Park and garden
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000125 | Facts |
Prefix | park-and-garden | Facts |
Name | PAINSHILL PARK | Facts |
Dataset | Park and garden | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1984-06-01 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-02-27 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.427661 51.333982, -0.427747 51.334001, -0.427743 51.334017, -0.427885 51.334041, -0.428488 51.333906, -0.43019 51.333313, -0.430925 51.333099, -0.432731 51.33255, -0.432977 51.332451, -0.435377 51.331566, -0.437374 51.330846, -0.438264 51.330517, -0.439943 51.329745, -0.440065 51.329704, -0.440872 51.329337, -0.44194 51.328742, -0.442417 51.328486, -0.442837 51.32819, -0.44325 51.327931, -0.44377 51.327565, -0.444129 51.327391, -0.444254 51.32734, -0.444631 51.326643, -0.444159 51.32625, -0.443602 51.325657, -0.443141 51.325203, -0.442283 51.324483, -0.442235 51.324458, -0.442176 51.32445, -0.441958 51.324528, -0.441637 51.324613, -0.441319 51.324712, -0.440804 51.324901, -0.440653 51.324964, -0.44053 51.325027, -0.440197 51.325051, -0.440121 51.325068, -0.440234 51.325127, -0.440274 51.325166, -0.440304 51.325221, -0.440307 51.325243, -0.440299 51.32527, -0.440244 51.325332, -0.44005 51.325515, -0.440026 51.325525, -0.439944 51.325597, -0.439815 51.32568, -0.439697 51.32577, -0.439644 51.325796, -0.439402 51.325999, -0.439267 51.326094, -0.439141 51.326156, -0.438789 51.326214, -0.438636 51.326227, -0.438472 51.32622, -0.438243 51.326183, -0.438196 51.326163, -0.438091 51.326146, -0.438035 51.326104, -0.437995 51.326086, -0.437796 51.326036, -0.437617 51.326007, -0.43744 51.325994, -0.437188 51.326014, -0.436984 51.326063, -0.436899 51.326101, -0.436743 51.32619, -0.436664 51.326283, -0.436665 51.32633, -0.436702 51.326379, -0.43694 51.326526, -0.437014 51.326589, -0.437017 51.326617, -0.437198 51.327064, -0.437252 51.327253, -0.437273 51.327376, -0.437286 51.327392, -0.437302 51.327397, -0.437339 51.327398, -0.437357 51.327391, -0.437394 51.327399, -0.437397 51.327421, -0.437315 51.327616, -0.437252 51.327698, -0.437222 51.327724, -0.437182 51.327754, -0.436951 51.327867, -0.436827 51.327912, -0.436428 51.32797, -0.436201 51.327995, -0.436136 51.32799, -0.436031 51.327995, -0.435783 51.327963, -0.435607 51.327954, -0.435486 51.327932, -0.4354 51.327934, -0.435279 51.327919, -0.435204 51.327918, -0.435066 51.327944, -0.434934 51.327992, -0.434706 51.328093, -0.434532 51.328191, -0.434466 51.328219, -0.434232 51.328247, -0.434058 51.328229, -0.433919 51.328173, -0.43389 51.328121, -0.433866 51.327762, -0.433922 51.32769, -0.433999 51.327642, -0.434463 51.327489, -0.434652 51.327417, -0.434733 51.32735, -0.434763 51.327306, -0.434767 51.327279, -0.434738 51.327242, -0.434694 51.327229, -0.434219 51.327276, -0.433626 51.327373, -0.433522 51.327383, -0.433405 51.327359, -0.433008 51.327229, -0.432899 51.327206, -0.432748 51.327196, -0.432366 51.327218, -0.432323 51.327232, -0.432304 51.327247, -0.432223 51.327358, -0.43217 51.327466, -0.432099 51.327532, -0.431993 51.327596, -0.431824 51.327634, -0.43165 51.32763, -0.431546 51.327636, -0.431455 51.327628, -0.431359 51.327593, -0.431304 51.32756, -0.4312 51.327487, -0.431017 51.327337, -0.431014 51.327311, -0.430946 51.327235, -0.430946 51.327198, -0.430926 51.327146, -0.430903 51.327121, -0.430889 51.327058, -0.430863 51.326993, -0.43086 51.326961, -0.430776 51.326762, -0.430666 51.326621, -0.430588 51.326549, -0.430517 51.326512, -0.430446 51.326498, -0.430314 51.32653, -0.430255 51.326559, -0.429862 51.326807, -0.429804 51.326826, -0.429435 51.32689, -0.429227 51.326898, -0.429102 51.326863, -0.429044 51.326833, -0.428959 51.326806, -0.428804 51.326779, -0.428516 51.326751, -0.428179 51.326744, -0.427742 51.326765, -0.427612 51.326782, -0.427389 51.326852, -0.427278 51.326854, -0.427145 51.326886, -0.426256 51.326957, -0.425518 51.327121, -0.424896 51.327301, -0.424315 51.327373, -0.423974 51.327399, -0.423645 51.327381, -0.423541 51.327353, -0.423322 51.327329, -0.42326 51.327336, -0.422995 51.327335, -0.422733 51.327359, -0.422468 51.327449, -0.422278 51.327486, -0.422154 51.327553, -0.422098 51.327602, -0.422061 51.327662, -0.422046 51.327742, -0.422074 