Park and garden
Field | Value | Fact links |
Reference | 1000115 | Facts |
Prefix | park-and-garden | Facts |
Name | BIDDULPH GRANGE | Facts |
Dataset | Park and garden | no fact link |
Organisation | Historic England | no fact link |
Start date | 1984-12-01 | no fact link |
End date | no fact link | |
Entry date | 2025-02-12 | Facts |
Typology | geography | no fact link |
Geometry |
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.160466 53.132044, -2.160505 53.132058, -2.160601 53.132115, -2.16064 53.132145, -2.160658 53.13218, -2.160653 53.132318, -2.160586 53.132513, -2.160882 53.13231, -2.161532 53.131775, -2.161742 53.131713, -2.16183 53.131703, -2.161893 53.131622, -2.161828 53.131604, -2.162092 53.131267, -2.163003 53.131503, -2.163097 53.131509, -2.163405 53.131415, -2.163809 53.131271, -2.164135 53.131118, -2.1653 53.130502, -2.165683 53.130272, -2.165912 53.130153, -2.165932 53.129942, -2.16595 53.12937, -2.165329 53.129368, -2.165436 53.128884, -2.164969 53.128847, -2.165001 53.1287, -2.164668 53.128635, -2.164702 53.128622, -2.164617 53.128593, -2.164566 53.128564, -2.164505 53.128505, -2.164479 53.12844, -2.164487 53.128374, -2.164504 53.128341, -2.164564 53.128281, -2.164648 53.128238, -2.16522 53.128081, -2.165223 53.128054, -2.165249 53.127997, -2.165303 53.127939, -2.165336 53.127916, -2.165391 53.127898, -2.165471 53.127885, -2.165778 53.127877, -2.165783 53.12773, -2.165582 53.127735, -2.165335 53.127756, -2.164891 53.127818, -2.164562 53.127921, -2.164012 53.12818, -2.163806 53.128326, -2.163614 53.128484, -2.163565 53.128509, -2.163511 53.128506, -2.163168 53.128438, -2.163008 53.128425, -2.162863 53.128422, -2.162457 53.128441, -2.162382 53.128438, -2.162335 53.128406, -2.162048 53.128144, -2.161956 53.128072, -2.161791 53.128025, -2.161766 53.128004, -2.161748 53.12797, -2.161716 53.127947, -2.161676 53.127929, -2.161598 53.127913, -2.161493 53.127912, -2.161414 53.127924, -2.161253 53.127991, -2.161198 53.12803, -2.161021 53.128268, -2.160162 53.128026, -2.16007 53.128056, -2.160012 53.128102, -2.159813 53.128391, -2.159752 53.128453, -2.159717 53.128501, -2.159709 53.128524, -2.159707 53.128639, -2.159537 53.128757, -2.159476 53.128778, -2.159269 53.128807, -2.159108 53.128804, -2.158873 53.128778, -2.157827 53.12858, -2.157389 53.128487, -2.157294 53.128527, -2.156048 53.12834, -2.155886 53.128267, -2.155771 53.128228, -2.155679 53.128208, -2.155333 53.128184, -2.155138 53.128145, -2.154833 53.128153, -2.154503 53.128082, -2.154393 53.128077, -2.154309 53.128064, -2.154188 53.128034, -2.153958 53.127958, -2.153805 53.127896, -2.153264 53.127623, -2.152906 53.127476, -2.152769 53.127433, -2.152584 53.127345, -2.152159 53.127252, -2.151882 53.127099, -2.151678 53.126966, -2.151614 53.126903, -2.151583 53.126837, -2.151549 53.12661, -2.151512 53.126252, -2.151474 53.126129, -2.150604 53.125982, -2.150509 53.125959, -2.150422 53.125928, -2.150329 53.125883, -2.15031 53.125865, -2.15029 53.125827, -2.150247 53.125676, -2.150218 53.125653, -2.149976 53.125517, -2.149616 53.12549, -2.149511 53.125445, -2.149485 53.125461, -2.149475 53.125494, -2.149484 53.125667, -2.149546 53.125698, -2.149614 53.125759, -2.149656 53.125826, -2.149676 53.125895, -2.149682 53.125932, -2.149678 53.125976, -2.149667 53.126002, -2.149621 53.126062, -2.149555 53.126114, -2.149498 53.126146, -2.149406 53.126172, -2.149309 53.126187, -2.149152 53.126187, -2.149057 53.126178, -2.148679 53.126121, -2.148511 53.126104, -2.14842 53.126117, -2.14835 53.126142, -2.148295 53.126172, -2.148259 53.12621, -2.148136 53.126517, -2.148157 53.126552, -2.148182 53.126573, -2.148265 53.126581, -2.148322 53.126596, -2.14848 53.126667, -2.14854 53.126704, -2.148633 53.126783, -2.148572 