Park and garden


Field Value Fact links
Reference 1000129 Facts
Prefix park-and-garden Facts
Dataset Park and garden no fact link
Organisation Historic England no fact link
Start date 1986-07-18 no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2025-02-12 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.550175 51.493872, -2.550221 51.494029, -2.550221 51.494053, -2.550045 51.494468, -2.549996 51.494559, -2.549949 51.494623, -2.549867 51.494829, -2.549769 51.495034, -2.549716 51.495164, -2.549655 51.495346, -2.549619 51.495493, -2.549517 51.496006, -2.549583 51.496294, -2.549536 51.496377, -2.549538 51.49641, -2.549558 51.496445, -2.549606 51.496494, -2.54981 51.496679, -2.549921 51.496822, -2.549962 51.496924, -2.550869 51.496811, -2.551592 51.496742, -2.551764 51.496738, -2.552084 51.496693, -2.553025 51.496591, -2.554571 51.496449, -2.554723 51.49614, -2.555018 51.495582, -2.555143 51.495378, -2.555696 51.494636, -2.556124 51.494091, -2.556119 51.494056, -2.558795 51.493463, -2.559049 51.492801, -2.560092 51.493012, -2.559983 51.493188, -2.560141 51.49322, -2.560317 51.492891, -2.560544 51.492409, -2.560109 51.492342, -2.560292 51.491879, -2.560284 51.491743, -2.560275 51.49172, -2.560171 51.491582, -2.560323 51.491522, -2.560593 51.491442, -2.560649 51.491434, -2.560682 51.491413, -2.560208 51.491237, -2.560323 51.490997, -2.560453 51.490687, -2.560507 51.49059, -2.560582 51.490385, -2.560648 51.490153, -2.560188 51.490091, -2.560324 51.489689, -2.560956 51.489776, -2.561076 51.48944, -2.561359 51.488932, -2.561486 51.488739, -2.56167 51.488482, -2.562009 51.488112, -2.562387 51.488245, -2.562527 51.488086, -2.562677 51.487962, -2.561987 51.487645, -2.561586 51.487446, -2.562209 51.486963, -2.562365 51.487046, -2.56281 51.486722, -2.562698 51.48664, -2.563254 51.486312, -2.563362 51.486406, -2.563499 51.486319, -2.563737 51.486186, -2.563623 51.486106, -2.56415 51.485826, -2.564154 51.485813, -2.56421 51.485776, -2.564216 51.485764, -2.564337 51.48569, -2.564403 51.485634, -2.564489 51.485599, -2.564707 51.485447, -2.564761 51.485421, -2.564491 51.485241, -2.564425 51.485183, -2.564463 51.485001, -2.565463 51.484373, -2.564215 51.483675, -2.563169 51.483182, -2.563141 51.483129, -2.562658 51.482894, -2.562153 51.483238, -2.56106 51.483905, -2.560968 51.48395, -2.560757 51.48402, -2.560266 51.484119, -2.56009 51.484141, -2.560065 51.484128, -2.560011 51.484055, -2.559908 51.483992, -2.559673 51.4838, -2.559614 51.483841, -2.559225 51.484209, -2.559014 51.484471, -2.55849 51.485043, -2.558308 51.485215, -2.55814 51.485359, -2.557968 51.485542, -2.557792 51.485693, -2.557667 51.485783, -2.557144 51.486065, -2.556882 51.486266, -2.556551 51.486439, -2.556405 51.486496, -2.555739 51.486631, -2.555772 51.486708, -2.555762 51.48675, -2.555745 51.486779, -2.555677 51.486821, -2.554994 51.487035, -2.554123 51.487334, -2.553643 51.487533, -2.553615 51.487538, -2.55341 51.48753, -2.553351 51.487484, -2.55324 51.487529, -2.552821 51.487729, -2.552327 51.487997, -2.551363 51.488427, -2.550599 51.488741, -2.55028 51.488881, -2.549158 51.4885, -2.548797 51.488348, -2.548468 51.488176, -2.548365 51.48813, -2.54812 51.488034, -2.547724 51.487897, -2.547384 51.487658, -2.54734 51.487687, -2.547287 51.487672, -2.546831 51.487709, -2.54677 51.487718, -2.545995 51.48797, -2.545392 51.488215, -2.544875 51.488484, -2.544413 51.488799, -2.544092 51.488969, -2.543869 51.489061, -2.54376 51.489095, -2.543045 51.489248, -2.542427 51.489368, -2.542296 51.489407, -2.541773 51.489582, -2.541567 51.489669, -2.540712 51.489965, -2.540301 