Site of special scientific interest

Aston Grove & Withycombe Wood

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000014 Facts
Prefix site-of-special-scientific-interest Facts
Name Aston Grove & Withycombe Wood Facts
Dataset Site of special scientific interest no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2003-12-09 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-01-21 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.800774 52.212085, -1.800733 52.212062, -1.800856 52.211945, -1.801799 52.211214, -1.80183 52.21118, -1.801686 52.211067, -1.80167 52.211042, -1.801486 52.210906, -1.800933 52.210459, -1.800767 52.210315, -1.800867 52.210274, -1.800899 52.210245, -1.80089 52.210188, -1.800941 52.210057, -1.800928 52.209986, -1.800928 52.209937, -1.800964 52.209801, -1.801021 52.209693, -1.80107 52.209639, -1.801888 52.209009, -1.802029 52.208913, -1.802052 52.208923, -1.802577 52.208497, -1.802668 52.208389, -1.802721 52.208305, -1.802936 52.207866, -1.802992 52.207619, -1.80279 52.207176, -1.801498 52.207282, -1.801183 52.20729, -1.800902 52.207568, -1.799725 52.208439, -1.799428 52.20864, -1.799146 52.208813, -1.798331 52.209382, -1.797827 52.209689, -1.797777 52.209687, -1.797707 52.209699, -1.797175 52.209875, -1.796965 52.210009, -1.79689 52.210069, -1.796599 52.210235, -1.796577 52.21025, -1.796523 52.210317, -1.796414 52.210343, -1.796282 52.210445, -1.79624 52.210487, -1.796015 52.210555, -1.795822 52.210648, -1.79551 52.210731, -1.795344 52.210825, -1.795055 52.210951, -1.794797 52.211046, -1.794271 52.211257, -1.794005 52.211403, -1.793956 52.211441, -1.793937 52.211472, -1.793801 52.211818, -1.793767 52.211923, -1.793619 52.211995, -1.793462 52.212024, -1.792839 52.21253, -1.792713 52.212626, -1.79255 52.212731, -1.792513 52.212767, -1.792389 52.212945, -1.792322 52.213017, -1.792295 52.21309, -1.791827 52.213097, -1.791655 52.213561, -1.791574 52.213946, -1.791551 52.214119, -1.791561 52.214198, -1.791597 52.214334, -1.791699 52.214482, -1.791735 52.214656, -1.791763 52.214871, -1.791769 52.215004, -1.79175 52.215131, -1.791757 52.215211, -1.791752 52.215251, -1.791715 52.215306, -1.791736 52.215342, -1.792021 52.215482, -1.792583 52.215706, -1.79286 52.215833, -1.793492 52.216055, -1.793991 52.21622, -1.794557 52.216429, -1.794839 52.216546, -1.795118 52.216616, -1.795766 52.216755, -1.79593 52.216782, -1.796171 52.216882, -1.796308 52.216949, -1.796413 52.216985, -1.796448 52.217007, -1.79666 52.217209, -1.79697 52.217535, -1.79702 52.217541, -1.797055 52.217598, -1.797146 52.217672, -1.797224 52.217759, -1.797257 52.217826, -1.79727 52.217925, -1.797222 52.218109, -1.797251 52.218197, -1.797201 52.218306, -1.797203 52.218675, -1.797135 52.218687, -1.797156 52.218743, -1.797146 52.219143, -1.79708 52.219382, -1.797096 52.219398, -1.796863 52.219899, -1.796848 52.219917, -1.796745 52.220014, -1.796165 52.219985, -1.795319 52.219991, -1.79524 52.219977, -1.795159 52.219949, -1.794947 52.219787, -1.794356 52.219302, -1.793683 52.218649, -1.793609 52.218589, -1.793537 52.218545, -1.792161 52.218586, -1.79169 52.218612, -1.791344 52.218668, -1.791126 52.218684, -1.790936 52.218924, -1.790774 52.219102, -1.790686 52.219186, -1.790297 52.219411, -1.789959 52.219628, -1.78989 52.21968, -1.789747 52.219823, -1.78966 52.219938, -1.78965 52.219974, -1.78961 52.220008, -1.789572 52.220072, -1.789565 52.220092, -1.789564 52.220187, -1.789735 52.220236, -1.790117 52.220372, -1.789945 52.220553, -1.789866 52.220647, -1.791321 52.221132, -1.79309 52.221801, -1.793229 52.221869, -1.792796 52.222462, -1.792766 52.223028, -1.792748 52.223047, -1.792904 52.223091, -1.793275 52.22312, -1.793332 52.223148, -1.793768 52.223173, -1.794128 52.223181, -1.79441 52.223209, -1.794421 52.223112, -1.794402 52.223003, -1.794383 52.222789, -1.794382 52.222432, -1.79435 52.22217, -1.794564 52.222143, -1.795537 52.222113, -1.795973 52.222075, -1.796452 52.221999, -1.797 52.221898, -1.797163 52.221851, -1.797242 52.22182, -1.797418 52.221709, -1.797511 52.221628, -1.797612 52.221523, -1.797744 52.221364, -1.798047 52.22093, -1.798368 52.220498, -1.798487 52.220325, -1.798555 52.220207, -1.798647 52.220154, -1.798753 52.219957, -1.799053 52.219968, -1.799048 52.219872, -1.798957 52.219329, -1.798907 52.219329, -1.798864 52.218722, -1.79882 52.218438, -1.79877 52.2182, -1.798661 52.217456, -1.798426 52.217088, -1.798347 52.216984, -1.798238 52.216877, -1.798137 52.216801, -1.797797 52.216599, -1.797629 52.21653, -1.797548 52.216484, -1.797005 52.216336, -1.79714 52.216225, -1.797313 52.21612, -1.795919 52.215384, -1.795136 52.215027, -1.795777 52.214689, -1.795881 52.21461, -1.795883 52.214576, -1.795852 52.214535, -1.795801 52.214481, -1.795663 52.214368, -1.795629 52.214329, -1.79559 52.214251, -1.795583 52.214202, -1.796803 52.213805, -1.797383 52.21365, -1.79774 52.21358, -1.798484 52.213465, -1.79878 52.213446, -1.799066 52.213412, -1.799194 52.213431, -1.799306 52.21343, -1.799459 52.213406, -1.799597 52.213367, -1.799509 52.213045, -1.799514 52.213, -1.79954 52.212963, -1.800093 52.212769, -1.800956 52.212256, -1.800949 52.2122, -1.80094 52.212183, -1.800774 52.212085))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.796129 52.215229) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "name": "Aston Grove & Withycombe Wood",
    "dataset": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "2003-12-09",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-01-21",
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    "point": "POINT (-1.796129 52.215229)",
    "entity": 14500012

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area