Site of special scientific interest

Stonesfield Common, Bottoms & Banks

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000384 Facts
Prefix site-of-special-scientific-interest Facts
Name Stonesfield Common, Bottoms & Banks Facts
Dataset Site of special scientific interest no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2023-03-23 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2023-06-16 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.421872 51.839478, -1.421845 51.83953, -1.421816 51.839645, -1.421796 51.839674, -1.421772 51.839691, -1.421732 51.839708, -1.421661 51.839712, -1.42163 51.839703, -1.421596 51.83967, -1.421547 51.839463, -1.421531 51.839262, -1.421565 51.839124, -1.421753 51.838716, -1.421751 51.838527, -1.421765 51.838019, -1.421954 51.838084, -1.422029 51.838101, -1.422101 51.838084, -1.422242 51.838009, -1.42227 51.838237, -1.422275 51.838378, -1.422262 51.838718, -1.422269 51.838886, -1.422283 51.838951, -1.422312 51.83902, -1.422406 51.839151, -1.422361 51.839206, -1.422409 51.839414, -1.422568 51.839933, -1.422596 51.840013, -1.422645 51.840115, -1.42274 51.840271, -1.423227 51.84093, -1.422951 51.841054, -1.422371 51.840653, -1.422355 51.840633, -1.422241 51.840365, -1.421978 51.839702, -1.421877 51.839489, -1.421872 51.839478)), ((-1.437623 51.850295, -1.437695 51.850644, -1.437718 51.850737, -1.437778 51.850915, -1.437792 51.850984, -1.436067 51.850892, -1.436005 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-1.430466 51.84562, -1.430447 51.845717, -1.431235 51.845608, -1.431433 51.845436, -1.431551 51.845346, -1.432354 51.844788, -1.433055 51.844229, -1.433353 51.84397, -1.433646 51.843689, -1.43377 51.843553, -1.433916 51.843327, -1.433961 51.843243, -1.434019 51.843093, -1.435113 51.843268, -1.437387 51.843686, -1.437213 51.843943, -1.436717 51.844592, -1.436667 51.844647, -1.436281 51.844565, -1.435977 51.844529, -1.435766 51.84453, -1.435522 51.844572, -1.435269 51.844646, -1.434799 51.844806, -1.434172 51.844999, -1.433691 51.845123, -1.433413 51.845186, -1.433024 51.845259, -1.432802 51.845315, -1.432651 51.845369, -1.432263 51.845566, -1.432223 51.845608, -1.432224 51.845639, -1.432248 51.84569, -1.432525 51.845956, -1.432767 51.846234, -1.432878 51.846378, -1.433037 51.846629, -1.43325 51.847042, -1.433384 51.847243, -1.433542 51.847452, -1.433567 51.847471, -1.433623 51.847496, -1.433663 51.847504, -1.433982 51.847498, -1.434405 51.847504, -1.434621 51.84754, -1.434915 51.847604, -1.435144 51.847687, -1.435911 51.848057, -1.436078 51.848113, -1.436599 51.84838, -1.43675 51.848565, -1.436961 51.848879, -1.437295 51.849429, -1.437425 51.849707, -1.437486 51.849858, -1.437625 51.85014, -1.437623 51.850295))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.431522 51.846502) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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51.844738, -1.427107 51.844634, -1.426739 51.844485, -1.425412 51.844067, -1.425063 51.843887, -1.424428 51.843485, -1.423913 51.843049, -1.423833 51.842953, -1.423662 51.842702, -1.423636 51.842624, -1.423563 51.842468, -1.423553 51.842291, -1.423623 51.842256, -1.423699 51.842241, -1.423761 51.842249, -1.423887 51.842296, -1.424323 51.84268, -1.424456 51.842835, -1.424877 51.843193, -1.425179 51.843403, -1.425481 51.843551, -1.425736 51.843661, -1.425844 51.843703, -1.425942 51.843712, -1.426026 51.843696, -1.426121 51.843663, -1.426292 51.843621, -1.426781 51.843938, -1.427344 51.84422, -1.427662 51.844366, -1.42781 51.844274, -1.428124 51.844429, -1.428242 51.844475, -1.428413 51.844583, -1.428623 51.844764, -1.428966 51.844929, -1.429225 51.845003, -1.429418 51.845035, -1.429708 51.845056, -1.42992 51.845055, -1.43012 51.845083, -1.430204 51.845101, -1.430331 51.845143, -1.430422 51.845183, -1.430558 51.84526, -1.430626 51.845276, -1.430567 51.845423, -1.430524 51.84548, -1.430488 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51.847604, -1.435144 51.847687, -1.435911 51.848057, -1.436078 51.848113, -1.436599 51.84838, -1.43675 51.848565, -1.436961 51.848879, -1.437295 51.849429, -1.437425 51.849707, -1.437486 51.849858, -1.437625 51.85014, -1.437623 51.850295)))",
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© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area