Scheduled monument
Two bowl barrows, one 220m east of Lower Longbeak and the other 320m east of Higher Longbeak
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1001723 | Facts |
Prefix | scheduled-monument | Facts |
Name | Two bowl barrows, one 220m east of Lower Longbeak and the other 320m east of Higher Longbeak | Facts |
Dataset | Scheduled monument | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1976-04-21 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-02-20 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.556694 50.806459, -4.556647 50.806475, -4.556611 50.8065, -4.556588 50.80653, -4.556582 50.806564, -4.556592 50.806597, -4.556618 50.806627, -4.556657 50.80665, -4.556705 50.806664, -4.556758 50.806668, -4.55681 50.806662, -4.556857 50.806645, -4.556893 50.806621, -4.556916 50.80659, -4.556922 50.806556, -4.556912 50.806523, -4.556886 50.806494, -4.556847 50.806471, -4.556799 50.806457, -4.556746 50.806452, -4.556694 50.806459)), ((-4.557548 50.800495, -4.557501 50.800511, -4.557465 50.800536, -4.557442 50.800567, -4.557436 50.8006, -4.557446 50.800633, -4.557472 50.800663, -4.55751 50.800686, -4.557559 50.8007, -4.557612 50.800704, -4.557664 50.800698, -4.55771 50.800681, -4.557747 50.800657, -4.557769 50.800626, -4.557776 50.800593, -4.557766 50.800559, -4.55774 50.80053, -4.557701 50.800507, -4.557653 50.800493, -4.5576 50.800489, -4.557548 50.800495)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-4.557178 50.803581)
Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1001723",
"prefix": "scheduled-monument",
"name": "Two bowl barrows, one 220m east of Lower Longbeak and the other 320m east of Higher Longbeak",
"dataset": "scheduled-monument",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1976-04-21",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-02-20",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.556694 50.806459, -4.556647 50.806475, -4.556611 50.8065, -4.556588 50.80653, -4.556582 50.806564, -4.556592 50.806597, -4.556618 50.806627, -4.556657 50.80665, -4.556705 50.806664, -4.556758 50.806668, -4.55681 50.806662, -4.556857 50.806645, -4.556893 50.806621, -4.556916 50.80659, -4.556922 50.806556, -4.556912 50.806523, -4.556886 50.806494, -4.556847 50.806471, -4.556799 50.806457, -4.556746 50.806452, -4.556694 50.806459)), ((-4.557548 50.800495, -4.557501 50.800511, -4.557465 50.800536, -4.557442 50.800567, -4.557436 50.8006, -4.557446 50.800633, -4.557472 50.800663, -4.55751 50.800686, -4.557559 50.8007, -4.557612 50.800704, -4.557664 50.800698, -4.55771 50.800681, -4.557747 50.800657, -4.557769 50.800626, -4.557776 50.800593, -4.557766 50.800559, -4.55774 50.80053, -4.557701 50.800507, -4.557653 50.800493, -4.5576 50.800489, -4.557548 50.800495)))",
"point": "POINT (-4.557178 50.803581)",
"entity": 13900005,
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.