Scheduled monument

Two bowl barrows, one 220m east of Lower Longbeak and the other 320m east of Higher Longbeak

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1001723 Facts
Prefix scheduled-monument Facts
Name Two bowl barrows, one 220m east of Lower Longbeak and the other 320m east of Higher Longbeak Facts
Dataset Scheduled monument no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1976-04-21 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-15 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.556694 50.806459, -4.556647 50.806475, -4.556611 50.8065, -4.556588 50.80653, -4.556582 50.806564, -4.556592 50.806597, -4.556618 50.806627, -4.556657 50.80665, -4.556705 50.806664, -4.556758 50.806668, -4.55681 50.806662, -4.556857 50.806645, -4.556893 50.806621, -4.556916 50.80659, -4.556922 50.806556, -4.556912 50.806523, -4.556886 50.806494, -4.556847 50.806471, -4.556799 50.806457, -4.556746 50.806452, -4.556694 50.806459)), ((-4.557548 50.800495, -4.557501 50.800511, -4.557465 50.800536, -4.557442 50.800567, -4.557436 50.8006, -4.557446 50.800633, -4.557472 50.800663, -4.55751 50.800686, -4.557559 50.8007, -4.557612 50.800704, -4.557664 50.800698, -4.55771 50.800681, -4.557747 50.800657, -4.557769 50.800626, -4.557776 50.800593, -4.557766 50.800559, -4.55774 50.80053, -4.557701 50.800507, -4.557653 50.800493, -4.5576 50.800489, -4.557548 50.800495))) Facts
Point POINT (-4.557178 50.803581) Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1001723",
    "prefix": "scheduled-monument",
    "name": "Two bowl barrows, one 220m east of Lower Longbeak and the other 320m east of Higher Longbeak",
    "dataset": "scheduled-monument",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1976-04-21",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-15",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-4.556694 50.806459, -4.556647 50.806475, -4.556611 50.8065, -4.556588 50.80653, -4.556582 50.806564, -4.556592 50.806597, -4.556618 50.806627, -4.556657 50.80665, -4.556705 50.806664, -4.556758 50.806668, -4.55681 50.806662, -4.556857 50.806645, -4.556893 50.806621, -4.556916 50.80659, -4.556922 50.806556, -4.556912 50.806523, -4.556886 50.806494, -4.556847 50.806471, -4.556799 50.806457, -4.556746 50.806452, -4.556694 50.806459)), ((-4.557548 50.800495, -4.557501 50.800511, -4.557465 50.800536, -4.557442 50.800567, -4.557436 50.8006, -4.557446 50.800633, -4.557472 50.800663, -4.55751 50.800686, -4.557559 50.8007, -4.557612 50.800704, -4.557664 50.800698, -4.55771 50.800681, -4.557747 50.800657, -4.557769 50.800626, -4.557776 50.800593, -4.557766 50.800559, -4.55774 50.80053, -4.557701 50.800507, -4.557653 50.800493, -4.5576 50.800489, -4.557548 50.800495)))",
    "point": "POINT (-4.557178 50.803581)",
    "entity": 13900005,
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area