53.126912, -2.148514 53.126996, -2.148447 53.127044, -2.148292 53.127118, -2.148144 53.127157, -2.147989 53.127178, -2.147853 53.127216, -2.147677 53.127345, -2.147359 53.127608, -2.14727 53.12769, -2.146913 53.128135, -2.146826 53.128271, -2.146788 53.128306, -2.146702 53.12834, -2.14661 53.128348, -2.146517 53.12834, -2.146432 53.128313, -2.14672 53.128716, -2.146424 53.129291, -2.146538 53.12938, -2.146609 53.129474, -2.146769 53.12964, -2.146881 53.129705, -2.147032 53.129773, -2.14745 53.129931, -2.148046 53.130205, -2.148264 53.130286, -2.148429 53.130336, -2.148639 53.130376, -2.148844 53.130402, -2.148959 53.130412, -2.149238 53.130419, -2.149637 53.130462, -2.149975 53.130546, -2.150326 53.130676, -2.150895 53.130954, -2.151544 53.13125, -2.151552 53.131196, -2.151764 53.131029, -2.151876 53.13105, -2.152094 53.130981, -2.152322 53.130924, -2.152576 53.13089, -2.154048 53.130835, -2.154243 53.130825, -2.154341 53.130802, -2.154715 53.13085, -2.154977 53.130842, -2.155302 53.130864, -2.155338 53.130852, -2.155356 53.130835, -2.155361 53.130819, -2.155354 53.13072, -2.155369 53.130688, -2.155406 53.130662, -2.155478 53.130631, -2.155599 53.130494, -2.155702 53.130439, -2.15593 53.130379, -2.156016 53.130394, -2.156113 53.130449, -2.156178 53.130405, -2.156284 53.130369, -2.156354 53.130336, -2.156407 53.130324, -2.156499 53.130334, -2.15664 53.130411, -2.156973 53.1304, -2.157041 53.130447, -2.157245 53.130392, -2.15738 53.130372, -2.157487 53.130372, -2.157685 53.130393, -2.157831 53.130393, -2.157909 53.130409, -2.157991 53.130442, -2.158107 53.130595, -2.158326 53.130671, -2.158562 53.130841, -2.15861 53.130928, -2.158633 53.131023, -2.158671 53.131101, -2.159081 53.131359, -2.159244 53.131233, -2.159336 53.131214, -2.159419 53.131231, -2.15959 53.131302, -2.159893 53.131306, -2.159951 53.131313, -2.160017 53.131337, -2.160056 53.13136, -2.160085 53.131396, -2.1601 53.131431, -2.160105 53.131481, -2.160113 53.131623, -2.160096 53.131865, -2.160172 53.131935, -2.160229 53.132067, -2.160258 53.132091, -2.160293 53.132094, -2.160386 53.132039, -2.160428 53.132036, -2.160466 53.132044)))
Facts |
Point |
POINT (-2.155612 53.129233)
Facts |
Documentation url | | Facts |
Park and garden grade | I | Facts |
Available Code Snippets:
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"prefix": "park-and-garden",
"dataset": "park-and-garden",
"organisation-entity": "16",
"start-date": "1984-12-01",
"end-date": "",
"entry-date": "2025-02-12",
"typology": "geography",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.160466 53.132044, -2.160505 53.132058, -2.160601 53.132115, -2.16064 53.132145, -2.160658 53.13218, -2.160653 53.132318, -2.160586 53.132513, -2.160882 53.13231, -2.161532 53.131775, -2.161742 53.131713, -2.16183 53.131703, -2.161893 53.131622, -2.161828 53.131604, -2.162092 53.131267, -2.163003 53.131503, -2.163097 53.131509, -2.163405 53.131415, -2.163809 53.131271, -2.164135 53.131118, -2.1653 53.130502, -2.165683 53.130272, -2.165912 53.130153, -2.165932 53.129942, -2.16595 53.12937, -2.165329 53.129368, -2.165436 53.128884, -2.164969 53.128847, -2.165001 53.1287, -2.164668 53.128635, -2.164702 53.128622, -2.164617 53.128593, -2.164566 53.128564, -2.164505 53.128505, -2.164479 53.12844, -2.164487 53.128374, -2.164504 53.128341, -2.164564 53.128281, -2.164648 53.128238, -2.16522 53.128081, -2.165223 53.128054, -2.165249 53.127997, -2.165303 53.127939, -2.165336 53.127916, -2.165391 53.127898, -2.165471 53.127885, -2.165778 53.127877, -2.165783 53.12773, -2.165582 53.127735, -2.165335 53.127756, -2.164891 53.127818, -2.164562 53.127921, -2.164012 53.12818, -2.163806 53.128326, -2.163614 53.128484, -2.163565 53.128509, -2.163511 53.128506, -2.163168 