Site of special scientific interest
Crostwick Marsh
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000043 | Facts |
Prefix | site-of-special-scientific-interest | Facts |
Name | Crostwick Marsh | Facts |
Dataset | Site of special scientific interest | no fact link |
Organisation | Natural England | no fact link |
Start date | 2015-08-10 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-01-21 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((1.350652 52.699988, 1.350637 52.700103, 1.350637 52.700238, 1.35028 52.700149, 1.349919 52.70009, 1.349603 52.700059, 1.349221 52.700051, 1.348558 52.700015, 1.348471 52.700017, 1.348396 52.700031, 1.348291 52.700068, 1.348003 52.700192, 1.347947 52.700202, 1.34778 52.700215, 1.34771 52.700212, 1.347439 52.700245, 1.347195 52.700256, 1.346875 52.700236, 1.346646 52.700232, 1.346283 52.700163, 1.345646 52.700075, 1.345539 52.700044, 1.345316 52.699951, 1.345247 52.699933, 1.344984 52.6999, 1.344289 52.69986, 1.344212 52.699846, 1.343911 52.699769, 1.34329 52.69957, 1.343104 52.699533, 1.342901 52.699526, 1.342591 52.699564, 1.342206 52.699013, 1.342201 52.698995, 1.342281 52.698995, 1.342326 52.698807, 1.342399 52.698379, 1.342459 52.69808, 1.344419 52.698575, 1.345062 52.697778, 1.345497 52.697908, 1.346009 52.698041, 1.346215 52.698076, 1.346509 52.698143, 1.34684 52.698134, 1.347328 52.698138, 1.347916 52.698183, 1.348376 52.69823, 1.349107 52.698225, 1.349708 52.69821, 1.349955 52.698227, 1.350191 52.698277, 1.350267 52.6983, 1.350413 52.698317, 1.35112 52.698465, 1.351138 52.69889, 1.351155 52.698959, 1.35114 52.69901, 1.35105 52.699214, 1.350797 52.699653, 1.350652 52.699988)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (1.346879 52.699093)
Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1000043",
"prefix": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
"name": "Crostwick Marsh",
"dataset": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
"organisation-entity": "501910",
"start-date": "2015-08-10",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-01-21",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.350652 52.699988, 1.350637 52.700103, 1.350637 52.700238, 1.35028 52.700149, 1.349919 52.70009, 1.349603 52.700059, 1.349221 52.700051, 1.348558 52.700015, 1.348471 52.700017, 1.348396 52.700031, 1.348291 52.700068, 1.348003 52.700192, 1.347947 52.700202, 1.34778 52.700215, 1.34771 52.700212, 1.347439 52.700245, 1.347195 52.700256, 1.346875 52.700236, 1.346646 52.700232, 1.346283 52.700163, 1.345646 52.700075, 1.345539 52.700044, 1.345316 52.699951, 1.345247 52.699933, 1.344984 52.6999, 1.344289 52.69986, 1.344212 52.699846, 1.343911 52.699769, 1.34329 52.69957, 1.343104 52.699533, 1.342901 52.699526, 1.342591 52.699564, 1.342206 52.699013, 1.342201 52.698995, 1.342281 52.698995, 1.342326 52.698807, 1.342399 52.698379, 1.342459 52.69808, 1.344419 52.698575, 1.345062 52.697778, 1.345497 52.697908, 1.346009 52.698041, 1.346215 52.698076, 1.346509 52.698143, 1.34684 52.698134, 1.347328 52.698138, 1.347916 52.698183, 1.348376 52.69823, 1.349107 52.698225, 1.349708 52.69821, 1.349955 52.698227, 1.350191 52.698277, 1.350267 52.6983, 1.350413 52.698317, 1.35112 52.698465, 1.351138 52.69889, 1.351155 52.698959, 1.35114 52.69901, 1.35105 52.699214, 1.350797 52.699653, 1.350652 52.699988)))",
"point": "POINT (1.346879 52.699093)",
"entity": 14500036
© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.