Tree preservation zone
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 18 | Facts |
Prefix | tree-preservation-zone | Facts |
Name | Facts | |
Dataset | Tree preservation zone | no fact link |
Organisation | Buckinghamshire Council | no fact link |
Start date | 1948-01-01 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2022-05-04 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.933529 51.65199, -0.932964 51.651786, -0.932755 51.651694, -0.932628 51.651619, -0.93231 51.651391, -0.931433 51.65097, -0.931635 51.650624, -0.931688 51.650515, -0.931756 51.650338, -0.931546 51.650086, -0.931688 51.649716, -0.931794 51.649385, -0.931803 51.648981, -0.931817 51.648831, -0.931869 51.648701, -0.931988 51.648517, -0.931548 51.648162, -0.93102 51.647879, -0.930799 51.64772, -0.930391 51.647508, -0.929826 51.647499, -0.929596 51.64747, -0.929495 51.647465, -0.92929 51.647481, -0.92911 51.647512, -0.928947 51.647561, -0.928219 51.647848, -0.928016 51.648005, -0.927832 51.648223, -0.927713 51.648283, -0.927565 51.648315, -0.927466 51.648326, -0.92742 51.648487, -0.92735 51.648509, -0.927332 51.648533, -0.927324 51.648567, -0.927381 51.648746, -0.927377 51.64877, -0.927392 51.648942, -0.927415 51.649024, -0.927438 51.649075, -0.927498 51.64917, -0.927711 51.64945, -0.927998 51.649771, -0.92813 51.649894, -0.928433 51.650133, -0.929009 51.650518, -0.929224 51.650656, -0.929388 51.650749, -0.930659 51.651439, -0.930893 51.651547, -0.932697 51.652279, -0.932854 51.652334, -0.932995 51.65237, -0.933223 51.65239, -0.933425 51.652395, -0.93346 51.652214, -0.933529 51.65199)), ((-0.929459 51.655508, -0.929575 51.655534, -0.929676 51.65552, -0.929613 51.65507, -0.929597 51.65473, -0.92955 51.654189, -0.929275 51.653613, -0.929023 51.653174, -0.929339 51.652978, -0.929941 51.652581, -0.931095 51.651705, -0.930693 51.651489, -0.930172 51.651857, -0.929665 51.6523, -0.929496 51.652438, -0.929279 51.652565, -0.929092 51.652662, -0.928931 51.652737, -0.928753 51.652807, -0.928455 51.652552, -0.928216 51.652176, -0.928079 51.651983, -0.927708 51.651503, -0.927533 51.651316, -0.927554 51.651289, -0.928057 51.651415, -0.928213 51.651417, -0.92836 51.651381, -0.928719 51.651191, -0.928058 51.650785, -0.927982 51.650743, -0.927932 51.650727, -0.927788 51.650716, -0.927605 51.650736, -0.927494 51.65078, -0.927241 51.650907, -0.927173 51.650897, -0.927115 51.65084, -0.927035 51.650799, -0.926898 51.650773, -0.926722 51.650623, -0.926291 51.650317, -0.926126 51.650171, -0.926063 51.650048, -0.926039 51.649959, -0.925992 51.649536, -0.92599 51.649344, -0.926023 51.649154, -0.926012 51.649136, -0.925781 51.649065, -0.925691 51.649109, -0.925605 51.649248, -0.925482 51.649552, -0.925375 51.65004, -0.92522 51.650445, -0.925719 51.650689, -0.925969 51.65079, -0.925688 51.651616, -0.925866 51.651666, -0.9263 51.652122, -0.926335 51.652431, -0.926347 51.65272, -0.926384 51.652846, -0.926423 51.652927, -0.926571 51.653147, -0.926623 51.653188, -0.926796 51.653298, -0.926861 51.653351, -0.926971 51.653478, -0.927074 51.653631, -0.927204 51.653866, -0.927496 51.654614, -0.927689 51.654456, -0.927728 51.654452, -0.927759 51.654251, -0.927738 51.654053, -0.927648 51.653556, -0.927607 51.653229, -0.927559 51.65305, -0.927503 51.652501, -0.927463 51.652329, -0.92734 51.651662, -0.927292 51.65151, -0.927239 51.651411, -0.927319 51.651383, -0.927658 51.651715, -0.92782 51.651955, -0.927996 51.652189, -0.928172 51.652448, -0.928222 51.652513, -0.92838 51.652676, -0.928792 51.653154, -0.928942 51.653355, -0.929067 51.65357, -0.929281 51.654028, -0.929353 51.654226, -0.929379 51.654348, -0.929409 51.654659, -0.929423 51.654918, -0.929422 51.655065, -0.929459 51.655508)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.929162 51.650381)
Facts |
Notes | Not specified | Facts |
Tree preservation order | IPO/1948 | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "18",
