Ancient woodland

Alice Bright Lane Gill

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1480906 Facts
Prefix ancient-woodland Facts
Name Alice Bright Lane Gill Facts
Dataset Ancient woodland no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-09-27 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.162562 51.041572, 0.162522 51.041583, 0.162535 51.041601, 0.162514 51.041614, 0.162479 51.041555, 0.162461 51.041493, 0.162458 51.041444, 0.162479 51.04134, 0.162482 51.041264, 0.162511 51.041152, 0.162555 51.041049, 0.162697 51.040807, 0.16294 51.040482, 0.162997 51.040385, 0.163185 51.040423, 0.163297 51.040437, 0.16364 51.040413, 0.163659 51.040386, 0.163775 51.040301, 0.164194 51.039657, 0.16438 51.039516, 0.164477 51.039495, 0.164662 51.039418, 0.164939 51.039269, 0.165068 51.039262, 0.165103 51.039267, 0.16528 51.03933, 0.165322 51.039336, 0.165381 51.039326, 0.165623 51.03925, 0.16582 51.039167, 0.165999 51.039024, 0.165984 51.038929, 0.166201 51.039016, 0.166403 51.039073, 0.1667 51.039212, 0.166676 51.039311, 0.166628 51.0394, 0.1663 51.039849, 0.165944 51.039757, 0.165687 51.039649, 0.165133 51.039396, 0.165028 51.039461, 0.16468 51.039559, 0.164615 51.039568, 0.164549 51.039631, 0.164537 51.039697, 0.164522 51.039719, 0.164491 51.039731, 0.164319 51.039764, 0.164269 51.039793, 0.16423 51.03985, 0.164174 51.039873, 0.164157 51.039911, 0.164168 51.039953, 0.164163 51.039972, 0.164129 51.040003, 0.164111 51.040044, 0.164044 51.040077, 0.164005 51.040109, 0.163989 51.040158, 0.164018 51.040196, 0.164001 51.040269, 0.164018 51.040359, 0.16393 51.040479, 0.163923 51.040512, 0.163926 51.040548, 0.163889 51.040578, 0.163831 51.040574, 0.163784 51.040588, 0.163764 51.040679, 0.163719 51.040709, 0.163665 51.040722, 0.163658 51.040749, 0.16357 51.040761, 0.163446 51.040807, 0.16327 51.040839, 0.16324 51.040853, 0.163239 51.04087, 0.163218 51.040901, 0.163209 51.040936, 0.163156 51.041004, 0.163149 51.041055, 0.163119 51.041075, 0.1631 51.041099, 0.163105 51.04113, 0.163158 51.041163, 0.163157 51.041241, 0.16312 51.041249, 0.163074 51.041233, 0.163038 51.041236, 0.162947 51.041305, 0.162842 51.041433, 0.162719 51.041464, 0.162715 51.041469, 0.162756 51.041525, 0.162753 51.041537, 0.162718 51.041569, 0.162562 51.041572))) Facts
Point POINT (0.164499 51.040089) Facts
Ancient woodland status ASNW Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1480906",
    "prefix": "ancient-woodland",
    "name": "Alice Bright Lane Gill",
    "dataset": "ancient-woodland",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-09-27",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.162562 51.041572, 0.162522 51.041583, 0.162535 51.041601, 0.162514 51.041614, 0.162479 51.041555, 0.162461 51.041493, 0.162458 51.041444, 0.162479 51.04134, 0.162482 51.041264, 0.162511 51.041152, 0.162555 51.041049, 0.162697 51.040807, 0.16294 51.040482, 0.162997 51.040385, 0.163185 51.040423, 0.163297 51.040437, 0.16364 51.040413, 0.163659 51.040386, 0.163775 51.040301, 0.164194 51.039657, 0.16438 51.039516, 0.164477 51.039495, 0.164662 51.039418, 0.164939 51.039269, 0.165068 51.039262, 0.165103 51.039267, 0.16528 51.03933, 0.165322 51.039336, 0.165381 51.039326, 0.165623 51.03925, 0.16582 51.039167, 0.165999 51.039024, 0.165984 51.038929, 0.166201 51.039016, 0.166403 51.039073, 0.1667 51.039212, 0.166676 51.039311, 0.166628 51.0394, 0.1663 51.039849, 0.165944 51.039757, 0.165687 51.039649, 0.165133 51.039396, 0.165028 51.039461, 0.16468 51.039559, 0.164615 51.039568, 0.164549 51.039631, 0.164537 51.039697, 0.164522 51.039719, 0.164491 51.039731, 0.164319 51.039764, 0.164269 51.039793, 0.16423 51.03985, 0.164174 51.039873, 0.164157 51.039911, 0.164168 51.039953, 0.164163 51.039972, 0.164129 51.040003, 0.164111 51.040044, 0.164044 51.040077, 0.164005 51.040109, 0.163989 51.040158, 0.164018 51.040196, 0.164001 51.040269, 0.164018 51.040359, 0.16393 51.040479, 0.163923 51.040512, 0.163926 51.040548, 0.163889 51.040578, 0.163831 51.040574, 0.163784 51.040588, 0.163764 51.040679, 0.163719 51.040709, 0.163665 51.040722, 0.163658 51.040749, 0.16357 51.040761, 0.163446 51.040807, 0.16327 51.040839, 0.16324 51.040853, 0.163239 51.04087, 0.163218 51.040901, 0.163209 51.040936, 0.163156 51.041004, 0.163149 51.041055, 0.163119 51.041075, 0.1631 51.041099, 0.163105 51.04113, 0.163158 51.041163, 0.163157 51.041241, 0.16312 51.041249, 0.163074 51.041233, 0.163038 51.041236, 0.162947 51.041305, 0.162842 51.041433, 0.162719 51.041464, 0.162715 51.041469, 0.162756 51.041525, 0.162753 51.041537, 0.162718 51.041569, 0.162562 51.041572)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.164499 51.040089)",
    "entity": 110000011,
    "ancient-woodland-status": "ASNW"

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area