Site of special scientific interest

Chancellor's Farm

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000008 Facts
Prefix site-of-special-scientific-interest Facts
Name Chancellor's Farm Facts
Dataset Site of special scientific interest no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date 2003-09-22 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-01-21 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.676789 51.264091, -2.676837 51.26395, -2.676975 51.264023, -2.67701 51.26403, -2.677152 51.263999, -2.677213 51.263999, -2.677407 51.264042, -2.677487 51.264086, -2.677567 51.264116, -2.677718 51.264142, -2.677776 51.264175, -2.678204 51.264328, -2.678651 51.264508, -2.67883 51.264568, -2.679241 51.26473, -2.679414 51.264819, -2.679553 51.264901, -2.679675 51.264976, -2.679854 51.265101, -2.680083 51.265227, -2.680693 51.2655, -2.681086 51.265628, -2.681258 51.265693, -2.681408 51.265776, -2.681897 51.266011, -2.682108 51.266133, -2.682282 51.26625, -2.682441 51.266334, -2.682545 51.266406, -2.682773 51.266523, -2.682887 51.266564, -2.683557 51.266876, -2.68396 51.267091, -2.684108 51.267179, -2.684493 51.26738, -2.68444 51.267412, -2.684177 51.267387, -2.683703 51.267295, -2.68333 51.267204, -2.683015 51.267141, -2.682535 51.266908, -2.682311 51.266815, -2.681747 51.266655, -2.681023 51.266406, -2.680943 51.26637, -2.680873 51.266358, -2.680798 51.266315, -2.680465 51.266199, -2.680446 51.266183, -2.68031 51.266155, -2.679145 51.265686, -2.679086 51.265654, -2.678873 51.265577, -2.678351 51.265334, -2.677672 51.265123, -2.676947 51.264941, -2.676598 51.264841, -2.676502 51.264782, -2.676327 51.264753, -2.67626 51.264728, -2.676368 51.264668, -2.676461 51.264557, -2.676711 51.264204, -2.676789 51.264091)), ((-2.683986 51.271492, -2.683813 51.271504, -2.683788 51.271633, -2.683712 51.27186, -2.683631 51.272037, -2.683542 51.272194, -2.683093 51.272562, -2.682765 51.272767, -2.682689 51.272794, -2.680423 51.272492, -2.679541 51.272381, -2.679038 51.272333, -2.67889 51.272305, -2.678356 51.272236, -2.677465 51.272101, -2.675559 51.271793, -2.67588 51.271536, -2.67643 51.271115, -2.676949 51.270855, -2.677199 51.270654, -2.67745 51.270468, -2.677428 51.270453, -2.677425 51.270408, -2.677493 51.270275, -2.677557 51.270193, -2.678192 51.26985, -2.678424 51.269711, -2.678644 51.269603, -2.678831 51.269493, -2.678856 51.269491, -2.678948 51.269424, -2.679084 51.269361, -2.68001 51.268992, -2.680132 51.268953, -2.680222 51.268909, -2.680343 51.268878, -2.680554 51.268802, -2.680873 51.268661, -2.681306 51.268429, -2.681622 51.26829, -2.681759 51.268248, -2.682033 51.268198, -2.682374 51.268189, -2.682775 51.268211, -2.683701 51.26829, -2.684095 51.268297, -2.684286 51.268292, -2.684749 51.268258, -2.68507 51.26822, -2.685317 51.268185, -2.685783 51.268087, -2.685853 51.26816, -2.685867 51.268198, -2.686056 51.268867, -2.686182 51.269255, -2.686312 51.269752, -2.686441 51.270291, -2.686464 51.270347, -2.686506 51.270514, -2.686691 51.271266, -2.6867 51.271332, -2.686768 51.271493, -2.686808 51.271715, -2.686874 51.272459, -2.686899 51.272596, -2.686964 51.272797, -2.684921 51.273152, -2.68473 51.272835, -2.684137 51.271782, -2.683986 51.271492))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.681882 51.269944) Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000008",