51.327881, -0.422064 51.328039, -0.422069 51.32811, -0.422091 51.328165, -0.422123 51.328215, -0.422217 51.328302, -0.422384 51.328381, -0.422418 51.328407, -0.422458 51.328467, -0.422464 51.328508, -0.422461 51.328598, -0.422445 51.32871, -0.422422 51.328759, -0.422386 51.328809, -0.422304 51.328899, -0.422256 51.328941, -0.42214 51.328984, -0.422045 51.329045, -0.421909 51.32908, -0.421765 51.329152, -0.421584 51.329199, -0.421446 51.329216, -0.421389 51.329231, -0.421048 51.329351, -0.420945 51.329377, -0.420917 51.329398, -0.420871 51.329412, -0.42081 51.329411, -0.420685 51.329425, -0.420534 51.329408, -0.420335 51.32951, -0.4203 51.329625, -0.420319 51.329779, -0.420335 51.329874, -0.420449 51.3303, -0.420447 51.330335, -0.420519 51.330493, -0.420585 51.330572, -0.420666 51.330705, -0.420792 51.33081, -0.421204 51.331125, -0.421349 51.331216, -0.421437 51.331244, -0.421513 51.331252, -0.421812 51.331253, -0.422045 51.331311, -0.422225 51.33141, -0.422713 51.331578, -0.422822 51.331624, -0.423356 51.331817, -0.42343 51.331856, -0.42385 51.332132, -0.423985 51.332254, -0.424058 51.332355, -0.424129 51.332473, -0.424194 51.332602, -0.424278 51.332798, -0.424319 51.332994, -0.424314 51.333141, -0.424287 51.333221, -0.42427 51.333249, -0.42418 51.333307, -0.424367 51.333314, -0.424464 51.333283, -0.424684 51.333284, -0.424714 51.333316, -0.425299 51.333409, -0.425594 51.333469, -0.426137 51.333594, -0.427073 51.33388, -0.427577 51.334019, -0.427615 51.333971, -0.427661 51.333982)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.431704 51.329426)
Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Park and garden grade | i | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
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"dataset": "park-and-garden",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1984-06-01",
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"entry-date": "2025-02-27",
"typology": "geography",
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51.327932, -0.4354 51.327934, -0.435279 51.327919, -0.435204 51.327918, -0.435066 51.327944, -0.434934 51.327992, -0.434706 51.328093, -0.434532 51.328191, -0.434466 51.328219, -0.434232 51.328247, -0.434058 51.328229, -0.433919 51.328173, -0.43389 51.328121, -0.433866 51.327762, -0.433922 51.32769, -0.433999 51.327642, -0.434463 51.327489, -0.434652 51.327417, -0.434733 51.32735, -0.434763 51.327306, -0.434767 51.327279, -0.434738 51.327242, -0.434694 51.327229, -0.434219 51.327276, -0.433626 51.327373, -0.433522 51.327383, -0.433405 51.327359, -0.433008 51.327229, -0.432899 51.327206, -0.432748 51.327196, -0.432366 51.327218, -0.432323 51.327232, -0.432304 51.327247, -0.432223 51.327358, -0.43217 51.327466, -0.432099 51.327532, -0.431993 51.327596, -0.431824 51.327634, -0.43165 51.32763, -0.431546 51.327636, -0.431455 51.327628, -0.431359 51.327593, -0.431304 51.32756, -0.4312 51.327487, -0.431017 51.327337, -0.431014 51.327311, -0.430946 51.327235, -0.430946 51.327198, -0.430926 51.327146, -0.430903 51.327121, -0.430889 51.327058, -0.430863 51.326993, -0.43086 51.326961, -0.430776 51.326762, -0.430666 51.326621, -0.430588 51.326549, -0.430517 51.326512, -0.430446 51.326498, -0.430314 51.32653, -0.430255 51.326559, -0.429862 51.326807, -0.429804 51.326826, -0.429435 51.32689, -0.429227 51.326898, -0.429102 51.326863, -0.429044 51.326833, -0.428959 51.326806, -0.428804 51.326779, -0.428516 51.326751, -0.428179 51.326744, -0.427742 51.326765, -0.427612 51.326782, -0.427389 51.326852, -0.427278 51.326854, -0.427145 51.326886, -0.426256 51.326957, -0.425518 51.327121, -0.424896 51.327301, -0.424315 51.327373, -0.423974 51.327399, -0.423645 51.327381, -0.423541 51.327353, -0.423322 51.327329, -0.42326 51.327336, -0.422995 51.327335, -0.422733 51.327359, -0.422468 51.327449, -0.422278 51.327486, -0.422154 51.327553, -0.422098 51.327602, -0.422061 51.327662, -0.422046 51.327742, -0.422074 51.327881, -0.422064 51.328039, -0.422069 51.32811, -0.422091 51.328165, 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"point": "POINT (-0.431704 51.329426)",
"entity": 11100018,
"documentation-url": "",
"park-and-garden-grade": "i"
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.