Tree preservation zone


Field Value Fact links
Reference 19 Facts
Prefix tree-preservation-zone Facts
Name Facts
Dataset Tree preservation zone no fact link
Organisation Buckinghamshire Council no fact link
Start date 1948-01-01 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2022-05-04 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.897442 51.587377, -0.89748 51.587231, -0.89807 51.587173, -0.899027 51.587123, -0.899784 51.587112, -0.900081 51.587037, -0.90027 51.587015, -0.900321 51.587023, -0.900516 51.586989, -0.900735 51.586876, -0.900807 51.58683, -0.90089 51.586799, -0.901202 51.586643, -0.901116 51.586583, -0.900653 51.586313, -0.900557 51.586249, -0.900345 51.586095, -0.900219 51.585963, -0.900182 51.585811, -0.900093 51.585544, -0.899957 51.585259, -0.8997 51.584947, -0.899586 51.58478, -0.899508 51.584647, -0.899563 51.584544, -0.899449 51.584523, -0.899483 51.584383, -0.899519 51.584253, -0.899612 51.583996, -0.899699 51.583806, -0.899795 51.583644, -0.899809 51.583558, -0.899798 51.583538, -0.899702 51.583441, -0.899651 51.58335, -0.899638 51.583229, -0.899607 51.583154, -0.899483 51.583084, -0.899431 51.583067, -0.899133 51.58304, -0.898643 51.583067, -0.897734 51.583282, -0.89707 51.583374, -0.896767 51.583428, -0.896499 51.583461, -0.896369 51.583468, -0.896037 51.583451, -0.894412 51.584881, -0.892242 51.585511, -0.892498 51.585649, -0.892686 51.585761, -0.89296 51.585901, -0.893315 51.586117, -0.893855 51.586348, -0.894238 51.586574, -0.894436 51.58668, -0.894635 51.586819, -0.894888 51.586969, -0.89578 51.587358, -0.895894 51.587415, -0.896153 51.587738, -0.896369 51.588031, -0.896901 51.587783, -0.897115 51.587661, -0.897442 51.587377))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.897101 51.585485) Facts
Notes Not specified Facts
Tree preservation order IPO/1948 Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "19",
    "prefix": "tree-preservation-zone",
    "name": "",
    "dataset": "tree-preservation-zone",
    "organisation-entity": "67",
    "start-date": "1948-01-01",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2022-05-04",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.897442 51.587377, -0.89748 51.587231, -0.89807 51.587173, -0.899027 51.587123, -0.899784 51.587112, -0.900081 51.587037, -0.90027 51.587015, -0.900321 51.587023, -0.900516 51.586989, -0.900735 51.586876, -0.900807 51.58683, -0.90089 51.586799, -0.901202 51.586643, -0.901116 51.586583, -0.900653 51.586313, -0.900557 51.586249, -0.900345 51.586095, -0.900219 51.585963, -0.900182 51.585811, -0.900093 51.585544, -0.899957 51.585259, -0.8997 51.584947, -0.899586 51.58478, -0.899508 51.584647, -0.899563 51.584544, -0.899449 51.584523, -0.899483 51.584383, -0.899519 51.584253, -0.899612 51.583996, -0.899699 51.583806, -0.899795 51.583644, -0.899809 51.583558, -0.899798 51.583538, -0.899702 51.583441, -0.899651 51.58335, -0.899638 51.583229, -0.899607 51.583154, -0.899483 51.583084, -0.899431 51.583067, -0.899133 51.58304, -0.898643 51.583067, -0.897734 51.583282, -0.89707 51.583374, -0.896767 51.583428, -0.896499 51.583461, -0.896369 51.583468, -0.896037 51.583451, -0.894412 51.584881, -0.892242 51.585511, -0.892498 51.585649, -0.892686 51.585761, -0.89296 51.585901, -0.893315 51.586117, -0.893855 51.586348, -0.894238 51.586574, -0.894436 51.58668, -0.894635 51.586819, -0.894888 51.586969, -0.89578 51.587358, -0.895894 51.587415, -0.896153 51.587738, -0.896369 51.588031, -0.896901 51.587783, -0.897115 51.587661, -0.897442 51.587377)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.897101 51.585485)",
    "entity": 19100018,
    "notes": "Not specified",
    "tree-preservation-order": "IPO/1948"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area