Local planning authority

London Legacy Development Corporation LPA

Field Value Fact links
Reference E60000329 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name London Legacy Development Corporation LPA Facts
Dataset Local planning authority no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-06-30 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.004897 51.55081, -0.004921 51.550836, -0.005863 51.550552, -0.006364 51.5511, -0.00681 51.551499, -0.007406 51.551997, -0.008496 51.552477, -0.009141 51.55279, -0.009463 51.552968, -0.009831 51.553257, -0.010978 51.554104, -0.010608 51.554316, -0.011029 51.554593, -0.012831 51.555746, -0.013113 51.555886, -0.014007 51.556164, -0.014274 51.556188, -0.014446 51.556242, -0.014871 51.55641, -0.015083 51.556503, -0.015404 51.556239, -0.016757 51.555171, -0.017438 51.554676, -0.017912 51.554189, -0.018543 51.553635, -0.019365 51.55295, -0.019613 51.55271, -0.020506 51.552052, -0.020661 51.552022, -0.020968 51.552079, -0.021387 51.552137, -0.021384 51.55197, -0.021253 51.551904, -0.021143 51.551831, -0.02115 51.551684, -0.02135 51.551565, -0.022296 51.551126, -0.022726 51.55094, -0.023053 51.550741, -0.02334 51.550546, -0.023921 51.550191, -0.024504 51.549815, -0.025075 51.549459, -0.025464 51.549254, -0.025937 51.549044, -0.026354 51.548922, -0.026435 51.548937, -0.027115 51.548685, -0.027624 51.548578, -0.028174 51.548478, -0.028815 51.548412, -0.029405 51.548338, -0.030517 51.548075, -0.031229 51.547804, -0.031607 51.547637, -0.031912 51.547469, -0.032209 51.547282, -0.032592 51.546987, -0.032836 51.546817, -0.03325 51.54651, -0.033498 51.546257, -0.033533 51.546168, -0.033422 51.546121, -0.033493 51.545885, -0.033598 51.545605, -0.033867 51.545327, -0.03411 51.545183, -0.034341 51.545078, -0.03341 51.54496, -0.032436 51.54486, -0.032351 51.544698, -0.032064 51.544668, -0.031882 51.544594, -0.030909 51.544007, -0.02948 51.543251, -0.02914 51.543027, -0.029049 51.542987, -0.028789 51.542816, -0.028722 51.542706, -0.028528 51.542427, -0.02826 51.542441, -0.02691 51.540346, -0.026652 51.53988, -0.026495 51.539479, -0.02662 51.53943, -0.026532 51.539332, -0.026647 51.539289, -0.026546 51.538999, -0.026466 51.538709, -0.026279 51.537814, -0.026166 51.537805, -0.026139 51.537722, -0.025971 51.53684, -0.025884 51.536248, -0.025842 51.536023, -0.025521 51.536056, -0.02534 51.535719, -0.025039 51.535323, -0.024575 51.534872, -0.023927 51.53438, -0.022851 51.533803, -0.022542 51.533574, -0.022588 51.533465, -0.022319 51.533018, -0.02212 51.532867, -0.021724 51.532745, -0.021366 51.532694, -0.020892 51.532481, -0.020316 51.532009, -0.019705 51.531614, -0.019219 51.531439, -0.018516 51.531279, -0.017978 51.53111, -0.01562 51.530223, -0.015279 51.530005, -0.015478 51.529688, -0.015799 51.529411, -0.01626 51.529213, -0.015897 51.528809, -0.014287 51.529417, -0.013866 51.529385, -0.013407 51.529069, -0.012951 51.528676, -0.01267 51.528505, -0.012434 51.528244, -0.012009 51.527671, -0.011972 51.527671, -0.011683 51.527301, -0.011551 51.526594, -0.011502 51.526502, -0.011638 51.526489, -0.011633 51.52642, -0.011511 51.526325, -0.011549 51.526136, -0.011914 51.526276, -0.012079 51.526228, -0.011778 51.52583, -0.012661 51.52565, -0.012573 51.525292, -0.012886 51.525251, -0.012731 51.524716, -0.012631 51.524436, -0.012301 51.524469, -0.01138 51.524588, -0.010915 51.524625, -0.010656 51.524672, -0.008895 51.52495, -0.008571 51.525073, -0.008173 51.525015, -0.007821 51.52512, -0.007562 51.525167, -0.007337 51.525236, -0.00699 