

Field Value Fact links
Reference E04000099 Facts
Prefix statistical-geography Facts
Name Warmsworth Facts
Dataset Parish no fact link
Organisation Office for National Statistics no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2024-12-10 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.196455 53.498911, -1.196232 53.498664, -1.195834 53.498421, -1.195273 53.498056, -1.194984 53.497825, -1.194694 53.497472, -1.194471 53.497145, -1.194135 53.496698, -1.193906 53.496371, -1.193692 53.496094, -1.193384 53.495649, -1.193141 53.49534, -1.192857 53.494905, -1.192409 53.494124, -1.192283 53.493838, -1.192165 53.493654, -1.192166 53.493587, -1.191857 53.493205, -1.192097 53.49311, -1.191906 53.492897, -1.191822 53.492722, -1.191528 53.492008, -1.191364 53.491719, -1.191107 53.491317, -1.191063 53.491111, -1.190986 53.490949, -1.190973 53.490847, -1.190858 53.4907, -1.19067 53.490362, -1.190495 53.490072, -1.19014 53.489583, -1.190047 53.489324, -1.18885 53.489649, -1.188023 53.489847, -1.185896 53.490321, -1.184147 53.49062, -1.183186 53.49075, -1.18271 53.490879, -1.18134 53.490873, -1.180678 53.490892, -1.18016 53.490893, -1.178687 53.490883, -1.178376 53.490861, -1.173971 53.490735, -1.172064 53.49067, -1.170702 53.490633, -1.168437 53.490604, -1.167885 53.490569, -1.162124 53.49028, -1.163062 53.491625, -1.164277 53.491317, -1.164569 53.491503, -1.165666 53.491035, -1.165791 53.491052, -1.16595 53.491241, -1.167438 53.492789, -1.167542 53.492833, -1.167566 53.492939, -1.167779 53.492918, -1.167861 53.493019, -1.167991 53.492998, -1.168424 53.492982, -1.168736 53.493003, -1.168911 53.493133, -1.16903 53.493157, -1.169446 53.493139, -1.169877 53.493841, -1.170474 53.494596, -1.170887 53.495073, -1.17134 53.495557, -1.171932 53.496219, -1.172557 53.496855, -1.173135 53.497545, -1.173213 53.497569, -1.172949 53.497935, -1.172703 53.498402, -1.172415 53.499029, -1.172201 53.499369, -1.172135 53.499652, -1.172051 53.500113, -1.171975 53.500888, -1.172064 53.501524, -1.172346 53.502449, -1.172469 53.502948, -1.172521 53.50322, -1.172531 53.503916, -1.172509 53.503986, -1.172522 53.504419, -1.17239 53.505049, -1.171295 53.505242, -1.170921 53.504789, -1.170723 53.504565, -1.17053 53.504571, -1.169966 53.504812, -1.170276 53.505126, -1.170932 53.505711, -1.171749 53.506521, -1.172012 53.506686, -1.172044 53.506759, -1.172031 53.50687, -1.171909 53.507065, -1.172235 53.50714, -1.172745 53.507272, -1.17313 53.507408, -1.173497 53.50751, -1.176077 53.50844, -1.177399 53.508873, -1.177986 53.509083, -1.178554 53.509234, -1.17895 53.509367, -1.179293 53.509434, -1.180332 53.509581, -1.18076 53.509653, -1.181464 53.509804, -1.182136 53.509905, -1.182512 53.509991, -1.183178 53.510068, -1.184411 53.510088, -1.184955 53.510028, -1.185182 53.509978, -1.185418 53.509899, -1.185743 53.509758, -1.185909 53.509667, -1.186103 53.509533, -1.18639 53.509289, -1.186932 53.508915, -1.187046 53.508876, -1.187418 53.508673, -1.18763 53.508522, -1.188494 53.507743, -1.188653 53.507534, -1.189009 53.507253, -1.189239 53.507108, -1.18947 53.507003, -1.189512 53.506973, -1.18955 53.506942, -1.189713 53.506761, -1.189862 53.50663, -1.190086 53.506476, -1.190636 53.506035, -1.190914 53.505792, -1.191153 53.505596, -1.191221 53.505514, -1.191405 53.505229, -1.191715 53.50446, -1.192352 53.503098, -1.192667 53.502592, -1.193109 53.501792, -1.193188 53.501688, -1.193392 53.501494, -1.194026 53.500846, -1.194265 53.500616, -1.194632 53.500289, -1.195173 53.499828, -1.195415 53.499599, -1.196455 53.498911))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.181827 53.499172) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "E04000099",
