Special area of conservation
Beer Quarry & Caves
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | UK0012585 | Facts |
Prefix | special-area-of-conservation | Facts |
Name | Beer Quarry & Caves | Facts |
Dataset | Special area of conservation | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | 2016-01-14 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2024-09-18 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.114184 50.699085, -3.114154 50.699075, -3.11414 50.699065, -3.114132 50.699016, -3.114076 50.699029, -3.114066 50.699061, -3.114018 50.699085, -3.113881 50.69909, -3.113817 50.699078, -3.113766 50.699083, -3.113244 50.69917, -3.113228 50.69911, -3.113186 50.699112, -3.113189 50.699154, -3.113151 50.699154, -3.112702 50.699111, -3.11235 50.699056, -3.112254 50.699143, -3.112229 50.699153, -3.112104 50.699139, -3.111981 50.699108, -3.111676 50.699079, -3.111625 50.699088, -3.111287 50.699074, -3.110828 50.699069, -3.110816 50.698802, -3.110801 50.698719, -3.110732 50.69867, -3.110689 50.69865, -3.110649 50.698637, -3.110332 50.69858, -3.110199 50.698534, -3.110135 50.698495, -3.110168 50.698485, -3.110091 50.698397, -3.109886 50.697822, -3.10986 50.697768, -3.109796 50.697697, -3.109806 50.69764, -3.10946 50.697648, -3.109343 50.697659, -3.109259 50.697676, -3.10898 50.697142, -3.108825 50.696874, -3.108566 50.696536, -3.108486 50.69642, -3.108901 50.696316, -3.109285 50.696241, -3.109886 50.696039, -3.110201 50.695963, -3.110505 50.695907, -3.111007 50.69585, -3.111191 50.695795, -3.111871 50.695554, -3.112285 50.695431, -3.112632 50.695318, -3.112936 50.695238, -3.113467 50.69513, -3.113578 50.695114, -3.114134 50.695066, -3.114287 50.695061, -3.114627 50.69506, -3.114946 50.695076, -3.115036 50.695087, -3.115164 50.69511, -3.115629 50.695225, -3.116846 50.695572, -3.116727 50.695789, -3.116701 50.695868, -3.116517 50.696646, -3.115967 50.69695, -3.116044 50.697158, -3.116086 50.697305, -3.116152 50.697596, -3.116203 50.697718, -3.116265 50.697816, -3.11625 50.697848, -3.116255 50.697884, -3.116239 50.697927, -3.116567 50.698064, -3.116888 50.698111, -3.116897 50.698121, -3.116952 50.698294, -3.116958 50.698433, -3.116974 50.698512, -3.117 50.698588, -3.117012 50.69867, -3.117016 50.69873, -3.117007 50.698759, -3.116794 50.698923, -3.116726 50.698957, -3.116659 50.698948, -3.116509 50.69886, -3.116428 50.698829, -3.116315 50.698809, -3.116246 50.698807, -3.116162 50.698817, -3.116079 50.698856, -3.116028 50.69891, -3.115951 50.699035, -3.115928 50.699052, -3.115501 50.699034, -3.115463 50.699083, -3.115395 50.699308, -3.115034 50.69927, -3.114777 50.699228, -3.114592 50.699181, -3.11451 50.699148, -3.114427 50.69914, -3.114313 50.699096, -3.114271 50.699088, -3.114184 50.699085)), ((-3.112494 50.702185, -3.112354 50.702039, -3.112181 50.701813, -3.11207 50.701642, -3.111751 50.701194, -3.111683 50.701071, -3.109824 50.700817, -3.109498 50.700097, -3.11022 50.700028, -3.110376 50.700027, -3.110488 50.700005, -3.110534 50.699968, -3.110576 50.699946, -3.110628 50.699939, -3.110672 50.699944, -3.110713 50.699922, -3.110814 50.699904, -3.111129 50.699782, -3.111274 50.699736, -3.111141 50.6995, -3.111218 50.699482, -3.111496 50.699514, -3.111642 50.699509, -3.11168 50.699487, -3.111686 50.699451, -3.111711 50.699405, -3.111917 50.699219, -3.11281 50.69925, -3.112961 50.699263, -3.112984 50.699296, -3.113067 50.699318, -3.113169 50.699268, -3.113244 50.699245, -3.113301 50.699242, -3.113351 50.699249, -3.1134 50.699274, -3.113459 50.699261, -3.113517 50.699221, -3.113529 50.6992, -3.113529 50.699178, -3.113587 50.69916, -3.113878 50.699133, -3.114109 50.699136, -3.114335 50.699173, -3.114819 50.699308, -3.114979 50.699338, -3.115855 50.699412, -3.115973 50.699761, -3.116235 50.700364, -3.116244 50.700411, -3.116349 50.700636, -3.11632 50.700655, -3.115474 50.700721, -3.115499 50.70085, -3.115551 50.700995, -3.115883 50.701427, -3.116 50.701663, -3.116228 50.702278, -3.116014 50.702277, -3.114965 50.702227, -3.114524 50.702244, -3.113919 50.702299, -3.113259 50.70234, -3.112832 50.702345, -3.112616 50.702298, -3.112494 50.702185)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-3.113266 50.698462)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "UK0012585",
