Ancient woodland

Alice Bright Lane Gill

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1480907 Facts
Prefix ancient-woodland Facts
Name Alice Bright Lane Gill Facts
Dataset Ancient woodland no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-09-27 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.161217 51.043869, 0.161217 51.043875, 0.161179 51.043864, 0.161167 51.043872, 0.161031 51.043868, 0.160978 51.043828, 0.161016 51.043784, 0.160873 51.043762, 0.160893 51.043757, 0.16072 51.043706, 0.160784 51.043703, 0.160844 51.04369, 0.160978 51.043641, 0.161024 51.043615, 0.161045 51.043466, 0.161103 51.04338, 0.161133 51.043354, 0.161251 51.043289, 0.161385 51.043236, 0.161395 51.043185, 0.161394 51.043132, 0.16148 51.043042, 0.161533 51.042942, 0.161505 51.042875, 0.161361 51.042696, 0.161345 51.042663, 0.161347 51.042647, 0.161373 51.042586, 0.161424 51.042514, 0.161476 51.042468, 0.161632 51.042363, 0.161734 51.042258, 0.161775 51.042194, 0.161759 51.04217, 0.16165 51.042124, 0.161362 51.042158, 0.161161 51.042206, 0.161384 51.04211, 0.161634 51.042039, 0.16174 51.041992, 0.161855 51.041929, 0.162029 51.041811, 0.162139 51.041719, 0.162158 51.041685, 0.162183 51.041596, 0.162183 51.041525, 0.16235 51.041478, 0.162356 51.041518, 0.162382 51.041589, 0.162457 51.041684, 0.162446 51.041696, 0.162463 51.041737, 0.16229 51.041792, 0.162156 51.041926, 0.162123 51.041963, 0.162121 51.041975, 0.162043 51.041996, 0.161989 51.042036, 0.161969 51.042081, 0.161989 51.042132, 0.16198 51.042169, 0.161911 51.04229, 0.161907 51.042334, 0.161853 51.042408, 0.161745 51.04253, 0.161723 51.042579, 0.161691 51.042616, 0.161665 51.042671, 0.16165 51.042769, 0.161666 51.042847, 0.16172 51.042954, 0.161739 51.042977, 0.161795 51.043018, 0.161834 51.043065, 0.161841 51.043087, 0.161836 51.043181, 0.161749 51.043314, 0.161713 51.043351, 0.161544 51.043453, 0.161493 51.043457, 0.161374 51.043421, 0.161344 51.043439, 0.161313 51.043503, 0.161278 51.043608, 0.161229 51.043783, 0.161217 51.043869))) Facts
Point POINT (0.161618 51.042748) Facts
Ancient woodland status ASNW Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1480907",
    "prefix": "ancient-woodland",
    "name": "Alice Bright Lane Gill",
    "dataset": "ancient-woodland",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-09-27",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.161217 51.043869, 0.161217 51.043875, 0.161179 51.043864, 0.161167 51.043872, 0.161031 51.043868, 0.160978 51.043828, 0.161016 51.043784, 0.160873 51.043762, 0.160893 51.043757, 0.16072 51.043706, 0.160784 51.043703, 0.160844 51.04369, 0.160978 51.043641, 0.161024 51.043615, 0.161045 51.043466, 0.161103 51.04338, 0.161133 51.043354, 0.161251 51.043289, 0.161385 51.043236, 0.161395 51.043185, 0.161394 51.043132, 0.16148 51.043042, 0.161533 51.042942, 0.161505 51.042875, 0.161361 51.042696, 0.161345 51.042663, 0.161347 51.042647, 0.161373 51.042586, 0.161424 51.042514, 0.161476 51.042468, 0.161632 51.042363, 0.161734 51.042258, 0.161775 51.042194, 0.161759 51.04217, 0.16165 51.042124, 0.161362 51.042158, 0.161161 51.042206, 0.161384 51.04211, 0.161634 51.042039, 0.16174 51.041992, 0.161855 51.041929, 0.162029 51.041811, 0.162139 51.041719, 0.162158 51.041685, 0.162183 51.041596, 0.162183 51.041525, 0.16235 51.041478, 0.162356 51.041518, 0.162382 51.041589, 0.162457 51.041684, 0.162446 51.041696, 0.162463 51.041737, 0.16229 51.041792, 0.162156 51.041926, 0.162123 51.041963, 0.162121 51.041975, 0.162043 51.041996, 0.161989 51.042036, 0.161969 51.042081, 0.161989 51.042132, 0.16198 51.042169, 0.161911 51.04229, 0.161907 51.042334, 0.161853 51.042408, 0.161745 51.04253, 0.161723 51.042579, 0.161691 51.042616, 0.161665 51.042671, 0.16165 51.042769, 0.161666 51.042847, 0.16172 51.042954, 0.161739 51.042977, 0.161795 51.043018, 0.161834 51.043065, 0.161841 51.043087, 0.161836 51.043181, 0.161749 51.043314, 0.161713 51.043351, 0.161544 51.043453, 0.161493 51.043457, 0.161374 51.043421, 0.161344 51.043439, 0.161313 51.043503, 0.161278 51.043608, 0.161229 51.043783, 0.161217 51.043869)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.161618 51.042748)",
    "entity": 110000012,
    "ancient-woodland-status": "ASNW"

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area