Middle Barton Fen
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1005689 | Facts |
Prefix | site-of-special-scientific-interest | Facts |
Name | Middle Barton Fen | Facts |
Dataset | Site of special scientific interest | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | 2003-12-05 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2023-06-16 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.357156 51.933998, -1.357223 51.933863, -1.357214 51.9338, -1.35728 51.933765, -1.357302 51.933736, -1.357259 51.933663, -1.35727 51.933608, -1.357378 51.933522, -1.357422 51.933472, -1.357456 51.933417, -1.357538 51.933323, -1.357664 51.933202, -1.357797 51.933097, -1.358016 51.932948, -1.358012 51.932926, -1.357948 51.932882, -1.357947 51.932868, -1.357987 51.93284, -1.358099 51.93279, -1.35812 51.932764, -1.357978 51.932605, -1.357971 51.932594, -1.357976 51.932581, -1.358005 51.932564, -1.358167 51.932548, -1.358224 51.932518, -1.35826 51.932474, -1.358257 51.932436, -1.358237 51.932404, -1.358119 51.932328, -1.3581 51.932308, -1.358086 51.932272, -1.357933 51.932224, -1.357905 51.93221, -1.357851 51.932158, -1.357813 51.932093, -1.357841 51.93201, -1.357828 51.931964, -1.357743 51.931883, -1.357707 51.931875, -1.357656 51.93184, -1.357641 51.931763, -1.357647 51.931699, -1.357636 51.931552, -1.357578 51.931492, -1.357561 51.931449, -1.357565 51.931417, -1.357599 51.931335, -1.3576 51.931298, -1.357577 51.931264, -1.357531 51.931223, -1.357516 51.931186, -1.357519 51.931155, -1.357535 51.931128, -1.357678 51.931044, -1.357697 51.931018, -1.357691 51.930945, -1.357703 51.930893, -1.357684 51.930839, -1.357729 51.930804, -1.35774 51.93078, -1.357737 51.930771, -1.357721 51.930766, -1.357681 51.930697, -1.357686 51.930683, -1.357737 51.930641, -1.357776 51.930557, -1.357796 51.930489, -1.357857 51.930411, -1.357901 51.930285, -1.357899 51.930182, -1.357751 51.930188, -1.35744 51.930175, -1.357316 51.930186, -1.357226 51.930167, -1.356619 51.930131, -1.356363 51.930103, -1.35594 51.930041, -1.355872 51.930044, -1.355869 51.930302, -1.355921 51.93034, -1.355952 51.930401, -1.355954 51.930651, -1.355986 51.930955, -1.355984 51.931133, -1.355938 51.931455, -1.355816 51.932539, -1.355006 51.932548, -1.3549 51.933703, -1.356653 51.93433, -1.355788 51.93485, -1.355475 51.935024, -1.355331 51.93509, -1.355233 51.935126, -1.353466 51.935674, -1.352703 51.935966, -1.352159 51.936163, -1.351978 51.936199, -1.351934 51.936223, -1.351869 51.936314, -1.351845 51.936332, -1.351085 51.936596, -1.351014 51.936668, -1.350963 51.936699, -1.350696 51.936755, -1.350614 51.936799, -1.350417 51.936835, -1.350263 51.936879, -1.352194 51.937418, -1.353607 51.936589, -1.355949 51.935996, -1.356281 51.935277, -1.356394 51.935146, -1.356442 51.935103, -1.356512 51.935057, -1.356623 51.93501, -1.356717 51.934981, -1.356828 51.934952, -1.357025 51.934917, -1.357185 51.934903, -1.358002 51.934897, -1.358015 51.934576, -1.357806 51.934518, -1.357723 51.934486, -1.357674 51.934457, -1.357647 51.934433, -1.35753 51.934244, -1.357389 51.934146, -1.357332 51.934058, -1.357305 51.934037, -1.357156 51.933998)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-1.355571 51.933855)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1005689",
