Permitted development right

Agricultural development on units of less than 5 hectares

Field Value Fact links
Reference 6B Facts
Prefix permitted-development-right Facts
Name Agricultural development on units of less than 5 hectares Facts
Dataset Permitted development right no fact link
Organisation Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government no fact link
Start date 1995-01-01 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2020-12-31 Facts
Typology category no fact link
Description The carrying out on agricultural land comprised in an agricultural unit, of not less than 0.4 but less than 5 hectares in area, of development consisting of: (a) the extension or alteration of an agricultural building; (b) the installation of additional or replacement plant or machinery; (c) the provision, main, pipe, cable or other apparatus; (d) the provision, (e) the provision of a hard surface; (f) the deposit of waste; or (g) the carrying out of any of the following operations in connection with fish farming, repairing ponds and raceways; the installation of grading machinery, aeration equipment or flow meters and any associated channel; the dredging of ponds; and the replacement of tanks and nets,where the development is reasonably necessary for the purposes of agriculture within the unit. Facts
Documentation url Facts
Permitted development right part 6 Facts
Permitted development right class B Facts


    "reference": "6B",
    "prefix": "permitted-development-right",
    "name": "Agricultural development on units of less than 5 hectares",
    "dataset": "permitted-development-right",
    "organisation-entity": "600001",
    "start-date": "1995-01-01",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2020-12-31",
    "typology": "category",
    "geometry": "",
    "point": "",
    "entity": 11500046,
    "description": "The carrying out on agricultural land comprised in an agricultural unit, of not less than 0.4 but less than 5 hectares in area, of development consisting of: (a) the extension or alteration of an agricultural building; (b) the installation of additional or replacement plant or machinery; (c) the provision, main, pipe, cable or other apparatus; (d) the provision, (e) the provision of a hard surface; (f) the deposit of waste; or (g) the carrying out of any of the following operations in connection with fish farming, repairing ponds and raceways; the installation of grading machinery, aeration equipment or flow meters and any associated channel; the dredging of ponds; and the replacement of tanks and nets,where the development is reasonably necessary for the purposes of agriculture within the unit.",
    "documentation-url": "",
    "permitted-development-right-part": "6",
    "permitted-development-right-class": "B"

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