Protected wreck site


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000045 Facts
Prefix protected-wreck-site Facts
Dataset Protected wreck site no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1984-10-22 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 1998-07-17 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.914465 50.66073, -1.914333 50.660741, -1.914204 50.660762, -1.91408 50.660793, -1.913963 50.660834, -1.913856 50.660884, -1.913759 50.660942, -1.913674 50.661007, -1.913602 50.661079, -1.913545 50.661155, -1.913504 50.661236, -1.913479 50.661319, -1.913471 50.661403, -1.913479 50.661488, -1.913504 50.661571, -1.913545 50.661651, -1.913602 50.661728, -1.913674 50.6618, -1.913758 50.661865, -1.913856 50.661923, -1.913963 50.661972, -1.91408 50.662013, -1.914204 50.662044, -1.914333 50.662065, -1.914465 50.662076, -1.914598 50.662076, -1.91473 50.662065, -1.914859 50.662044, -1.914983 50.662013, -1.9151 50.661972, -1.915208 50.661923, -1.915305 50.661865, -1.91539 50.6618, -1.915461 50.661728, -1.915541 50.661612, -1.915574 50.66153, -1.91559 50.661446, -1.91559 50.661361, -1.915574 50.661277, -1.915541 50.661195, -1.915461 50.661079, -1.91539 50.661007, -1.915305 50.660942, -1.915208 50.660884, -1.915043 50.660812, -1.914922 50.660776, -1.914796 50.66075, -1.914665 50.660734, -1.914465 50.66073))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.914531 50.661403) Facts
Legislation 1984/1658 1988/2137 1998/1746 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000045",
    "prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
    "name": "STUDLAND BAY WRECK",
    "dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1984-10-22",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "1998-07-17",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.914465 50.66073, -1.914333 50.660741, -1.914204 50.660762, -1.91408 50.660793, -1.913963 50.660834, -1.913856 50.660884, -1.913759 50.660942, -1.913674 50.661007, -1.913602 50.661079, -1.913545 50.661155, -1.913504 50.661236, -1.913479 50.661319, -1.913471 50.661403, -1.913479 50.661488, -1.913504 50.661571, -1.913545 50.661651, -1.913602 50.661728, -1.913674 50.6618, -1.913758 50.661865, -1.913856 50.661923, -1.913963 50.661972, -1.91408 50.662013, -1.914204 50.662044, -1.914333 50.662065, -1.914465 50.662076, -1.914598 50.662076, -1.91473 50.662065, -1.914859 50.662044, -1.914983 50.662013, -1.9151 50.661972, -1.915208 50.661923, -1.915305 50.661865, -1.91539 50.6618, -1.915461 50.661728, -1.915541 50.661612, -1.915574 50.66153, -1.91559 50.661446, -1.91559 50.661361, -1.915574 50.661277, -1.915541 50.661195, -1.915461 50.661079, -1.91539 50.661007, -1.915305 50.660942, -1.915208 50.660884, -1.915043 50.660812, -1.914922 50.660776, -1.914796 50.66075, -1.914665 50.660734, -1.914465 50.66073)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.914531 50.661403)",
    "entity": 12800002,
    "legislation": "1984/1658 1988/2137 1998/1746",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area