53.128438, -2.163008 53.128425, -2.162863 53.128422, -2.162457 53.128441, -2.162382 53.128438, -2.162335 53.128406, -2.162048 53.128144, -2.161956 53.128072, -2.161791 53.128025, -2.161766 53.128004, -2.161748 53.12797, -2.161716 53.127947, -2.161676 53.127929, -2.161598 53.127913, -2.161493 53.127912, -2.161414 53.127924, -2.161253 53.127991, -2.161198 53.12803, -2.161021 53.128268, -2.160162 53.128026, -2.16007 53.128056, -2.160012 53.128102, -2.159813 53.128391, -2.159752 53.128453, -2.159717 53.128501, -2.159709 53.128524, -2.159707 53.128639, -2.159537 53.128757, -2.159476 53.128778, -2.159269 53.128807, -2.159108 53.128804, -2.158873 53.128778, -2.157827 53.12858, -2.157389 53.128487, -2.157294 53.128527, -2.156048 53.12834, -2.155886 53.128267, -2.155771 53.128228, -2.155679 53.128208, -2.155333 53.128184, -2.155138 53.128145, -2.154833 53.128153, -2.154503 53.128082, -2.154393 53.128077, -2.154309 53.128064, -2.154188 53.128034, -2.153958 53.127958, -2.153805 53.127896, -2.153264 53.127623, -2.152906 53.127476, -2.152769 53.127433, -2.152584 53.127345, -2.152159 53.127252, -2.151882 53.127099, -2.151678 53.126966, -2.151614 53.126903, -2.151583 53.126837, -2.151549 53.12661, -2.151512 53.126252, -2.151474 53.126129, -2.150604 53.125982, -2.150509 53.125959, -2.150422 53.125928, -2.150329 53.125883, -2.15031 53.125865, -2.15029 53.125827, -2.150247 53.125676, -2.150218 53.125653, -2.149976 53.125517, -2.149616 53.12549, -2.149511 53.125445, -2.149485 53.125461, -2.149475 53.125494, -2.149484 53.125667, -2.149546 53.125698, -2.149614 53.125759, -2.149656 53.125826, -2.149676 53.125895, -2.149682 53.125932, -2.149678 53.125976, -2.149667 53.126002, -2.149621 53.126062, -2.149555 53.126114, -2.149498 53.126146, -2.149406 53.126172, -2.149309 53.126187, -2.149152 53.126187, -2.149057 53.126178, -2.148679 53.126121, -2.148511 53.126104, -2.14842 53.126117, -2.14835 53.126142, -2.148295 53.126172, -2.148259 53.12621, -2.148136 53.126517, -2.148157 53.126552, -2.148182 53.126573, -2.148265 53.126581, -2.148322 53.126596, -2.14848 53.126667, -2.14854 53.126704, -2.148633 53.126783, -2.148572 53.126912, -2.148514 53.126996, -2.148447 53.127044, -2.148292 53.127118, -2.148144 53.127157, -2.147989 53.127178, -2.147853 53.127216, -2.147677 53.127345, -2.147359 53.127608, -2.14727 53.12769, -2.146913 53.128135, -2.146826 53.128271, -2.146788 53.128306, -2.146702 53.12834, -2.14661 53.128348, -2.146517 53.12834, -2.146432 53.128313, -2.14672 53.128716, -2.146424 53.129291, -2.146538 53.12938, -2.146609 53.129474, -2.146769 53.12964, -2.146881 53.129705, -2.147032 53.129773, -2.14745 53.129931, -2.148046 53.130205, -2.148264 53.130286, -2.148429 53.130336, -2.148639 53.130376, -2.148844 53.130402, -2.148959 53.130412, -2.149238 53.130419, 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-2.158633 53.131023, -2.158671 53.131101, -2.159081 53.131359, -2.159244 53.131233, -2.159336 53.131214, -2.159419 53.131231, -2.15959 53.131302, -2.159893 53.131306, -2.159951 53.131313, -2.160017 53.131337, -2.160056 53.13136, -2.160085 53.131396, -2.1601 53.131431, -2.160105 53.131481, -2.160113 53.131623, -2.160096 53.131865, -2.160172 53.131935, -2.160229 53.132067, -2.160258 53.132091, -2.160293 53.132094, -2.160386 53.132039, -2.160428 53.132036, -2.160466 53.132044)))",
"point": "POINT (-2.155612 53.129233)",
"entity": 11100008,
"documentation-url": "",
"park-and-garden-grade": "I"
© Historic England 2025. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. The Historic England GIS Data contained in this material was obtained on [date]. The most publicly available up to date Historic England GIS Data can be obtained from
Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.