Park and garden
The Deepdene (including Chart Park)
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000143 | Facts |
Prefix | park-and-garden | Facts |
Name | The Deepdene (including Chart Park) | Facts |
Dataset | Park and garden | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1989-06-01 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2012-06-19 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.320739 51.230269, -0.320935 51.230349, -0.321013 51.230414, -0.321088 51.230502, -0.321243 51.230589, -0.32122 51.230662, -0.321189 51.230692, -0.32128 51.230723, -0.321308 51.230759, -0.321316 51.230783, -0.321308 51.230834, -0.321272 51.230879, -0.321221 51.230917, -0.321155 51.230945, -0.320657 51.231041, -0.321092 51.231573, -0.321254 51.231603, -0.321641 51.231584, -0.322674 51.231276, -0.322884 51.231207, -0.323355 51.230944, -0.323618 51.230743, -0.324281 51.230281, -0.324399 51.230169, -0.324448 51.230112, -0.324526 51.229993, -0.324566 51.229916, -0.324589 51.229848, -0.324611 51.229701, -0.324617 51.229549, -0.324602 51.22939, -0.324531 51.229222, -0.324466 51.229143, -0.323983 51.228652, -0.323883 51.228539, -0.323825 51.228454, -0.323741 51.228357, -0.323637 51.228267, -0.323529 51.228196, -0.323205 51.228041, -0.32309 51.227947, -0.322924 51.227787, -0.322453 51.227581, -0.32229 51.227489, -0.321232 51.22676, -0.321029 51.226609, -0.320859 51.226466, -0.320684 51.226348, -0.32015 51.225638, -0.319788 51.224919, -0.31969 51.22396, -0.319447 51.223618, -0.319076 51.223131, -0.318651 51.222452, -0.318191 51.222138, -0.317737 51.22159, -0.317418 51.221651, -0.317003 51.221074, -0.31722 51.220982, -0.316645 51.22037, -0.315663 51.219247, -0.315559 51.219251, -0.315468 51.219283, -0.315047 51.219648, -0.314684 51.220116, -0.313921 51.220977, -0.313483 51.2215, -0.313265 51.222151, -0.313158 51.222744, -0.313012 51.223055, -0.312772 51.223777, -0.312705 51.224315, -0.31271 51.224385, -0.313684 51.224043, -0.313963 51.224165, -0.313879 51.224262, -0.31384 51.22442, -0.313864 51.224542, -0.313965 51.224647, -0.314392 51.22501, -0.315353 51.225795, -0.31565 51.22618, -0.316188 51.226492, -0.316527 51.226678, -0.317051 51.226829, -0.317191 51.226905, -0.31731 51.227028, -0.317279 51.227239, -0.317127 51.227359, -0.316858 51.22746, -0.317812 51.228285, -0.317854 51.228302, -0.317949 51.228315, -0.317996 51.228338, -0.318069 51.228418, -0.318178 51.228576, -0.318308 51.228742, -0.318311 51.228824, -0.31866 51.228694, -0.319028 51.229151, -0.318957 51.229173, -0.319145 51.229419, -0.319691 51.229982, -0.31979 51.230032, -0.319996 51.230269, -0.320011 51.230359, -0.320348 51.230271, -0.320529 51.230255, -0.320739 51.230269)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-0.318295 51.225644)
Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Park and garden grade | II* | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
"reference": "1000143",
"prefix": "park-and-garden",
"name": "The Deepdene (including Chart Park)",
"dataset": "park-and-garden",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1989-06-01",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2012-06-19",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.320739 51.230269, -0.320935 51.230349, -0.321013 51.230414, -0.321088 51.230502, -0.321243 51.230589, -0.32122 51.230662, -0.321189 51.230692, -0.32128 51.230723, -0.321308 51.230759, -0.321316 51.230783, -0.321308 51.230834, -0.321272 51.230879, -0.321221 51.230917, -0.321155 51.230945, -0.320657 51.231041, -0.321092 51.231573, -0.321254 51.231603, -0.321641 51.231584, -0.322674 51.231276, -0.322884 51.231207, -0.323355 51.230944, -0.323618 51.230743, -0.324281 51.230281, -0.324399 51.230169, -0.324448 51.230112, -0.324526 51.229993, -0.324566 51.229916, -0.324589 51.229848, -0.324611 51.229701, -0.324617 51.229549, -0.324602 51.22939, -0.324531 51.229222, -0.324466 51.229143, -0.323983 51.228652, -0.323883 51.228539, -0.323825 51.228454, -0.323741 51.228357, -0.323637 51.228267, -0.323529 51.228196, -0.323205 51.228041, -0.32309 51.227947, -0.322924 51.227787, -0.322453 51.227581, -0.32229 51.227489, -0.321232 51.22676, -0.321029 51.226609, -0.320859 51.226466, -0.320684 51.226348, -0.32015 51.225638, -0.319788 51.224919, -0.31969 51.22396, -0.319447 51.223618, -0.319076 51.223131, -0.318651 51.222452, -0.318191 51.222138, -0.317737 51.22159, -0.317418 51.221651, -0.317003 51.221074, -0.31722 51.220982, -0.316645 51.22037, -0.315663 51.219247, -0.315559 51.219251, -0.315468 51.219283, -0.315047 51.219648, -0.314684 51.220116, -0.313921 51.220977, -0.313483 51.2215, -0.313265 51.222151, -0.313158 51.222744, -0.313012 51.223055, -0.312772 51.223777, -0.312705 51.224315, -0.31271 51.224385, -0.313684 51.224043, -0.313963 51.224165, -0.313879 51.224262, -0.31384 51.22442, -0.313864 51.224542, -0.313965 51.224647, -0.314392 51.22501, -0.315353 51.225795, -0.31565 51.22618, -0.316188 51.226492, -0.316527 51.226678, -0.317051 51.226829, -0.317191 51.226905, -0.31731 51.227028, -0.317279 51.227239, -0.317127 51.227359, -0.316858 51.22746, -0.317812 51.228285, -0.317854 51.228302, -0.317949 51.228315, -0.317996 51.228338, -0.318069 51.228418, -0.318178 51.228576, -0.318308 51.228742, -0.318311 51.228824, -0.31866 51.228694, -0.319028 51.229151, -0.318957 51.229173, -0.319145 51.229419, -0.319691 51.229982, -0.31979 51.230032, -0.319996 51.230269, -0.320011 51.230359, -0.320348 51.230271, -0.320529 51.230255, -0.320739 51.230269)))",
"point": "POINT (-0.318295 51.225644)",
"entity": 11100036,
"documentation-url": "",
"park-and-garden-grade": "II*"
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.