

Field Value Fact links
Reference E05001136 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Bede Facts
Dataset Ward no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-03-04 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.472368 54.986182, -1.475585 54.986526, -1.479335 54.985754, -1.481365 54.985847, -1.481532 54.985847, -1.481727 54.984355, -1.480143 54.984187, -1.479087 54.983559, -1.477999 54.980244, -1.478736 54.979548, -1.48079 54.979231, -1.482268 54.978611, -1.481026 54.977627, -1.48023 54.977448, -1.478776 54.975987, -1.477966 54.977556, -1.476123 54.978819, -1.47297 54.97978, -1.470194 54.980102, -1.46953 54.980832, -1.471333 54.981804, -1.471891 54.983319, -1.472658 54.983935, -1.472368 54.986182)), ((-1.449075 54.98536, -1.450507 54.986495, -1.451499 54.986418, -1.461596 54.984646, -1.462466 54.984381, -1.462327 54.984102, -1.464314 54.98404, -1.465536 54.984124, -1.465224 54.984666, -1.465995 54.984188, -1.468374 54.984712, -1.469359 54.985191, -1.469295 54.985861, -1.469683 54.98544, -1.470463 54.985489, -1.471878 54.986077, -1.472262 54.985087, -1.471923 54.984016, -1.469082 54.980914, -1.469398 54.980036, -1.467601 54.979835, -1.465797 54.979538, -1.464573 54.979149, -1.463593 54.979183, -1.463058 54.979649, -1.458548 54.979177, -1.456832 54.978706, -1.456554 54.977436, -1.456914 54.978695, -1.458732 54.979158, -1.463017 54.979567, -1.463583 54.979081, -1.464618 54.979041, -1.466325 54.979577, -1.468857 54.979731, -1.470299 54.979859, -1.471404 54.979503, -1.47287 54.979603, -1.476329 54.978612, -1.477934 54.977373, -1.478708 54.975919, -1.476549 54.97375, -1.473758 54.965451, -1.480226 54.963372, -1.478941 54.962485, -1.479181 54.962075, -1.478442 54.962067, -1.475494 54.960842, -1.473076 54.95915, -1.471312 54.95982, -1.471309 54.958661, -1.462881 54.959331, -1.45922 54.960045, -1.455949 54.961203, -1.452868 54.962916, -1.45099 54.964661, -1.454899 54.964352, -1.459929 54.965639, -1.458505 54.96694, -1.460068 54.968091, -1.459003 54.968762, -1.460601 54.970983, -1.455654 54.973646, -1.452865 54.974725, -1.451089 54.97649, -1.449102 54.977093, -1.449778 54.977906, -1.449548 54.978528, -1.450983 54.978462, -1.451553 54.978701, -1.451819 54.980633, -1.44953 54.980738, -1.449075 54.98536))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.465688 54.973733) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E05001136",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Bede",
    "dataset": "ward",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-03-04",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.472368 54.986182, -1.475585 54.986526, -1.479335 54.985754, -1.481365 54.985847, -1.481532 54.985847, -1.481727 54.984355, -1.480143 54.984187, -1.479087 54.983559, -1.477999 54.980244, -1.478736 54.979548, -1.48079 54.979231, -1.482268 54.978611, -1.481026 54.977627, -1.48023 54.977448, -1.478776 54.975987, -1.477966 54.977556, -1.476123 54.978819, -1.47297 54.97978, -1.470194 54.980102, -1.46953 54.980832, -1.471333 54.981804, -1.471891 54.983319, -1.472658 54.983935, -1.472368 54.986182)), ((-1.449075 54.98536, -1.450507 54.986495, -1.451499 54.986418, -1.461596 54.984646, -1.462466 54.984381, -1.462327 54.984102, -1.464314 54.98404, -1.465536 54.984124, -1.465224 54.984666, -1.465995 54.984188, -1.468374 54.984712, -1.469359 54.985191, -1.469295 54.985861, -1.469683 54.98544, -1.470463 54.985489, -1.471878 54.986077, -1.472262 54.985087, -1.471923 54.984016, -1.469082 54.980914, -1.469398 54.980036, -1.467601 54.979835, -1.465797 54.979538, -1.464573 54.979149, -1.463593 54.979183, -1.463058 54.979649, -1.458548 54.979177, -1.456832 54.978706, -1.456554 54.977436, -1.456914 54.978695, -1.458732 54.979158, -1.463017 54.979567, -1.463583 54.979081, -1.464618 54.979041, -1.466325 54.979577, -1.468857 54.979731, -1.470299 54.979859, -1.471404 54.979503, -1.47287 54.979603, -1.476329 54.978612, -1.477934 54.977373, -1.478708 54.975919, -1.476549 54.97375, -1.473758 54.965451, -1.480226 54.963372, -1.478941 54.962485, -1.479181 54.962075, -1.478442 54.962067, -1.475494 54.960842, -1.473076 54.95915, -1.471312 54.95982, -1.471309 54.958661, -1.462881 54.959331, -1.45922 54.960045, -1.455949 54.961203, -1.452868 54.962916, -1.45099 54.964661, -1.454899 54.964352, -1.459929 54.965639, -1.458505 54.96694, -1.460068 54.968091, -1.459003 54.968762, -1.460601 54.970983, -1.455654 54.973646, -1.452865 54.974725, -1.451089 54.97649, -1.449102 54.977093, -1.449778 54.977906, -1.449548 54.978528, -1.450983 54.978462, -1.451553 54.978701, -1.451819 54.980633, -1.44953 54.980738, -1.449075 54.98536)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.465688 54.973733)",
    "entity": 800087

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area