"prefix": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
"name": "Middle Barton Fen",
"dataset": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "2003-12-05",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2023-06-16",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.357156 51.933998, -1.357223 51.933863, -1.357214 51.9338, -1.35728 51.933765, -1.357302 51.933736, -1.357259 51.933663, -1.35727 51.933608, -1.357378 51.933522, -1.357422 51.933472, -1.357456 51.933417, -1.357538 51.933323, -1.357664 51.933202, -1.357797 51.933097, -1.358016 51.932948, -1.358012 51.932926, -1.357948 51.932882, -1.357947 51.932868, -1.357987 51.93284, -1.358099 51.93279, -1.35812 51.932764, -1.357978 51.932605, -1.357971 51.932594, -1.357976 51.932581, -1.358005 51.932564, -1.358167 51.932548, -1.358224 51.932518, -1.35826 51.932474, -1.358257 51.932436, -1.358237 51.932404, -1.358119 51.932328, -1.3581 51.932308, -1.358086 51.932272, -1.357933 51.932224, -1.357905 51.93221, -1.357851 51.932158, -1.357813 51.932093, -1.357841 51.93201, -1.357828 51.931964, -1.357743 51.931883, -1.357707 51.931875, -1.357656 51.93184, -1.357641 51.931763, -1.357647 51.931699, -1.357636 51.931552, -1.357578 51.931492, -1.357561 51.931449, -1.357565 51.931417, -1.357599 51.931335, -1.3576 51.931298, -1.357577 51.931264, -1.357531 51.931223, -1.357516 51.931186, -1.357519 51.931155, -1.357535 51.931128, -1.357678 51.931044, -1.357697 51.931018, -1.357691 51.930945, -1.357703 51.930893, -1.357684 51.930839, -1.357729 51.930804, -1.35774 51.93078, -1.357737 51.930771, -1.357721 51.930766, -1.357681 51.930697, -1.357686 51.930683, -1.357737 51.930641, -1.357776 51.930557, -1.357796 51.930489, -1.357857 51.930411, -1.357901 51.930285, -1.357899 51.930182, -1.357751 51.930188, -1.35744 51.930175, -1.357316 51.930186, -1.357226 51.930167, -1.356619 51.930131, -1.356363 51.930103, -1.35594 51.930041, -1.355872 51.930044, -1.355869 51.930302, -1.355921 51.93034, -1.355952 51.930401, -1.355954 51.930651, -1.355986 51.930955, -1.355984 51.931133, -1.355938 51.931455, -1.355816 51.932539, -1.355006 51.932548, -1.3549 51.933703, -1.356653 51.93433, -1.355788 51.93485, -1.355475 51.935024, -1.355331 51.93509, -1.355233 51.935126, -1.353466 51.935674, -1.352703 51.935966, -1.352159 51.936163, -1.351978 51.936199, -1.351934 51.936223, -1.351869 51.936314, -1.351845 51.936332, -1.351085 51.936596, -1.351014 51.936668, -1.350963 51.936699, -1.350696 51.936755, -1.350614 51.936799, -1.350417 51.936835, -1.350263 51.936879, -1.352194 51.937418, -1.353607 51.936589, -1.355949 51.935996, -1.356281 51.935277, -1.356394 51.935146, -1.356442 51.935103, -1.356512 51.935057, -1.356623 51.93501, -1.356717 51.934981, -1.356828 51.934952, -1.357025 51.934917, -1.357185 51.934903, -1.358002 51.934897, -1.358015 51.934576, -1.357806 51.934518, -1.357723 51.934486, -1.357674 51.934457, -1.357647 51.934433, -1.35753 51.934244, -1.357389 51.934146, -1.357332 51.934058, -1.357305 51.934037, -1.357156 51.933998)))",
"point": "POINT (-1.355571 51.933855)",
"entity": 14503331
© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.