Site of special scientific interest

River Line

Field Value Fact links
Reference 2000093 Facts
Prefix site-of-special-scientific-interest Facts
Name River Line Facts
Dataset Site of special scientific interest no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2015-06-19 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2023-06-16 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.445523 50.946699, 0.445894 50.946816, 0.445657 50.947063, 0.445013 50.94687, 0.444763 50.946855, 0.444675 50.946819, 0.444611 50.946771, 0.444562 50.94672, 0.444545 50.946714, 0.444535 50.946711, 0.44455 50.946716, 0.44438 50.946691, 0.444288 50.94666, 0.444172 50.946655, 0.443943 50.946608, 0.443888 50.946591, 0.443801 50.946538, 0.443596 50.946588, 0.443424 50.946589, 0.443307 50.946569, 0.443216 50.946531, 0.443159 50.946481, 0.443143 50.946407, 0.443151 50.94638, 0.443094 50.946336, 0.443024 50.946318, 0.442948 50.946284, 0.442882 50.9463, 0.442761 50.946295, 0.442692 50.946265, 0.442545 50.946276, 0.442441 50.946232, 0.442395 50.946203, 0.44234 50.946154, 0.442188 50.946089, 0.44211 50.946089, 0.442023 50.946074, 0.441909 50.946035, 0.441849 50.946003, 0.441666 50.945992, 0.441561 50.945967, 0.441532 50.945941, 0.441369 50.945881, 0.441378 50.945883, 0.441275 50.94586, 0.441179 50.945813, 0.441143 50.945745, 0.441093 50.945726, 0.440983 50.945665, 0.440914 50.945643, 0.440817 50.945629, 0.440663 50.945572, 0.440462 50.945564, 0.44037 50.945541, 0.440061 50.94559, 0.439982 50.945588, 0.439903 50.945571, 0.439844 50.945549, 0.439783 50.945568, 0.439698 50.945579, 0.439476 50.94559, 0.438908 50.945767, 0.438626 50.945877, 0.438307 50.945953, 0.438256 50.945983, 0.438018 50.945755, 0.438093 50.945718, 0.438363 50.945654, 0.438466 50.945621, 0.438505 50.945649, 0.43889 50.945538, 0.439112 50.945449, 0.439143 50.945362, 0.438992 50.945228, 0.439222 50.945102, 0.439483 50.94525, 0.43952 50.945285, 0.439584 50.945297, 0.439625 50.945269, 0.439706 50.945248, 0.439913 50.945239, 0.440049 50.945289, 0.440137 50.945282, 0.440285 50.94525, 0.440419 50.945243, 0.440492 50.945253, 0.440565 50.945282, 0.440625 50.945274, 0.440712 50.945279, 0.44089 50.945315, 0.440974 50.945343, 0.441041 50.945351, 0.44124 50.945414, 0.441347 50.945475, 0.441426 50.94548, 0.4415 50.9455, 0.441599 50.945569, 0.441629 50.945643, 0.441654 50.945653, 0.44177 50.945669, 0.441849 50.945704, 0.441944 50.945711, 0.442045 50.945729, 0.442109 50.945753, 0.442178 50.945794, 0.442283 50.945793, 0.442397 50.945818, 0.442495 50.945867, 0.442656 50.945933, 0.442707 50.945972, 0.442804 50.945979, 0.442905 50.945951, 0.442987 50.945949, 0.443064 50.945964, 0.443128 50.945991, 0.443184 50.946035, 0.443268 50.946041, 0.443364 50.94607, 0.443425 50.946105, 0.443457 50.946147, 0.443601 50.946161, 0.443702 50.946143, 0.443819 50.946141, 0.443887 50.946106, 0.443965 50.946088, 0.444104 50.946094, 0.444187 50.946127, 0.444207 50.946147, 0.444332 50.946188, 0.444383 50.946228, 0.444426 50.946289, 0.444437 50.946363, 0.444515 50.946389, 0.444565 50.946419, 0.444732 50.946453, 0.44487 50.946499, 0.444941 50.946552, 0.444957 50.946572, 0.445122 50.946592, 0.445523 50.946699))) Facts
Point POINT (0.4421 50.946003) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "2000093",
