Protected wreck site


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000050 Facts
Prefix protected-wreck-site Facts
Name MOOR SAND Facts
Dataset Protected wreck site no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1978-02-14 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 1979-01-19 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.739799 50.209565, -3.739536 50.209581, -3.739276 50.209607, -3.739018 50.209644, -3.738764 50.209691, -3.738516 50.209749, -3.738274 50.209816, -3.738038 50.209893, -3.737811 50.209979, -3.737593 50.210074, -3.737384 50.210178, -3.737186 50.21029, -3.736999 50.21041, -3.736825 50.210537, -3.736663 50.210671, -3.736515 50.210811, -3.73638 50.210957, -3.73626 50.211108, -3.736155 50.211263, -3.736066 50.211423, -3.735992 50.211585, -3.735935 50.211751, -3.735893 50.211918, -3.735868 50.212087, -3.73586 50.212256, -3.735868 50.212426, -3.735893 50.212594, -3.735934 50.212761, -3.735992 50.212927, -3.736066 50.21309, -3.736155 50.213249, -3.73626 50.213405, -3.73638 50.213556, -3.736514 50.213701, -3.736663 50.213841, -3.736824 50.213975, -3.736999 50.214102, -3.737186 50.214222, -3.737384 50.214334, -3.737593 50.214438, -3.737811 50.214534, -3.738038 50.21462, -3.738273 50.214697, -3.738516 50.214764, -3.738764 50.214821, -3.739018 50.214869, -3.739276 50.214906, -3.739536 50.214932, -3.739799 50.214948, -3.740063 50.214953, -3.740327 50.214948, -3.74059 50.214932, -3.740851 50.214906, -3.741108 50.214869, -3.741362 50.214821, -3.74161 50.214764, -3.741853 50.214697, -3.742088 50.21462, -3.742315 50.214534, -3.742534 50.214438, -3.742742 50.214334, -3.74294 50.214222, -3.743127 50.214103, -3.743302 50.213975, -3.743463 50.213842, -3.743612 50.213701, -3.743746 50.213556, -3.743866 50.213405, -3.743971 50.213249, -3.74406 50.21309, -3.744134 50.212927, -3.744192 50.212762, -3.744233 50.212594, -3.744258 50.212426, -3.744266 50.212256, -3.744258 50.212087, -3.744233 50.211918, -3.744191 50.211751, -3.744134 50.211586, -3.74406 50.211423, -3.743971 50.211263, -3.743866 50.211108, -3.743746 50.210957, -3.743612 50.210811, -3.743463 50.210671, -3.743301 50.210537, -3.743127 50.21041, -3.74294 50.21029, -3.742742 50.210178, -3.742533 50.210074, -3.742315 50.209979, -3.742088 50.209893, -3.741852 50.209816, -3.74161 50.209749, -3.741362 50.209691, -3.741108 50.209644, -3.740851 50.209607, -3.74059 50.209581, -3.740327 50.209565, -3.740063 50.209559, -3.739799 50.209565))) Facts
Point POINT (-3.740063 50.212256) Facts
Legislation 1978/199 1979/56 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000050",
    "prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
    "name": "MOOR SAND",
    "dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1978-02-14",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "1979-01-19",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-3.739799 50.209565, -3.739536 50.209581, -3.739276 50.209607, -3.739018 50.209644, -3.738764 50.209691, -3.738516 50.209749, -3.738274 50.209816, -3.738038 50.209893, -3.737811 50.209979, -3.737593 50.210074, -3.737384 50.210178, -3.737186 50.21029, -3.736999 50.21041, -3.736825 50.210537, -3.736663 50.210671, -3.736515 50.210811, -3.73638 50.210957, -3.73626 50.211108, -3.736155 50.211263, -3.736066 50.211423, -3.735992 50.211585, -3.735935 50.211751, -3.735893 50.211918, -3.735868 50.212087, -3.73586 50.212256, -3.735868 50.212426, -3.735893 50.212594, -3.735934 50.212761, -3.735992 50.212927, -3.736066 50.21309, -3.736155 50.213249, -3.73626 50.213405, -3.73638 50.213556, -3.736514 50.213701, -3.736663 50.213841, -3.736824 50.213975, -3.736999 50.214102, -3.737186 50.214222, -3.737384 50.214334, -3.737593 50.214438, -3.737811 50.214534, -3.738038 50.21462, -3.738273 50.214697, -3.738516 50.214764, -3.738764 50.214821, -3.739018 50.214869, -3.739276 50.214906, -3.739536 50.214932, -3.739799 50.214948, -3.740063 50.214953, -3.740327 50.214948, -3.74059 50.214932, -3.740851 50.214906, -3.741108 50.214869, -3.741362 50.214821, -3.74161 50.214764, -3.741853 50.214697, -3.742088 50.21462, -3.742315 50.214534, -3.742534 50.214438, -3.742742 50.214334, -3.74294 50.214222, -3.743127 50.214103, -3.743302 50.213975, -3.743463 50.213842, -3.743612 50.213701, -3.743746 50.213556, -3.743866 50.213405, -3.743971 50.213249, -3.74406 50.21309, -3.744134 50.212927, -3.744192 50.212762, -3.744233 50.212594, -3.744258 50.212426, -3.744266 50.212256, -3.744258 50.212087, -3.744233 50.211918, -3.744191 50.211751, -3.744134 50.211586, -3.74406 50.211423, -3.743971 50.211263, -3.743866 50.211108, -3.743746 50.210957, -3.743612 50.210811, -3.743463 50.210671, -3.743301 50.210537, -3.743127 50.21041, -3.74294 50.21029, -3.742742 50.210178, -3.742533 50.210074, -3.742315 50.209979, -3.742088 50.209893, -3.741852 50.209816, -3.74161 50.209749, -3.741362 50.209691, -3.741108 50.209644, -3.740851 50.209607, -3.74059 50.209581, -3.740327 50.209565, -3.740063 50.209559, -3.739799 50.209565)))",
    "point": "POINT (-3.740063 50.212256)",
    "entity": 12800006,
    "legislation": "1978/199 1979/56",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area