51.490151, -2.540145 51.490209, -2.540357 51.490377, -2.540374 51.490402, -2.540622 51.490634, -2.540861 51.490841, -2.541167 51.491135, -2.54146 51.491443, -2.541632 51.491674, -2.541922 51.492213, -2.541887 51.492278, -2.542152 51.492646, -2.542218 51.492793, -2.542243 51.492937, -2.542237 51.493103, -2.54234 51.49346, -2.542382 51.49368, -2.542464 51.493915, -2.542194 51.494087, -2.541999 51.494255, -2.541959 51.494278, -2.541765 51.494357, -2.54164 51.494387, -2.541551 51.494364, -2.5411 51.494154, -2.54099 51.494117, -2.540873 51.494111, -2.540751 51.494128, -2.540615 51.494179, -2.540394 51.494284, -2.539911 51.494554, -2.539939 51.494621, -2.540112 51.49473, -2.540165 51.49473, -2.540196 51.494721, -2.540375 51.494593, -2.540569 51.494466, -2.54066 51.494417, -2.540738 51.494392, -2.540823 51.494377, -2.54097 51.494369, -2.54104 51.494379, -2.541988 51.494779, -2.542142 51.494855, -2.542309 51.494913, -2.542334 51.494911, -2.542568 51.494821, -2.54288 51.49482, -2.543169 51.494554, -2.543206 51.4945, -2.543205 51.494469, -2.543192 51.494429, -2.543156 51.494395, -2.543129 51.494384, -2.543076 51.494342, -2.543031 51.494287, -2.543011 51.494204, -2.543015 51.494157, -2.543045 51.494075, -2.543117 51.493923, -2.543196 51.493869, -2.543248 51.49379, -2.543302 51.493757, -2.543658 51.493604, -2.543953 51.493453, -2.543992 51.493466, -2.543875 51.493601, -2.544163 51.493713, -2.544366 51.493814, -2.544229 51.493937, -2.543988 51.494175, -2.543837 51.494305, -2.543795 51.494314, -2.543762 51.494343, -2.544385 51.494565, -2.544642 51.49464, -2.544582 51.494736, -2.544734 51.494772, -2.544955 51.494856, -2.544926 51.494899, -2.545213 51.494987, -2.545234 51.495022, -2.54527 51.495046, -2.545445 51.495147, -2.545494 51.495165, -2.545562 51.495132, -2.545681 51.495053, -2.545915 51.494959, -2.546212 51.494884, -2.546416 51.494752, -2.546506 51.494716, -2.546964 51.494488, -2.547881 51.494122, -2.548134 51.494101, -2.548189 51.494101, -2.548233 51.494114, -2.54834 51.494112, -2.548625 51.494071, -2.549495 51.493895, -2.550127 51.493712, -2.550175 51.493872))) Facts
Point POINT (-2.552928 51.490522) Facts
Documentation url Facts
Park and garden grade II Facts

Available Code Snippets:

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    "prefix": "park-and-garden",
    "name": "STOKE PARK",
    "dataset": "park-and-garden",
    "organisation-entity": "16",
    "start-date": "1986-07-18",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2025-02-12",
    "typology": "geography",
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-2.560649 51.491434, -2.560682 51.491413, -2.560208 51.491237, -2.560323 51.490997, -2.560453 51.490687, -2.560507 51.49059, -2.560582 51.490385, -2.560648 51.490153, -2.560188 51.490091, -2.560324 51.489689, -2.560956 51.489776, -2.561076 51.48944, -2.561359 51.488932, -2.561486 51.488739, -2.56167 51.488482, -2.562009 51.488112, -2.562387 51.488245, -2.562527 51.488086, -2.562677 51.487962, -2.561987 51.487645, -2.561586 51.487446, -2.562209 51.486963, -2.562365 51.487046, -2.56281 51.486722, -2.562698 51.48664, -2.563254 51.486312, -2.563362 51.486406, -2.563499 51.486319, -2.563737 51.486186, -2.563623 51.486106, -2.56415 51.485826, -2.564154 51.485813, -2.56421 51.485776, -2.564216 51.485764, -2.564337 51.48569, -2.564403 51.485634, -2.564489 51.485599, -2.564707 51.485447, -2.564761 51.485421, -2.564491 51.485241, -2.564425 51.485183, -2.564463 51.485001, -2.565463 51.484373, -2.564215 51.483675, -2.563169 51.483182, -2.563141 51.483129, -2.562658 51.482894, -2.562153 51.483238, -2.56106 