    "prefix": "statistical-geography",
    "name": "Warmsworth",
    "dataset": "parish",
    "organisation-entity": "10",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2024-12-10",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.196455 53.498911, -1.196232 53.498664, -1.195834 53.498421, -1.195273 53.498056, -1.194984 53.497825, -1.194694 53.497472, -1.194471 53.497145, -1.194135 53.496698, -1.193906 53.496371, -1.193692 53.496094, -1.193384 53.495649, -1.193141 53.49534, -1.192857 53.494905, -1.192409 53.494124, -1.192283 53.493838, -1.192165 53.493654, -1.192166 53.493587, -1.191857 53.493205, -1.192097 53.49311, -1.191906 53.492897, -1.191822 53.492722, -1.191528 53.492008, -1.191364 53.491719, -1.191107 53.491317, -1.191063 53.491111, -1.190986 53.490949, -1.190973 53.490847, -1.190858 53.4907, -1.19067 53.490362, -1.190495 53.490072, -1.19014 53.489583, -1.190047 53.489324, -1.18885 53.489649, -1.188023 53.489847, -1.185896 53.490321, -1.184147 53.49062, -1.183186 53.49075, -1.18271 53.490879, -1.18134 53.490873, -1.180678 53.490892, -1.18016 53.490893, -1.178687 53.490883, -1.178376 53.490861, -1.173971 53.490735, -1.172064 53.49067, -1.170702 53.490633, -1.168437 53.490604, -1.167885 53.490569, -1.162124 53.49028, -1.163062 53.491625, -1.164277 53.491317, -1.164569 53.491503, -1.165666 53.491035, -1.165791 53.491052, -1.16595 53.491241, -1.167438 53.492789, -1.167542 53.492833, -1.167566 53.492939, -1.167779 53.492918, -1.167861 53.493019, -1.167991 53.492998, -1.168424 53.492982, -1.168736 53.493003, -1.168911 53.493133, -1.16903 53.493157, -1.169446 53.493139, -1.169877 53.493841, -1.170474 53.494596, -1.170887 53.495073, -1.17134 53.495557, -1.171932 53.496219, -1.172557 53.496855, -1.173135 53.497545, -1.173213 53.497569, -1.172949 53.497935, -1.172703 53.498402, -1.172415 53.499029, -1.172201 53.499369, -1.172135 53.499652, -1.172051 53.500113, -1.171975 53.500888, -1.172064 53.501524, -1.172346 53.502449, -1.172469 53.502948, -1.172521 53.50322, -1.172531 53.503916, -1.172509 53.503986, -1.172522 53.504419, -1.17239 53.505049, -1.171295 53.505242, -1.170921 53.504789, -1.170723 53.504565, -1.17053 53.504571, -1.169966 53.504812, -1.170276 53.505126, -1.170932 53.505711, -1.171749 53.506521, -1.172012 53.506686, -1.172044 53.506759, -1.172031 53.50687, -1.171909 53.507065, -1.172235 53.50714, -1.172745 53.507272, -1.17313 53.507408, -1.173497 53.50751, -1.176077 53.50844, -1.177399 53.508873, -1.177986 53.509083, -1.178554 53.509234, -1.17895 53.509367, -1.179293 53.509434, -1.180332 53.509581, -1.18076 53.509653, -1.181464 53.509804, -1.182136 53.509905, -1.182512 53.509991, -1.183178 53.510068, -1.184411 53.510088, -1.184955 53.510028, -1.185182 53.509978, -1.185418 53.509899, -1.185743 53.509758, -1.185909 53.509667, -1.186103 53.509533, -1.18639 53.509289, -1.186932 53.508915, -1.187046 53.508876, -1.187418 53.508673, -1.18763 53.508522, -1.188494 53.507743, -1.188653 53.507534, -1.189009 53.507253, -1.189239 53.507108, -1.18947 53.507003, -1.189512 53.506973, -1.18955 53.506942, -1.189713 53.506761, -1.189862 53.50663, -1.190086 53.506476, -1.190636 53.506035, -1.190914 53.505792, -1.191153 53.505596, -1.191221 53.505514, -1.191405 53.505229, -1.191715 53.50446, -1.192352 53.503098, -1.192667 53.502592, -1.193109 53.501792, -1.193188 53.501688, -1.193392 53.501494, -1.194026 53.500846, -1.194265 53.500616, -1.194632 53.500289, -1.195173 53.499828, -1.195415 53.499599, -1.196455 53.498911)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.181827 53.499172)",
    "entity": 130000094

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0 Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area