51.525682, -0.006852 51.525913, -0.006863 51.526197, -0.00617 51.526273, -0.005913 51.526276, -0.004831 51.526439, -0.004401 51.526651, -0.003679 51.526886, -0.003046 51.526981, -0.002214 51.527178, -0.002097 51.527273, -0.001934 51.527469, -0.001751 51.527671, -0.001484 51.527885, -0.001315 51.527978, -0.001006 51.527992, -0.00086 51.528034, -0.000753 51.528135, -0.000384 51.528796, -0.000142 51.529164, -0.000125 51.529312, 0.000068 51.529507, 0.000144 51.529596, 0.000456 51.53013, 0.000726 51.530651, 0.000889 51.530866, 0.001054 51.530857, 0.001118 51.530914, 0.001157 51.531112, 0.001198 51.531198, 0.001119 51.531514, 0.000985 51.531748, 0.000775 51.531953, 0.000445 51.53204, 0.000208 51.532213, 0.000126 51.532311, 0.000073 51.532629, 0.000005 51.532924, -0.000094 51.533134, -0.000527 51.533741, -0.001125 51.534494, -0.001307 51.535171, -0.001564 51.535735, -0.001596 51.535851, 0.000272 51.536498, 0.00094 51.536705, 0.000765 51.536939, 0.000548 51.537167, -0.000221 51.537925, -0.00053 51.538148, -0.000998 51.538502, -0.00132 51.538688, -0.000891 51.539072, -0.000706 51.539312, -0.000685 51.539537, -0.000827 51.539834, -0.001322 51.540285, -0.001682 51.540985, -0.001839 51.541385, -0.001858 51.541661, -0.001849 51.541879, -0.001821 51.542039, -0.00174 51.542243, -0.001504 51.54247, -0.001136 51.542644, -0.000874 51.542755, -0.000427 51.542856, 0.00004 51.542951, 0.000301 51.543017, 0.00043 51.543149, 0.000426 51.543291, 0.00054 51.543308, 0.000311 51.544191, 0.000011 51.545094, -0.000261 51.545471, -0.000727 51.546333, -0.0012 51.54729, -0.001441 51.547423, -0.001719 51.547646, -0.002404 51.548222, -0.003213 51.548993, -0.004897 51.55081))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.013515 51.540806) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E60000329",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "London Legacy Development Corporation LPA",
    "dataset": "local-planning-authority",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-06-30",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.004897 51.55081, -0.004921 51.550836, -0.005863 51.550552, -0.006364 51.5511, -0.00681 51.551499, -0.007406 51.551997, -0.008496 51.552477, -0.009141 51.55279, -0.009463 51.552968, -0.009831 51.553257, -0.010978 51.554104, -0.010608 51.554316, -0.011029 51.554593, -0.012831 51.555746, -0.013113 51.555886, -0.014007 51.556164, -0.014274 51.556188, -0.014446 51.556242, -0.014871 51.55641, -0.015083 51.556503, -0.015404 51.556239, -0.016757 51.555171, -0.017438 51.554676, -0.017912 51.554189, -0.018543 51.553635, -0.019365 51.55295, -0.019613 51.55271, -0.020506 51.552052, -0.020661 51.552022, -0.020968 51.552079, -0.021387 51.552137, -0.021384 51.55197, -0.021253 51.551904, -0.021143 51.551831, -0.02115 51.551684, -0.02135 51.551565, -0.022296 51.551126, -0.022726 51.55094, -0.023053 51.550741, -0.02334 51.550546, -0.023921 51.550191, -0.024504 51.549815, -0.025075 51.549459, -0.025464 51.549254, -0.025937 51.549044, -0.026354 51.548922, -0.026435 51.548937, -0.027115 51.548685, -0.027624 51.548578, -0.028174 51.548478, -0.028815 51.548412, -0.029405 51.548338, -0.030517 51.548075, -0.031229 51.547804, -0.031607 51.547637, -0.031912 51.547469, -0.032209 51.547282, -0.032592 51.546987, -0.032836 51.546817, -0.03325 51.54651, -0.033498 51.546257, -0.033533 51.546168, -0.033422 51.546121, -0.033493 51.545885, -0.033598 51.545605, -0.033867 51.545327, -0.03411 51.545183, -0.034341 51.545078, -0.03341 51.54496, -0.032436 51.54486, -0.032351 