Built up area


Field Value Fact links
Reference E63009046 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Freiston Facts
Dataset Built up area no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-06-11 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.044187 52.977581, 0.044931 52.977568, 0.04491 52.977119, 0.041561 52.977176, 0.041519 52.976278, 0.041891 52.976272, 0.04187 52.975822, 0.043358 52.975797, 0.043347 52.975572, 0.044091 52.97556, 0.044102 52.975784, 0.044846 52.975771, 0.044836 52.975547, 0.045208 52.97554, 0.045186 52.975091, 0.045559 52.975085, 0.045548 52.97486, 0.04592 52.974854, 0.045899 52.974404, 0.046271 52.974398, 0.04626 52.974173, 0.045888 52.97418, 0.045878 52.973955, 0.046994 52.973936, 0.046973 52.973487, 0.047345 52.973481, 0.047334 52.973256, 0.048822 52.97323, 0.048812 52.973006, 0.049556 52.972993, 0.049524 52.972319, 0.049896 52.972313, 0.049885 52.972088, 0.050629 52.972075, 0.050714 52.973872, 0.051458 52.973859, 0.05148 52.974308, 0.051108 52.974315, 0.051118 52.974539, 0.05149 52.974533, 0.051512 52.974982, 0.051533 52.975431, 0.051161 52.975438, 0.051182 52.975887, 0.05081 52.975893, 0.050821 52.976118, 0.050449 52.976124, 0.05047 52.976574, 0.050842 52.976567, 0.050874 52.977241, 0.050502 52.977247, 0.050512 52.977472, 0.050884 52.977466, 0.050895 52.97769, 0.049407 52.977716, 0.049385 52.977266, 0.047153 52.977305, 0.047185 52.977979, 0.046813 52.977985, 0.046823 52.97821, 0.046451 52.978216, 0.046472 52.978665, 0.045356 52.978685, 0.045335 52.978235, 0.044963 52.978242, 0.044952 52.978017, 0.044208 52.97803, 0.044187 52.977581)), ((0.040403 52.976297, 0.040371 52.975623, 0.040743 52.975617, 0.040732 52.975392, 0.041104 52.975386, 0.041083 52.974937, 0.041827 52.974924, 0.041859 52.975598, 0.041487 52.975604, 0.041498 52.975829, 0.041126 52.975835, 0.041147 52.976284, 0.040403 52.976297))) Facts
Point POINT (0.047208 52.975694) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E63009046",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Freiston",
    "dataset": "built-up-area",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-06-11",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.044187 52.977581, 0.044931 52.977568, 0.04491 52.977119, 0.041561 52.977176, 0.041519 52.976278, 0.041891 52.976272, 0.04187 52.975822, 0.043358 52.975797, 0.043347 52.975572, 0.044091 52.97556, 0.044102 52.975784, 0.044846 52.975771, 0.044836 52.975547, 0.045208 52.97554, 0.045186 52.975091, 0.045559 52.975085, 0.045548 52.97486, 0.04592 52.974854, 0.045899 52.974404, 0.046271 52.974398, 0.04626 52.974173, 0.045888 52.97418, 0.045878 52.973955, 0.046994 52.973936, 0.046973 52.973487, 0.047345 52.973481, 0.047334 52.973256, 0.048822 52.97323, 0.048812 52.973006, 0.049556 52.972993, 0.049524 52.972319, 0.049896 52.972313, 0.049885 52.972088, 0.050629 52.972075, 0.050714 52.973872, 0.051458 52.973859, 0.05148 52.974308, 0.051108 52.974315, 0.051118 52.974539, 0.05149 52.974533, 0.051512 52.974982, 0.051533 52.975431, 0.051161 52.975438, 0.051182 52.975887, 0.05081 52.975893, 0.050821 52.976118, 0.050449 52.976124, 0.05047 52.976574, 0.050842 52.976567, 0.050874 52.977241, 0.050502 52.977247, 0.050512 52.977472, 0.050884 52.977466, 0.050895 52.97769, 0.049407 52.977716, 0.049385 52.977266, 0.047153 52.977305, 0.047185 52.977979, 0.046813 52.977985, 0.046823 52.97821, 0.046451 52.978216, 0.046472 52.978665, 0.045356 52.978685, 0.045335 52.978235, 0.044963 52.978242, 0.044952 52.978017, 0.044208 52.97803, 0.044187 52.977581)), ((0.040403 52.976297, 0.040371 52.975623, 0.040743 52.975617, 0.040732 52.975392, 0.041104 52.975386, 0.041083 52.974937, 0.041827 52.974924, 0.041859 52.975598, 0.041487 52.975604, 0.041498 52.975829, 0.041126 52.975835, 0.041147 52.976284, 0.040403 52.976297)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.047208 52.975694)",
    "entity": 2501954

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area