Protected wreck site
The Hazardous (formerly Le Hazardeux)
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000048 | Facts |
Prefix | protected-wreck-site | Facts |
Name | The Hazardous (formerly Le Hazardeux) | Facts |
Dataset | Protected wreck site | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1986-08-21 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2022-06-06 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.857166 50.752211, -0.857174 50.752352, -0.857206 50.752492, -0.85726 50.752628, -0.857322 50.752739, -0.857383 50.752825, -0.857491 50.752949, -0.857619 50.753064, -0.85774 50.753153, -0.857873 50.753236, -0.858076 50.753338, -0.858265 50.753413, -0.858431 50.753465, -0.858604 50.753508, -0.858782 50.753541, -0.859001 50.753568, -0.859222 50.75358, -0.859592 50.753567, -0.859811 50.75354, -0.860058 50.75349, -0.860228 50.753443, -0.860423 50.753374, -0.860605 50.753293, -0.860772 50.7532, -0.8609 50.753114, -0.861036 50.753003, -0.861154 50.752883, -0.861251 50.752756, -0.861316 50.752646, -0.861373 50.752509, -0.861403 50.752393, -0.861418 50.752252, -0.861413 50.752135, -0.861392 50.752018, -0.861345 50.75188, -0.861276 50.751746, -0.861185 50.751617, -0.861093 50.751514, -0.860942 50.75138, -0.860819 50.751293, -0.860656 50.751196, -0.860508 50.751125, -0.860319 50.75105, -0.860153 50.750998, -0.85998 50.750955, -0.859802 50.750922, -0.859584 50.750895, -0.859362 50.750883, -0.858992 50.750896, -0.858774 50.750923, -0.858526 50.750973, -0.858356 50.75102, -0.858162 50.751089, -0.85798 50.75117, -0.857812 50.751263, -0.857637 50.751385, -0.857527 50.751479, -0.857413 50.751601, -0.857333 50.751707, -0.857247 50.751862, -0.857204 50.751977, -0.857177 50.752093, -0.857166 50.752211)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.859292 50.752232)
Facts |
Legislation | 2017/773 2022/535 | Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1000048",
"prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
"name": "The Hazardous (formerly Le Hazardeux)",
"dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1986-08-21",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2022-06-06",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.857166 50.752211, -0.857174 50.752352, -0.857206 50.752492, -0.85726 50.752628, -0.857322 50.752739, -0.857383 50.752825, -0.857491 50.752949, -0.857619 50.753064, -0.85774 50.753153, -0.857873 50.753236, -0.858076 50.753338, -0.858265 50.753413, -0.858431 50.753465, -0.858604 50.753508, -0.858782 50.753541, -0.859001 50.753568, -0.859222 50.75358, -0.859592 50.753567, -0.859811 50.75354, -0.860058 50.75349, -0.860228 50.753443, -0.860423 50.753374, -0.860605 50.753293, -0.860772 50.7532, -0.8609 50.753114, -0.861036 50.753003, -0.861154 50.752883, -0.861251 50.752756, -0.861316 50.752646, -0.861373 50.752509, -0.861403 50.752393, -0.861418 50.752252, -0.861413 50.752135, -0.861392 50.752018, -0.861345 50.75188, -0.861276 50.751746, -0.861185 50.751617, -0.861093 50.751514, -0.860942 50.75138, -0.860819 50.751293, -0.860656 50.751196, -0.860508 50.751125, -0.860319 50.75105, -0.860153 50.750998, -0.85998 50.750955, -0.859802 50.750922, -0.859584 50.750895, -0.859362 50.750883, -0.858992 50.750896, -0.858774 50.750923, -0.858526 50.750973, -0.858356 50.75102, -0.858162 50.751089, -0.85798 50.75117, -0.857812 50.751263, -0.857637 50.751385, -0.857527 50.751479, -0.857413 50.751601, -0.857333 50.751707, -0.857247 50.751862, -0.857204 50.751977, -0.857177 50.752093, -0.857166 50.752211)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.859292 50.752232)",
"entity": 12800004,
"legislation": "2017/773 2022/535",
"documentation-url": ""
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
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