"prefix": "special-area-of-conservation",
"name": "Beer Quarry & Caves",
"dataset": "special-area-of-conservation",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "2016-01-14",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2024-09-18",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.114184 50.699085, -3.114154 50.699075, -3.11414 50.699065, -3.114132 50.699016, -3.114076 50.699029, -3.114066 50.699061, -3.114018 50.699085, -3.113881 50.69909, -3.113817 50.699078, -3.113766 50.699083, -3.113244 50.69917, -3.113228 50.69911, -3.113186 50.699112, -3.113189 50.699154, -3.113151 50.699154, -3.112702 50.699111, -3.11235 50.699056, -3.112254 50.699143, -3.112229 50.699153, -3.112104 50.699139, -3.111981 50.699108, -3.111676 50.699079, -3.111625 50.699088, -3.111287 50.699074, -3.110828 50.699069, -3.110816 50.698802, -3.110801 50.698719, -3.110732 50.69867, -3.110689 50.69865, -3.110649 50.698637, -3.110332 50.69858, -3.110199 50.698534, -3.110135 50.698495, -3.110168 50.698485, -3.110091 50.698397, -3.109886 50.697822, -3.10986 50.697768, -3.109796 50.697697, -3.109806 50.69764, -3.10946 50.697648, -3.109343 50.697659, -3.109259 50.697676, -3.10898 50.697142, -3.108825 50.696874, -3.108566 50.696536, -3.108486 50.69642, -3.108901 50.696316, -3.109285 50.696241, -3.109886 50.696039, -3.110201 50.695963, -3.110505 50.695907, -3.111007 50.69585, -3.111191 50.695795, -3.111871 50.695554, -3.112285 50.695431, -3.112632 50.695318, -3.112936 50.695238, -3.113467 50.69513, -3.113578 50.695114, -3.114134 50.695066, -3.114287 50.695061, -3.114627 50.69506, -3.114946 50.695076, -3.115036 50.695087, -3.115164 50.69511, -3.115629 50.695225, -3.116846 50.695572, -3.116727 50.695789, -3.116701 50.695868, -3.116517 50.696646, -3.115967 50.69695, -3.116044 50.697158, -3.116086 50.697305, -3.116152 50.697596, -3.116203 50.697718, -3.116265 50.697816, -3.11625 50.697848, -3.116255 50.697884, -3.116239 50.697927, -3.116567 50.698064, -3.116888 50.698111, -3.116897 50.698121, -3.116952 50.698294, -3.116958 50.698433, -3.116974 50.698512, -3.117 50.698588, -3.117012 50.69867, -3.117016 50.69873, -3.117007 50.698759, -3.116794 50.698923, -3.116726 50.698957, -3.116659 50.698948, -3.116509 50.69886, -3.116428 50.698829, -3.116315 50.698809, -3.116246 50.698807, -3.116162 50.698817, -3.116079 50.698856, -3.116028 50.69891, -3.115951 50.699035, -3.115928 50.699052, -3.115501 50.699034, -3.115463 50.699083, -3.115395 50.699308, -3.115034 50.69927, -3.114777 50.699228, -3.114592 50.699181, -3.11451 50.699148, -3.114427 50.69914, -3.114313 50.699096, -3.114271 50.699088, -3.114184 50.699085)), ((-3.112494 50.702185, -3.112354 50.702039, -3.112181 50.701813, -3.11207 50.701642, -3.111751 50.701194, -3.111683 50.701071, -3.109824 50.700817, -3.109498 50.700097, -3.11022 50.700028, -3.110376 50.700027, -3.110488 50.700005, -3.110534 50.699968, -3.110576 50.699946, -3.110628 50.699939, -3.110672 50.699944, -3.110713 50.699922, -3.110814 50.699904, -3.111129 50.699782, -3.111274 50.699736, -3.111141 50.6995, -3.111218 50.699482, -3.111496 50.699514, -3.111642 50.699509, -3.11168 50.699487, -3.111686 50.699451, -3.111711 50.699405, -3.111917 50.699219, -3.11281 50.69925, -3.112961 50.699263, -3.112984 50.699296, -3.113067 50.699318, -3.113169 50.699268, -3.113244 50.699245, -3.113301 50.699242, -3.113351 50.699249, -3.1134 50.699274, -3.113459 50.699261, -3.113517 50.699221, -3.113529 50.6992, -3.113529 50.699178, -3.113587 50.69916, -3.113878 50.699133, -3.114109 50.699136, -3.114335 50.699173, -3.114819 50.699308, -3.114979 50.699338, -3.115855 50.699412, -3.115973 50.699761, -3.116235 50.700364, -3.116244 50.700411, -3.116349 50.700636, -3.11632 50.700655, -3.115474 50.700721, -3.115499 50.70085, -3.115551 50.700995, -3.115883 50.701427, -3.116 50.701663, -3.116228 50.702278, -3.116014 50.702277, -3.114965 50.702227, -3.114524 50.702244, -3.113919 50.702299, -3.113259 50.70234, -3.112832 50.702345, -3.112616 50.702298, -3.112494 50.702185)))",
"point": "POINT (-3.113266 50.698462)",
"entity": 14800008
© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.