275909 52.567692, -0.275909 52.567703, -0.275805 52.567758, -0.275845 52.567784, -0.27518 52.568108, -0.275 52.568203, -0.274897 52.568268, -0.274422 52.568669, -0.273882 52.569095, -0.273384 52.569524, -0.272943 52.569934, -0.27258 52.570305, -0.272201 52.570755, -0.272073 52.570896, -0.27201 52.570954, -0.271865 52.57108, -0.271697 52.571176, -0.271457 52.571432, -0.271101 52.571708, -0.270674 52.572018, -0.270594 52.572067, -0.270096 52.572315, -0.269663 52.572514, -0.269184 52.572688, -0.268838 52.572786, -0.26858 52.57284, -0.268505 52.572863, -0.268408 52.572911, -0.268267 52.573035, -0.268223 52.57309, -0.268084 52.573322, -0.268066 52.573444, -0.268341 52.573899, -0.268385 52.573995, -0.268967 52.574378, -0.269127 52.574477, -0.269248 52.57454, -0.269434 52.574623, -0.269859 52.574765, -0.270244 52.574881))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.274105 52.571505) Facts
Documentation url Facts
Park and garden grade II* Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000139",
    "prefix": "park-and-garden",
    "name": "THORPE HALL",
    "dataset": "park-and-garden",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1988-01-14",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-12",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.270244 52.574881, -0.270713 52.574953, -0.270811 52.574962, -0.270951 52.574962, -0.27175 52.574912, -0.272126 52.574909, -0.272968 52.574927, -0.273249 52.574925, -0.273678 52.574841, -0.273839 52.574792, -0.274126 52.574633, -0.274359 52.574451, -0.2746 52.574304, -0.275103 52.574072, -0.275655 52.573777, -0.275973 52.573638, -0.277449 52.572843, -0.27769 52.572696, -0.277105 52.572463, -0.277112 52.572426, -0.275935 52.572341, -0.275951 52.572312, -0.276 52.572268, -0.277873 52.570606, -0.277842 52.570589, -0.277844 52.570541, -0.277873 52.570383, -0.278231 52.570161, -0.277971 52.569893, -0.276559 52.568969, -0.277065 52.568745, -0.277365 52.568716, -0.277533 52.568752, -0.277939 52.568945, -0.278691 52.568936, -0.278717 52.568921, -0.278728 52.568901, -0.278731 52.568837, -0.278758 52.568736, -0.27908 52.568461, -0.279085 52.568445, -0.27908 52.568424, -0.27927 52.5683, -0.279667 52.567961, -0.279022 52.56737, -0.279056 52.567356, -0.278947 52.567259, -0.278232 52.566695, -0.277926 52.566839, -0.277902 52.566859, -0.277631 52.566952, -0.277239 52.567112, -0.275924 52.56768, -0.275909 52.567692, -0.275909 52.567703, -0.275805 52.567758, -0.275845 52.567784, -0.27518 52.568108, -0.275 52.568203, -0.274897 52.568268, -0.274422 52.568669, -0.273882 52.569095, -0.273384 52.569524, -0.272943 52.569934, -0.27258 52.570305, -0.272201 52.570755, -0.272073 52.570896, -0.27201 52.570954, -0.271865 52.57108, -0.271697 52.571176, -0.271457 52.571432, -0.271101 52.571708, -0.270674 52.572018, -0.270594 52.572067, -0.270096 52.572315, -0.269663 52.572514, -0.269184 52.572688, -0.268838 52.572786, -0.26858 52.57284, -0.268505 52.572863, -0.268408 52.572911, -0.268267 52.573035, -0.268223 52.57309, -0.268084 52.573322, -0.268066 52.573444, -0.268341 52.573899, -0.268385 52.573995, -0.268967 52.574378, -0.269127 52.574477, -0.269248 52.57454, -0.269434 52.574623, -0.269859 52.574765, -0.270244 52.574881)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.274105 52.571505)",
    "entity": 11100032,
    "documentation-url": "",
    "park-and-garden-grade": "II*"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area