Tree preservation zone
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 99 | Facts |
Prefix | tree-preservation-zone | Facts |
Name | Facts | |
Dataset | Tree preservation zone | no fact link |
Organisation | Buckinghamshire Council | no fact link |
Start date | 1956-01-01 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2022-05-04 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.830446 51.545378, -0.830465 51.545395, -0.830399 51.545399, -0.830317 51.545384, -0.830208 51.545383, -0.830109 51.545388, -0.830066 51.545407, -0.830158 51.545457, -0.830343 51.545537, -0.830577 51.545588, -0.83119 51.54563, -0.831304 51.545599, -0.831833 51.545336, -0.83193 51.545254, -0.83196 51.54521, -0.831977 51.545157, -0.831901 51.545031, -0.831902 51.544977, -0.830795 51.545297, -0.830607 51.545348, -0.830446 51.545378)), ((-0.829992 51.54579, -0.830055 51.545833, -0.830267 51.545924, -0.830631 51.546023, -0.830784 51.54608, -0.830906 51.54611, -0.831161 51.546146, -0.831305 51.546151, -0.831539 51.546097, -0.831748 51.546006, -0.83184 51.545946, -0.831871 51.545913, -0.831862 51.545888, -0.83183 51.545881, -0.831363 51.545943, -0.831253 51.545946, -0.831049 51.545935, -0.83081 51.545911, -0.830626 51.54588, -0.83014 51.54578, -0.830016 51.545772, -0.829988 51.545775, -0.829992 51.54579)), ((-0.834454 51.545543, -0.83439 51.545501, -0.834332 51.545478, -0.833939 51.545366, -0.833298 51.545149, -0.832707 51.544968, -0.832589 51.544954, -0.832312 51.544959, -0.832243 51.544968, -0.832246 51.545008, -0.83226 51.545031, -0.832317 51.545059, -0.832415 51.545092, -0.832575 51.545125, -0.832839 51.545162, -0.833176 51.545249, -0.833458 51.545305, -0.833607 51.545351, -0.833733 51.545401, -0.834014 51.545471, -0.834168 51.545526, -0.834454 51.545543)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.831595 51.54548)
Facts |
Notes | The several trees of whatever species | Facts |
Tree preservation order | 09/1956 | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "99",
"prefix": "tree-preservation-zone",
"name": "",
"dataset": "tree-preservation-zone",
"organisation-entity": "67",
"start-date": "1956-01-01",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2022-05-04",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.830446 51.545378, -0.830465 51.545395, -0.830399 51.545399, -0.830317 51.545384, -0.830208 51.545383, -0.830109 51.545388, -0.830066 51.545407, -0.830158 51.545457, -0.830343 51.545537, -0.830577 51.545588, -0.83119 51.54563, -0.831304 51.545599, -0.831833 51.545336, -0.83193 51.545254, -0.83196 51.54521, -0.831977 51.545157, -0.831901 51.545031, -0.831902 51.544977, -0.830795 51.545297, -0.830607 51.545348, -0.830446 51.545378)), ((-0.829992 51.54579, -0.830055 51.545833, -0.830267 51.545924, -0.830631 51.546023, -0.830784 51.54608, -0.830906 51.54611, -0.831161 51.546146, -0.831305 51.546151, -0.831539 51.546097, -0.831748 51.546006, -0.83184 51.545946, -0.831871 51.545913, -0.831862 51.545888, -0.83183 51.545881, -0.831363 51.545943, -0.831253 51.545946, -0.831049 51.545935, -0.83081 51.545911, -0.830626 51.54588, -0.83014 51.54578, -0.830016 51.545772, -0.829988 51.545775, -0.829992 51.54579)), ((-0.834454 51.545543, -0.83439 51.545501, -0.834332 51.545478, -0.833939 51.545366, -0.833298 51.545149, -0.832707 51.544968, -0.832589 51.544954, -0.832312 51.544959, -0.832243 51.544968, -0.832246 51.545008, -0.83226 51.545031, -0.832317 51.545059, -0.832415 51.545092, -0.832575 51.545125, -0.832839 51.545162, -0.833176 51.545249, -0.833458 51.545305, -0.833607 51.545351, -0.833733 51.545401, -0.834014 51.545471, -0.834168 51.545526, -0.834454 51.545543)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.831595 51.54548)",
"entity": 19100098,
"notes": "The several trees of whatever species",
"tree-preservation-order": "09/1956"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.