Special area of conservation
Tregonning Hill
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | UK0012604 | Facts |
Prefix | special-area-of-conservation | Facts |
Name | Tregonning Hill | Facts |
Dataset | Special area of conservation | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | 2015-12-24 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2024-09-18 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.359421 50.12281, -5.359528 50.122922, -5.359671 50.122823, -5.359753 50.122743, -5.359807 50.122708, -5.359898 50.122628, -5.360034 50.122537, -5.360171 50.12243, -5.360371 50.12229, -5.360471 50.122248, -5.36068 50.122196, -5.360812 50.122141, -5.360992 50.122105, -5.36065 50.121524, -5.360452 50.121355, -5.360304 50.121214, -5.360341 50.121124, -5.359381 50.120846, -5.359271 50.120722, -5.359071 50.120616, -5.358927 50.120508, -5.358814 50.120399, -5.358712 50.120269, -5.358558 50.120187, -5.358408 50.120169, -5.358139 50.120108, -5.357891 50.120028, -5.357762 50.119995, -5.357686 50.119989, -5.35765 50.119994, -5.357573 50.120035, -5.35733 50.120126, -5.357144 50.120149, -5.356984 50.12013, -5.35683 50.120092, -5.356714 50.120095, -5.35633 50.120252, -5.356134 50.120381, -5.355901 50.120496, -5.356273 50.120818, -5.35652 50.12102, -5.356986 50.121354, -5.357325 50.121578, -5.357632 50.121765, -5.358148 50.12147, -5.359421 50.12281)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-5.358568 50.12125)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "UK0012604",
"prefix": "special-area-of-conservation",
"name": "Tregonning Hill",
"dataset": "special-area-of-conservation",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "2015-12-24",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2024-09-18",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-5.359421 50.12281, -5.359528 50.122922, -5.359671 50.122823, -5.359753 50.122743, -5.359807 50.122708, -5.359898 50.122628, -5.360034 50.122537, -5.360171 50.12243, -5.360371 50.12229, -5.360471 50.122248, -5.36068 50.122196, -5.360812 50.122141, -5.360992 50.122105, -5.36065 50.121524, -5.360452 50.121355, -5.360304 50.121214, -5.360341 50.121124, -5.359381 50.120846, -5.359271 50.120722, -5.359071 50.120616, -5.358927 50.120508, -5.358814 50.120399, -5.358712 50.120269, -5.358558 50.120187, -5.358408 50.120169, -5.358139 50.120108, -5.357891 50.120028, -5.357762 50.119995, -5.357686 50.119989, -5.35765 50.119994, -5.357573 50.120035, -5.35733 50.120126, -5.357144 50.120149, -5.356984 50.12013, -5.35683 50.120092, -5.356714 50.120095, -5.35633 50.120252, -5.356134 50.120381, -5.355901 50.120496, -5.356273 50.120818, -5.35652 50.12102, -5.356986 50.121354, -5.357325 50.121578, -5.357632 50.121765, -5.358148 50.12147, -5.359421 50.12281)))",
"point": "POINT (-5.358568 50.12125)",
"entity": 14800013
© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.