51.544698, -0.032064 51.544668, -0.031882 51.544594, -0.030909 51.544007, -0.02948 51.543251, -0.02914 51.543027, -0.029049 51.542987, -0.028789 51.542816, -0.028722 51.542706, -0.028528 51.542427, -0.02826 51.542441, -0.02691 51.540346, -0.026652 51.53988, -0.026495 51.539479, -0.02662 51.53943, -0.026532 51.539332, -0.026647 51.539289, -0.026546 51.538999, -0.026466 51.538709, -0.026279 51.537814, -0.026166 51.537805, -0.026139 51.537722, -0.025971 51.53684, -0.025884 51.536248, -0.025842 51.536023, -0.025521 51.536056, -0.02534 51.535719, -0.025039 51.535323, -0.024575 51.534872, -0.023927 51.53438, -0.022851 51.533803, -0.022542 51.533574, -0.022588 51.533465, -0.022319 51.533018, -0.02212 51.532867, -0.021724 51.532745, -0.021366 51.532694, -0.020892 51.532481, -0.020316 51.532009, -0.019705 51.531614, -0.019219 51.531439, -0.018516 51.531279, -0.017978 51.53111, -0.01562 51.530223, -0.015279 51.530005, -0.015478 51.529688, -0.015799 51.529411, -0.01626 51.529213, -0.015897 51.528809, -0.014287 51.529417, -0.013866 51.529385, -0.013407 51.529069, -0.012951 51.528676, -0.01267 51.528505, -0.012434 51.528244, -0.012009 51.527671, -0.011972 51.527671, -0.011683 51.527301, -0.011551 51.526594, -0.011502 51.526502, -0.011638 51.526489, -0.011633 51.52642, -0.011511 51.526325, -0.011549 51.526136, -0.011914 51.526276, -0.012079 51.526228, -0.011778 51.52583, -0.012661 51.52565, -0.012573 51.525292, -0.012886 51.525251, -0.012731 51.524716, -0.012631 51.524436, -0.012301 51.524469, -0.01138 51.524588, -0.010915 51.524625, -0.010656 51.524672, -0.008895 51.52495, -0.008571 51.525073, -0.008173 51.525015, -0.007821 51.52512, -0.007562 51.525167, -0.007337 51.525236, -0.00699 51.525682, -0.006852 51.525913, -0.006863 51.526197, -0.00617 51.526273, -0.005913 51.526276, -0.004831 51.526439, -0.004401 51.526651, -0.003679 51.526886, -0.003046 51.526981, -0.002214 51.527178, -0.002097 51.527273, -0.001934 51.527469, -0.001751 51.527671, -0.001484 51.527885, -0.001315 51.527978, -0.001006 51.527992, -0.00086 51.528034, -0.000753 51.528135, -0.000384 51.528796, -0.000142 51.529164, -0.000125 51.529312, 0.000068 51.529507, 0.000144 51.529596, 0.000456 51.53013, 0.000726 51.530651, 0.000889 51.530866, 0.001054 51.530857, 0.001118 51.530914, 0.001157 51.531112, 0.001198 51.531198, 0.001119 51.531514, 0.000985 51.531748, 0.000775 51.531953, 0.000445 51.53204, 0.000208 51.532213, 0.000126 51.532311, 0.000073 51.532629, 0.000005 51.532924, -0.000094 51.533134, -0.000527 51.533741, -0.001125 51.534494, -0.001307 51.535171, -0.001564 51.535735, -0.001596 51.535851, 0.000272 51.536498, 0.00094 51.536705, 0.000765 51.536939, 0.000548 51.537167, -0.000221 51.537925, -0.00053 51.538148, -0.000998 51.538502, -0.00132 51.538688, -0.000891 51.539072, -0.000706 51.539312, -0.000685 51.539537, -0.000827 51.539834, -0.001322 51.540285, -0.001682 51.540985, -0.001839 51.541385, -0.001858 51.541661, -0.001849 51.541879, -0.001821 51.542039, -0.00174 51.542243, -0.001504 51.54247, -0.001136 51.542644, -0.000874 51.542755, -0.000427 51.542856, 0.00004 51.542951, 0.000301 51.543017, 0.00043 51.543149, 0.000426 51.543291, 0.00054 51.543308, 0.000311 51.544191, 0.000011 51.545094, -0.000261 51.545471, -0.000727 51.546333, -0.0012 51.54729, -0.001441 51.547423, -0.001719 51.547646, -0.002404 51.548222, -0.003213 51.548993, -0.004897 51.55081)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.013515 51.540806)",
    "entity": 626329

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area