51.483905, -2.560968 51.48395, -2.560757 51.48402, -2.560266 51.484119, -2.56009 51.484141, -2.560065 51.484128, -2.560011 51.484055, -2.559908 51.483992, -2.559673 51.4838, -2.559614 51.483841, -2.559225 51.484209, -2.559014 51.484471, -2.55849 51.485043, -2.558308 51.485215, -2.55814 51.485359, -2.557968 51.485542, -2.557792 51.485693, -2.557667 51.485783, -2.557144 51.486065, -2.556882 51.486266, -2.556551 51.486439, -2.556405 51.486496, -2.555739 51.486631, -2.555772 51.486708, -2.555762 51.48675, -2.555745 51.486779, -2.555677 51.486821, -2.554994 51.487035, -2.554123 51.487334, -2.553643 51.487533, -2.553615 51.487538, -2.55341 51.48753, -2.553351 51.487484, -2.55324 51.487529, -2.552821 51.487729, -2.552327 51.487997, -2.551363 51.488427, -2.550599 51.488741, -2.55028 51.488881, -2.549158 51.4885, -2.548797 51.488348, -2.548468 51.488176, -2.548365 51.48813, -2.54812 51.488034, -2.547724 51.487897, -2.547384 51.487658, -2.54734 51.487687, -2.547287 51.487672, -2.546831 51.487709, -2.54677 51.487718, -2.545995 51.48797, -2.545392 51.488215, -2.544875 51.488484, -2.544413 51.488799, -2.544092 51.488969, -2.543869 51.489061, -2.54376 51.489095, -2.543045 51.489248, -2.542427 51.489368, -2.542296 51.489407, -2.541773 51.489582, -2.541567 51.489669, -2.540712 51.489965, -2.540301 51.490151, -2.540145 51.490209, -2.540357 51.490377, -2.540374 51.490402, -2.540622 51.490634, -2.540861 51.490841, -2.541167 51.491135, -2.54146 51.491443, -2.541632 51.491674, -2.541922 51.492213, -2.541887 51.492278, -2.542152 51.492646, -2.542218 51.492793, -2.542243 51.492937, -2.542237 51.493103, -2.54234 51.49346, -2.542382 51.49368, -2.542464 51.493915, -2.542194 51.494087, -2.541999 51.494255, -2.541959 51.494278, -2.541765 51.494357, -2.54164 51.494387, -2.541551 51.494364, -2.5411 51.494154, -2.54099 51.494117, -2.540873 51.494111, -2.540751 51.494128, -2.540615 51.494179, -2.540394 51.494284, -2.539911 51.494554, -2.539939 51.494621, -2.540112 51.49473, -2.540165 51.49473, -2.540196 51.494721, -2.540375 51.494593, -2.540569 51.494466, -2.54066 51.494417, -2.540738 51.494392, -2.540823 51.494377, -2.54097 51.494369, -2.54104 51.494379, -2.541988 51.494779, -2.542142 51.494855, -2.542309 51.494913, -2.542334 51.494911, -2.542568 51.494821, -2.54288 51.49482, -2.543169 51.494554, -2.543206 51.4945, -2.543205 51.494469, -2.543192 51.494429, -2.543156 51.494395, -2.543129 51.494384, -2.543076 51.494342, -2.543031 51.494287, -2.543011 51.494204, -2.543015 51.494157, -2.543045 51.494075, -2.543117 51.493923, -2.543196 51.493869, -2.543248 51.49379, -2.543302 51.493757, -2.543658 51.493604, -2.543953 51.493453, -2.543992 51.493466, -2.543875 51.493601, -2.544163 51.493713, -2.544366 51.493814, -2.544229 51.493937, -2.543988 51.494175, -2.543837 51.494305, -2.543795 51.494314, -2.543762 51.494343, -2.544385 51.494565, -2.544642 51.49464, -2.544582 51.494736, -2.544734 51.494772, -2.544955 51.494856, -2.544926 51.494899, -2.545213 51.494987, -2.545234 51.495022, -2.54527 51.495046, -2.545445 51.495147, -2.545494 51.495165, -2.545562 51.495132, -2.545681 51.495053, -2.545915 51.494959, -2.546212 51.494884, -2.546416 51.494752, -2.546506 51.494716, -2.546964 51.494488, -2.547881 51.494122, -2.548134 51.494101, -2.548189 51.494101, -2.548233 51.494114, -2.54834 51.494112, -2.548625 51.494071, -2.549495 51.493895, -2.550127 51.493712, -2.550175 51.493872)))",
    "point": "POINT (-2.552928 51.490522)",
    "entity": 11100022,
    "documentation-url": "",
    "park-and-garden-grade": "II"

© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area