"prefix": "tree-preservation-zone",
"name": "",
"dataset": "tree-preservation-zone",
"organisation-entity": "67",
"start-date": "1948-01-01",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2022-05-04",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.933529 51.65199, -0.932964 51.651786, -0.932755 51.651694, -0.932628 51.651619, -0.93231 51.651391, -0.931433 51.65097, -0.931635 51.650624, -0.931688 51.650515, -0.931756 51.650338, -0.931546 51.650086, -0.931688 51.649716, -0.931794 51.649385, -0.931803 51.648981, -0.931817 51.648831, -0.931869 51.648701, -0.931988 51.648517, -0.931548 51.648162, -0.93102 51.647879, -0.930799 51.64772, -0.930391 51.647508, -0.929826 51.647499, -0.929596 51.64747, -0.929495 51.647465, -0.92929 51.647481, -0.92911 51.647512, -0.928947 51.647561, -0.928219 51.647848, -0.928016 51.648005, -0.927832 51.648223, -0.927713 51.648283, -0.927565 51.648315, -0.927466 51.648326, -0.92742 51.648487, -0.92735 51.648509, -0.927332 51.648533, -0.927324 51.648567, -0.927381 51.648746, -0.927377 51.64877, -0.927392 51.648942, -0.927415 51.649024, -0.927438 51.649075, -0.927498 51.64917, -0.927711 51.64945, -0.927998 51.649771, -0.92813 51.649894, -0.928433 51.650133, -0.929009 51.650518, -0.929224 51.650656, -0.929388 51.650749, -0.930659 51.651439, -0.930893 51.651547, -0.932697 51.652279, -0.932854 51.652334, -0.932995 51.65237, -0.933223 51.65239, -0.933425 51.652395, -0.93346 51.652214, -0.933529 51.65199)), ((-0.929459 51.655508, -0.929575 51.655534, -0.929676 51.65552, -0.929613 51.65507, -0.929597 51.65473, -0.92955 51.654189, -0.929275 51.653613, -0.929023 51.653174, -0.929339 51.652978, -0.929941 51.652581, -0.931095 51.651705, -0.930693 51.651489, -0.930172 51.651857, -0.929665 51.6523, -0.929496 51.652438, -0.929279 51.652565, -0.929092 51.652662, -0.928931 51.652737, -0.928753 51.652807, -0.928455 51.652552, -0.928216 51.652176, -0.928079 51.651983, -0.927708 51.651503, -0.927533 51.651316, -0.927554 51.651289, -0.928057 51.651415, -0.928213 51.651417, -0.92836 51.651381, -0.928719 51.651191, -0.928058 51.650785, -0.927982 51.650743, -0.927932 51.650727, -0.927788 51.650716, -0.927605 51.650736, -0.927494 51.65078, -0.927241 51.650907, -0.927173 51.650897, -0.927115 51.65084, -0.927035 51.650799, -0.926898 51.650773, -0.926722 51.650623, -0.926291 51.650317, -0.926126 51.650171, -0.926063 51.650048, -0.926039 51.649959, -0.925992 51.649536, -0.92599 51.649344, -0.926023 51.649154, -0.926012 51.649136, -0.925781 51.649065, -0.925691 51.649109, -0.925605 51.649248, -0.925482 51.649552, -0.925375 51.65004, -0.92522 51.650445, -0.925719 51.650689, -0.925969 51.65079, -0.925688 51.651616, -0.925866 51.651666, -0.9263 51.652122, -0.926335 51.652431, -0.926347 51.65272, -0.926384 51.652846, -0.926423 51.652927, -0.926571 51.653147, -0.926623 51.653188, -0.926796 51.653298, -0.926861 51.653351, -0.926971 51.653478, -0.927074 51.653631, -0.927204 51.653866, -0.927496 51.654614, -0.927689 51.654456, -0.927728 51.654452, -0.927759 51.654251, -0.927738 51.654053, -0.927648 51.653556, -0.927607 51.653229, -0.927559 51.65305, -0.927503 51.652501, -0.927463 51.652329, -0.92734 51.651662, -0.927292 51.65151, -0.927239 51.651411, -0.927319 51.651383, -0.927658 51.651715, -0.92782 51.651955, -0.927996 51.652189, -0.928172 51.652448, -0.928222 51.652513, -0.92838 51.652676, -0.928792 51.653154, -0.928942 51.653355, -0.929067 51.65357, -0.929281 51.654028, -0.929353 51.654226, -0.929379 51.654348, -0.929409 51.654659, -0.929423 51.654918, -0.929422 51.655065, -0.929459 51.655508)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.929162 51.650381)",
"entity": 19100017,
"notes": "Not specified",
"tree-preservation-order": "IPO/1948"
© Crown copyright and database right 2025
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.