

Field Value Fact links
Reference E05013031 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Quays Facts
Dataset Ward no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-03-04 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.29496 53.480617, -2.299737 53.48123, -2.300236 53.479888, -2.299651 53.479777, -2.300626 53.476067, -2.302377 53.475218, -2.301786 53.473882, -2.303527 53.473929, -2.304404 53.473095, -2.300447 53.471377, -2.283809 53.465312, -2.281259 53.464862, -2.278502 53.465673, -2.2708 53.470699, -2.26532 53.472729, -2.264056 53.473638, -2.263323 53.47568, -2.265159 53.475985, -2.268461 53.473504, -2.270647 53.4726, -2.278322 53.468082, -2.281185 53.468128, -2.280343 53.471404, -2.282426 53.471768, -2.2823 53.473262, -2.283117 53.476879, -2.286479 53.475794, -2.28809 53.476188, -2.287834 53.477908, -2.286891 53.479018, -2.287584 53.47911, -2.287404 53.479588, -2.288697 53.479767, -2.288791 53.479532, -2.292015 53.480216, -2.292104 53.479982, -2.292946 53.480092, -2.292869 53.480323, -2.29496 53.480617))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.288397 53.472929) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E05013031",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Quays",
    "dataset": "ward",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-03-04",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.29496 53.480617, -2.299737 53.48123, -2.300236 53.479888, -2.299651 53.479777, -2.300626 53.476067, -2.302377 53.475218, -2.301786 53.473882, -2.303527 53.473929, -2.304404 53.473095, -2.300447 53.471377, -2.283809 53.465312, -2.281259 53.464862, -2.278502 53.465673, -2.2708 53.470699, -2.26532 53.472729, -2.264056 53.473638, -2.263323 53.47568, -2.265159 53.475985, -2.268461 53.473504, -2.270647 53.4726, -2.278322 53.468082, -2.281185 53.468128, -2.280343 53.471404, -2.282426 53.471768, -2.2823 53.473262, -2.283117 53.476879, -2.286479 53.475794, -2.28809 53.476188, -2.287834 53.477908, -2.286891 53.479018, -2.287584 53.47911, -2.287404 53.479588, -2.288697 53.479767, -2.288791 53.479532, -2.292015 53.480216, -2.292104 53.479982, -2.292946 53.480092, -2.292869 53.480323, -2.29496 53.480617)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.288397 53.472929)",
    "entity": 803964

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area