    "prefix": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "name": "Chancellor's Farm",
    "dataset": "site-of-special-scientific-interest",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "2003-09-22",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-01-21",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.676789 51.264091, -2.676837 51.26395, -2.676975 51.264023, -2.67701 51.26403, -2.677152 51.263999, -2.677213 51.263999, -2.677407 51.264042, -2.677487 51.264086, -2.677567 51.264116, -2.677718 51.264142, -2.677776 51.264175, -2.678204 51.264328, -2.678651 51.264508, -2.67883 51.264568, -2.679241 51.26473, -2.679414 51.264819, -2.679553 51.264901, -2.679675 51.264976, -2.679854 51.265101, -2.680083 51.265227, -2.680693 51.2655, -2.681086 51.265628, -2.681258 51.265693, -2.681408 51.265776, -2.681897 51.266011, -2.682108 51.266133, -2.682282 51.26625, -2.682441 51.266334, -2.682545 51.266406, -2.682773 51.266523, -2.682887 51.266564, -2.683557 51.266876, -2.68396 51.267091, -2.684108 51.267179, -2.684493 51.26738, -2.68444 51.267412, -2.684177 51.267387, -2.683703 51.267295, -2.68333 51.267204, -2.683015 51.267141, -2.682535 51.266908, -2.682311 51.266815, -2.681747 51.266655, -2.681023 51.266406, -2.680943 51.26637, -2.680873 51.266358, -2.680798 51.266315, -2.680465 51.266199, -2.680446 51.266183, -2.68031 51.266155, -2.679145 51.265686, -2.679086 51.265654, -2.678873 51.265577, -2.678351 51.265334, -2.677672 51.265123, -2.676947 51.264941, -2.676598 51.264841, -2.676502 51.264782, -2.676327 51.264753, -2.67626 51.264728, -2.676368 51.264668, -2.676461 51.264557, -2.676711 51.264204, -2.676789 51.264091)), ((-2.683986 51.271492, -2.683813 51.271504, -2.683788 51.271633, -2.683712 51.27186, -2.683631 51.272037, -2.683542 51.272194, -2.683093 51.272562, -2.682765 51.272767, -2.682689 51.272794, -2.680423 51.272492, -2.679541 51.272381, -2.679038 51.272333, -2.67889 51.272305, -2.678356 51.272236, -2.677465 51.272101, -2.675559 51.271793, -2.67588 51.271536, -2.67643 51.271115, -2.676949 51.270855, -2.677199 51.270654, -2.67745 51.270468, -2.677428 51.270453, -2.677425 51.270408, -2.677493 51.270275, -2.677557 51.270193, -2.678192 51.26985, -2.678424 51.269711, -2.678644 51.269603, -2.678831 51.269493, -2.678856 51.269491, -2.678948 51.269424, -2.679084 51.269361, -2.68001 51.268992, -2.680132 51.268953, -2.680222 51.268909, -2.680343 51.268878, -2.680554 51.268802, -2.680873 51.268661, -2.681306 51.268429, -2.681622 51.26829, -2.681759 51.268248, -2.682033 51.268198, -2.682374 51.268189, -2.682775 51.268211, -2.683701 51.26829, -2.684095 51.268297, -2.684286 51.268292, -2.684749 51.268258, -2.68507 51.26822, -2.685317 51.268185, -2.685783 51.268087, -2.685853 51.26816, -2.685867 51.268198, -2.686056 51.268867, -2.686182 51.269255, -2.686312 51.269752, -2.686441 51.270291, -2.686464 51.270347, -2.686506 51.270514, -2.686691 51.271266, -2.6867 51.271332, -2.686768 51.271493, -2.686808 51.271715, -2.686874 51.272459, -2.686899 51.272596, -2.686964 51.272797, -2.684921 51.273152, -2.68473 51.272835, -2.684137 51.271782, -2.683986 51.271492)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.681882 51.269944)",
    "entity": 14500007

© Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area