    "prefix": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "name": "River Line",
    "dataset": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "2015-06-19",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2023-06-16",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.445523 50.946699, 0.445894 50.946816, 0.445657 50.947063, 0.445013 50.94687, 0.444763 50.946855, 0.444675 50.946819, 0.444611 50.946771, 0.444562 50.94672, 0.444545 50.946714, 0.444535 50.946711, 0.44455 50.946716, 0.44438 50.946691, 0.444288 50.94666, 0.444172 50.946655, 0.443943 50.946608, 0.443888 50.946591, 0.443801 50.946538, 0.443596 50.946588, 0.443424 50.946589, 0.443307 50.946569, 0.443216 50.946531, 0.443159 50.946481, 0.443143 50.946407, 0.443151 50.94638, 0.443094 50.946336, 0.443024 50.946318, 0.442948 50.946284, 0.442882 50.9463, 0.442761 50.946295, 0.442692 50.946265, 0.442545 50.946276, 0.442441 50.946232, 0.442395 50.946203, 0.44234 50.946154, 0.442188 50.946089, 0.44211 50.946089, 0.442023 50.946074, 0.441909 50.946035, 0.441849 50.946003, 0.441666 50.945992, 0.441561 50.945967, 0.441532 50.945941, 0.441369 50.945881, 0.441378 50.945883, 0.441275 50.94586, 0.441179 50.945813, 0.441143 50.945745, 0.441093 50.945726, 0.440983 50.945665, 0.440914 50.945643, 0.440817 50.945629, 0.440663 50.945572, 0.440462 50.945564, 0.44037 50.945541, 0.440061 50.94559, 0.439982 50.945588, 0.439903 50.945571, 0.439844 50.945549, 0.439783 50.945568, 0.439698 50.945579, 0.439476 50.94559, 0.438908 50.945767, 0.438626 50.945877, 0.438307 50.945953, 0.438256 50.945983, 0.438018 50.945755, 0.438093 50.945718, 0.438363 50.945654, 0.438466 50.945621, 0.438505 50.945649, 0.43889 50.945538, 0.439112 50.945449, 0.439143 50.945362, 0.438992 50.945228, 0.439222 50.945102, 0.439483 50.94525, 0.43952 50.945285, 0.439584 50.945297, 0.439625 50.945269, 0.439706 50.945248, 0.439913 50.945239, 0.440049 50.945289, 0.440137 50.945282, 0.440285 50.94525, 0.440419 50.945243, 0.440492 50.945253, 0.440565 50.945282, 0.440625 50.945274, 0.440712 50.945279, 0.44089 50.945315, 0.440974 50.945343, 0.441041 50.945351, 0.44124 50.945414, 0.441347 50.945475, 0.441426 50.94548, 0.4415 50.9455, 0.441599 50.945569, 0.441629 50.945643, 0.441654 50.945653, 0.44177 50.945669, 0.441849 50.945704, 0.441944 50.945711, 0.442045 50.945729, 0.442109 50.945753, 0.442178 50.945794, 0.442283 50.945793, 0.442397 50.945818, 0.442495 50.945867, 0.442656 50.945933, 0.442707 50.945972, 0.442804 50.945979, 0.442905 50.945951, 0.442987 50.945949, 0.443064 50.945964, 0.443128 50.945991, 0.443184 50.946035, 0.443268 50.946041, 0.443364 50.94607, 0.443425 50.946105, 0.443457 50.946147, 0.443601 50.946161, 0.443702 50.946143, 0.443819 50.946141, 0.443887 50.946106, 0.443965 50.946088, 0.444104 50.946094, 0.444187 50.946127, 0.444207 50.946147, 0.444332 50.946188, 0.444383 50.946228, 0.444426 50.946289, 0.444437 50.946363, 0.444515 50.946389, 0.444565 50.946419, 0.444732 50.946453, 0.44487 50.946499, 0.444941 50.946552, 0.444957 50.946572, 0.445122 50.946592, 0.445523 50.946699)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.4421 50.946003)",
    "entity": 14503749

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area