Protected wreck site

HMS/m A1

Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000043 Facts
Prefix protected-wreck-site Facts
Name HMS/m A1 Facts
Dataset Protected wreck site no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1998-11-04 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2004-10-05 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.921037 50.739816, -0.920771 50.739832, -0.920507 50.739859, -0.920247 50.739896, -0.91999 50.739943, -0.919739 50.74, -0.919494 50.740068, -0.919256 50.740144, -0.919026 50.740231, -0.918806 50.740326, -0.918595 50.74043, -0.918394 50.740542, -0.918206 50.740662, -0.918029 50.740789, -0.917865 50.740923, -0.917715 50.741063, -0.917579 50.741208, -0.917458 50.741359, -0.917352 50.741515, -0.917261 50.741674, -0.917187 50.741837, -0.917129 50.742002, -0.917087 50.74217, -0.917062 50.742338, -0.917053 50.742508, -0.917062 50.742677, -0.917087 50.742846, -0.917129 50.743013, -0.917187 50.743178, -0.917261 50.743341, -0.917352 50.743501, -0.917458 50.743656, -0.917579 50.743807, -0.917715 50.743953, -0.917865 50.744093, -0.918029 50.744227, -0.918205 50.744354, -0.918394 50.744474, -0.918594 50.744586, -0.918805 50.744689, -0.919026 50.744785, -0.919256 50.744871, -0.919494 50.744948, -0.919739 50.745015, -0.91999 50.745073, -0.920247 50.74512, -0.920507 50.745157, -0.920771 50.745183, -0.921037 50.745199, -0.921304 50.745204, -0.92157 50.745199, -0.921836 50.745183, -0.9221 50.745157, -0.922361 50.74512, -0.922617 50.745072, -0.922868 50.745015, -0.923114 50.744948, -0.923351 50.744871, -0.923581 50.744785, -0.923802 50.744689, -0.924013 50.744586, -0.924214 50.744474, -0.924402 50.744354, -0.924579 50.744227, -0.924742 50.744093, -0.924892 50.743953, -0.925028 50.743807, -0.92515 50.743656, -0.925256 50.7435, -0.925346 50.743341, -0.92542 50.743178, -0.925479 50.743013, -0.925521 50.742846, -0.925546 50.742677, -0.925554 50.742508, -0.925546 50.742338, -0.925521 50.74217, -0.925479 50.742002, -0.92542 50.741837, -0.925346 50.741674, -0.925256 50.741515, -0.925149 50.741359, -0.925028 50.741208, -0.924892 50.741063, -0.924742 50.740923, -0.924579 50.740789, -0.924402 50.740662, -0.924213 50.740542, -0.924013 50.74043, -0.923802 50.740326, -0.923581 50.740231, -0.923351 50.740144, -0.922868 50.74, -0.922617 50.739943, -0.922361 50.739896, -0.9221 50.739859, -0.921836 50.739832, -0.921571 50.739816, -0.921037 50.739816))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.921304 50.742508) Facts
Legislation 1998/2708 2004/2395 Facts
Documentation url Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "1000043",
    "prefix": "protected-wreck-site",
    "name": "HMS/m A1",
    "dataset": "protected-wreck-site",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1998-11-04",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2004-10-05",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.921037 50.739816, -0.920771 50.739832, -0.920507 50.739859, -0.920247 50.739896, -0.91999 50.739943, -0.919739 50.74, -0.919494 50.740068, -0.919256 50.740144, -0.919026 50.740231, -0.918806 50.740326, -0.918595 50.74043, -0.918394 50.740542, -0.918206 50.740662, -0.918029 50.740789, -0.917865 50.740923, -0.917715 50.741063, -0.917579 50.741208, -0.917458 50.741359, -0.917352 50.741515, -0.917261 50.741674, -0.917187 50.741837, -0.917129 50.742002, -0.917087 50.74217, -0.917062 50.742338, -0.917053 50.742508, -0.917062 50.742677, -0.917087 50.742846, -0.917129 50.743013, -0.917187 50.743178, -0.917261 50.743341, -0.917352 50.743501, -0.917458 50.743656, -0.917579 50.743807, -0.917715 50.743953, -0.917865 50.744093, -0.918029 50.744227, -0.918205 50.744354, -0.918394 50.744474, -0.918594 50.744586, -0.918805 50.744689, -0.919026 50.744785, -0.919256 50.744871, -0.919494 50.744948, -0.919739 50.745015, -0.91999 50.745073, -0.920247 50.74512, -0.920507 50.745157, -0.920771 50.745183, -0.921037 50.745199, -0.921304 50.745204, -0.92157 50.745199, -0.921836 50.745183, -0.9221 50.745157, -0.922361 50.74512, -0.922617 50.745072, -0.922868 50.745015, -0.923114 50.744948, -0.923351 50.744871, -0.923581 50.744785, -0.923802 50.744689, -0.924013 50.744586, -0.924214 50.744474, -0.924402 50.744354, -0.924579 50.744227, -0.924742 50.744093, -0.924892 50.743953, -0.925028 50.743807, -0.92515 50.743656, -0.925256 50.7435, -0.925346 50.743341, -0.92542 50.743178, -0.925479 50.743013, -0.925521 50.742846, -0.925546 50.742677, -0.925554 50.742508, -0.925546 50.742338, -0.925521 50.74217, -0.925479 50.742002, -0.92542 50.741837, -0.925346 50.741674, -0.925256 50.741515, -0.925149 50.741359, -0.925028 50.741208, -0.924892 50.741063, -0.924742 50.740923, -0.924579 50.740789, -0.924402 50.740662, -0.924213 50.740542, -0.924013 50.74043, -0.923802 50.740326, -0.923581 50.740231, -0.923351 50.740144, -0.922868 50.74, -0.922617 50.739943, -0.922361 50.739896, -0.9221 50.739859, -0.921836 50.739832, -0.921571 50.739816, -0.921037 50.739816)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.921304 50.742508)",
    "entity": 12800000,
    "legislation": "1998/2708 2004/2395",
    "documentation-url": ""

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area