Ancient woodland

Allens Farm Shaw2

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1480949 Facts
Prefix ancient-woodland Facts
Name Allens Farm Shaw2 Facts
Dataset Ancient woodland no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-09-27 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.247165 51.002431, 0.246803 51.002547, 0.246656 51.002573, 0.246604 51.002548, 0.246589 51.002516, 0.24659 51.002476, 0.246637 51.002375, 0.246646 51.002248, 0.246664 51.002206, 0.246667 51.002173, 0.246599 51.002065, 0.246577 51.001939, 0.246542 51.001898, 0.246441 51.001858, 0.246028 51.001749, 0.245533 51.001637, 0.245341 51.001584, 0.245263 51.001554, 0.245173 51.001504, 0.245118 51.001425, 0.245112 51.001404, 0.245126 51.001326, 0.245136 51.001318, 0.245436 51.001246, 0.245666 51.001249, 0.245933 51.001316, 0.246382 51.001447, 0.246488 51.001488, 0.246768 51.001497, 0.246886 51.001548, 0.247043 51.001587, 0.247114 51.001615, 0.247147 51.001635, 0.247508 51.001948, 0.247688 51.002129, 0.24774 51.00217, 0.247597 51.002312, 0.247499 51.002349, 0.247363 51.002421, 0.247329 51.002429, 0.247165 51.002431))) Facts
Point POINT (0.246573 51.001839) Facts
Ancient woodland status ASNW Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1480949",
    "prefix": "ancient-woodland",
    "name": "Allens Farm Shaw2",
    "dataset": "ancient-woodland",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-09-27",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.247165 51.002431, 0.246803 51.002547, 0.246656 51.002573, 0.246604 51.002548, 0.246589 51.002516, 0.24659 51.002476, 0.246637 51.002375, 0.246646 51.002248, 0.246664 51.002206, 0.246667 51.002173, 0.246599 51.002065, 0.246577 51.001939, 0.246542 51.001898, 0.246441 51.001858, 0.246028 51.001749, 0.245533 51.001637, 0.245341 51.001584, 0.245263 51.001554, 0.245173 51.001504, 0.245118 51.001425, 0.245112 51.001404, 0.245126 51.001326, 0.245136 51.001318, 0.245436 51.001246, 0.245666 51.001249, 0.245933 51.001316, 0.246382 51.001447, 0.246488 51.001488, 0.246768 51.001497, 0.246886 51.001548, 0.247043 51.001587, 0.247114 51.001615, 0.247147 51.001635, 0.247508 51.001948, 0.247688 51.002129, 0.24774 51.00217, 0.247597 51.002312, 0.247499 51.002349, 0.247363 51.002421, 0.247329 51.002429, 0.247165 51.002431)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.246573 51.001839)",
    "entity": 110000017,
    "ancient-woodland-status": "ASNW"

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area