Park and garden


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000107 Facts
Prefix park-and-garden Facts
Name ROUSHAM Facts
Dataset Park and garden no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1984-06-01 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-10-24 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.299135 51.930605, -1.299095 51.930617, -1.299062 51.930637, -1.299041 51.930662, -1.299033 51.93069, -1.29904 51.930718, -1.29906 51.930743, -1.299092 51.930763, -1.299133 51.930776, -1.299222 51.930776, -1.299263 51.930764, -1.299296 51.930744, -1.299317 51.930719, -1.299324 51.930692, -1.299317 51.930664, -1.299297 51.930639, -1.299265 51.930618, -1.299225 51.930605, -1.299135 51.930605)), ((-1.303197 51.922438, -1.303174 51.922447, -1.303173 51.922458, -1.30309 51.922457, -1.303084 51.9225, -1.302914 51.922536, -1.302768 51.922592, -1.302568 51.922654, -1.302331 51.922747, -1.302329 51.922763, -1.302359 51.922801, -1.302451 51.922874, -1.302562 51.922936, -1.302601 51.922944, -1.302638 51.922937, -1.30303 51.922775, -1.30341 51.922768, -1.303614 51.922706, -1.303722 51.922617, -1.303741 51.922404, -1.30351 51.922289, -1.303546 51.922238, -1.303482 51.922223, -1.303402 51.922343, -1.303333 51.922327, -1.303263 51.922347, -1.303218 51.922389, -1.303197 51.922438)), ((-1.302093 51.918617, -1.306143 51.919399, -1.306474 51.919456, -1.306511 51.918585, -1.306841 51.918625, -1.306899 51.918649, -1.306945 51.918681, -1.308497 51.918824, -1.309261 51.918911, -1.309407 51.91895, -1.309925 51.919116, -1.309951 51.919138, -1.310039 51.919169, -1.31043 51.919342, -1.310738 51.918883, -1.311072 51.918451, -1.311125 51.918395, -1.311952 51.917642, -1.312518 51.917158, -1.312981 51.916777, -1.313014 51.916764, -1.313796 51.917241, -1.313941 51.917302, -1.314061 51.917244, -1.314042 51.917223, -1.316792 51.915862, -1.316845 51.915828, -1.31629 51.915596, -1.315808 51.915427, -1.315576 51.915296, -1.314823 51.914768, -1.314725 51.914711, -1.314348 51.91452, -1.314135 51.914305, -1.313278 51.91376, -1.312516 51.913307, -1.312347 51.91322, -1.312187 51.913149, -1.310478 51.912472, -1.310783 51.912325, -1.310954 51.912218, -1.311445 51.911793, -1.312246 51.911064, -1.312253 51.911053, -1.31214 51.911008, -1.312166 51.910979, -1.311931 51.910881, -1.312323 51.910426, -1.312353 51.910411, -1.312349 51.910378, -1.312317 51.910321, -1.312282 51.910322, -1.311947 51.910392, -1.311833 51.910404, -1.309222 51.910402, -1.308392 51.910409, -1.306617 51.910446, -1.305727 51.910457, -1.303605 51.910404, -1.303374 51.910413, -1.303397 51.910579, -1.303396 51.910738, -1.303367 51.910784, -1.303235 51.910902, -1.303162 51.911011, -1.303124 51.911094, -1.303098 51.911158, -1.303069 51.911294, -1.303011 51.91148, -1.302833 51.911903, -1.302741 51.912199, -1.302796 51.912401, -1.302972 51.912889, -1.30302 51.913, -1.303213 51.913186, -1.303273 51.913224, -1.303334 51.913251, -1.304204 51.913564, -1.304145 51.913624, -1.303996 51.913903, -1.303815 51.914273, -1.302866 51.914065, -1.302627 51.914319, -1.303281 51.914595, -1.303002 51.914853, -1.302346 51.914568, -1.302007 51.914361, -1.301946 51.914304, -1.301928 51.914277, -1.301695 51.914317, -1.301427 51.914246, -1.301156 51.914151, -1.300588 51.914016, -1.299572 51.913706, -1.299654 51.914048, -1.299668 51.914147, -1.299856 51.914882, -1.299914 51.915145, -1.300011 51.915494, -1.300034 51.915652, -1.300052 51.915934, -1.300051 51.916195, -1.300024 51.916772, -1.299962 51.917285, -1.299913 51.917566, -1.299841 51.917907, -1.299725 51.918264, -1.299979 51.918294, -1.300072 51.91832, -1.300381 51.918323, -1.300633 51.918338, -1.300872 51.918373, -1.302093 51.918617))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.307307 51.91506) Facts
Documentation url Facts
Park and garden grade I Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000107",
    "prefix": "park-and-garden",
    "name": "ROUSHAM",
    "dataset": "park-and-garden",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1984-06-01",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-10-24",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.299135 51.930605, -1.299095 51.930617, -1.299062 51.930637, -1.299041 51.930662, -1.299033 51.93069, -1.29904 51.930718, -1.29906 51.930743, -1.299092 51.930763, -1.299133 51.930776, -1.299222 51.930776, -1.299263 51.930764, -1.299296 51.930744, -1.299317 51.930719, -1.299324 51.930692, -1.299317 51.930664, -1.299297 51.930639, -1.299265 51.930618, -1.299225 51.930605, -1.299135 51.930605)), ((-1.303197 51.922438, -1.303174 51.922447, -1.303173 51.922458, -1.30309 51.922457, -1.303084 51.9225, -1.302914 51.922536, -1.302768 51.922592, -1.302568 51.922654, -1.302331 51.922747, -1.302329 51.922763, -1.302359 51.922801, -1.302451 51.922874, -1.302562 51.922936, -1.302601 51.922944, -1.302638 51.922937, -1.30303 51.922775, -1.30341 51.922768, -1.303614 51.922706, -1.303722 51.922617, -1.303741 51.922404, -1.30351 51.922289, -1.303546 51.922238, -1.303482 51.922223, -1.303402 51.922343, -1.303333 51.922327, -1.303263 51.922347, -1.303218 51.922389, -1.303197 51.922438)), ((-1.302093 51.918617, -1.306143 51.919399, -1.306474 51.919456, -1.306511 51.918585, -1.306841 51.918625, -1.306899 51.918649, -1.306945 51.918681, -1.308497 51.918824, -1.309261 51.918911, -1.309407 51.91895, -1.309925 51.919116, -1.309951 51.919138, -1.310039 51.919169, -1.31043 51.919342, -1.310738 51.918883, -1.311072 51.918451, -1.311125 51.918395, -1.311952 51.917642, -1.312518 51.917158, -1.312981 51.916777, -1.313014 51.916764, -1.313796 51.917241, -1.313941 51.917302, -1.314061 51.917244, -1.314042 51.917223, -1.316792 51.915862, -1.316845 51.915828, -1.31629 51.915596, -1.315808 51.915427, -1.315576 51.915296, -1.314823 51.914768, -1.314725 51.914711, -1.314348 51.91452, -1.314135 51.914305, -1.313278 51.91376, -1.312516 51.913307, -1.312347 51.91322, -1.312187 51.913149, -1.310478 51.912472, -1.310783 51.912325, -1.310954 51.912218, -1.311445 51.911793, -1.312246 51.911064, -1.312253 51.911053, -1.31214 51.911008, -1.312166 51.910979, -1.311931 51.910881, -1.312323 51.910426, -1.312353 51.910411, -1.312349 51.910378, -1.312317 51.910321, -1.312282 51.910322, -1.311947 51.910392, -1.311833 51.910404, -1.309222 51.910402, -1.308392 51.910409, -1.306617 51.910446, -1.305727 51.910457, -1.303605 51.910404, -1.303374 51.910413, -1.303397 51.910579, -1.303396 51.910738, -1.303367 51.910784, -1.303235 51.910902, -1.303162 51.911011, -1.303124 51.911094, -1.303098 51.911158, -1.303069 51.911294, -1.303011 51.91148, -1.302833 51.911903, -1.302741 51.912199, -1.302796 51.912401, -1.302972 51.912889, -1.30302 51.913, -1.303213 51.913186, -1.303273 51.913224, -1.303334 51.913251, -1.304204 51.913564, -1.304145 51.913624, -1.303996 51.913903, -1.303815 51.914273, -1.302866 51.914065, -1.302627 51.914319, -1.303281 51.914595, -1.303002 51.914853, -1.302346 51.914568, -1.302007 51.914361, -1.301946 51.914304, -1.301928 51.914277, -1.301695 51.914317, -1.301427 51.914246, -1.301156 51.914151, -1.300588 51.914016, -1.299572 51.913706, -1.299654 51.914048, -1.299668 51.914147, -1.299856 51.914882, -1.299914 51.915145, -1.300011 51.915494, -1.300034 51.915652, -1.300052 51.915934, -1.300051 51.916195, -1.300024 51.916772, -1.299962 51.917285, -1.299913 51.917566, -1.299841 51.917907, -1.299725 51.918264, -1.299979 51.918294, -1.300072 51.91832, -1.300381 51.918323, -1.300633 51.918338, -1.300872 51.918373, -1.302093 51.918617)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.307307 51.91506)",
    "entity": 11100000,
    "documentation-url": "",
    "park-and-garden-grade": "I"

© Historic England 2024. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area