National nature reserve

Cavenham Heath

Field Value Fact links
Reference TL751727 Facts
Prefix national-nature-reserve Facts
Name Cavenham Heath Facts
Dataset National nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2003-12-13 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((0.565731 52.331731, 0.565361 52.331754, 0.564321 52.331871, 0.563657 52.331924, 0.562527 52.332048, 0.561431 52.332208, 0.560801 52.332292, 0.55997 52.33245, 0.558864 52.332615, 0.557834 52.332697, 0.557627 52.332722, 0.556936 52.332809, 0.555307 52.333056, 0.555664 52.331173, 0.555723 52.331121, 0.555809 52.330973, 0.555831 52.330918, 0.555943 52.330477, 0.556369 52.328913, 0.556457 52.328236, 0.556578 52.327395, 0.556604 52.327409, 0.556796 52.326045, 0.556984 52.324378, 0.55731 52.321804, 0.557434 52.320885, 0.557623 52.319264, 0.559415 52.320096, 0.561395 52.318851, 0.561517 52.318883, 0.561532 52.318868, 0.561829 52.318923, 0.562187 52.318968, 0.562764 52.319055, 0.562963 52.319269, 0.563104 52.319295, 0.563117 52.319279, 0.564119 52.319426, 0.564732 52.31954, 0.565654 52.319686, 0.566142 52.319713, 0.567138 52.31982, 0.566986 52.319944, 0.567135 52.320114, 0.567427 52.31993, 0.567465 52.319885, 0.567533 52.319726, 0.567571 52.31968, 0.56784 52.319508, 0.567861 52.31946, 0.567881 52.319355, 0.56793 52.319244, 0.568253 52.319337, 0.568306 52.31937, 0.568327 52.319399, 0.56833 52.319425, 0.5682 52.319627, 0.568323 52.319663, 0.568411 52.319515, 0.568448 52.319469, 0.568509 52.319429, 0.568604 52.319415, 0.568273 52.320023, 0.568074 52.320436, 0.571952 52.320443, 0.578779 52.320479, 0.578833 52.319739, 0.580417 52.319318, 0.580503 52.319288, 0.580801 52.319661, 0.580909 52.320003, 0.580971 52.320232, 0.580664 52.320571, 0.580484 52.3208, 0.580353 52.32095, 0.580281 52.321051, 0.580207 52.321195, 0.580148 52.321415, 0.580028 52.322393, 0.579993 52.3229, 0.580004 52.323164, 0.580027 52.323408, 0.580046 52.323464, 0.58031 52.323972, 0.580476 52.324192, 0.580643 52.324386, 0.580785 52.324533, 0.580828 52.32462, 0.580847 52.324702, 0.580902 52.324855, 0.581252 52.324798, 0.582537 52.324636, 0.584405 52.324709, 0.584637 52.32448, 0.585243 52.323852, 0.584944 52.323584, 0.584882 52.323518, 0.584817 52.323419, 0.584718 52.323232, 0.584444 52.322622, 0.584217 52.322055, 0.584116 52.321775, 0.58404 52.321496, 0.584475 52.321341, 0.58521 52.321094, 0.585244 52.321034, 0.585253 52.321, 0.58523 52.320861, 0.585234 52.320823, 0.58583 52.320724, 0.58776 52.320435, 0.588298 52.321783, 0.587023 52.323462, 0.586921 52.323665, 0.58698 52.323678, 0.588147 52.324193, 0.588312 52.324225, 0.588431 52.324233, 0.588595 52.324226, 0.589772 52.324026, 0.590428 52.325355, 0.59047 52.325458, 0.590294 52.325449, 0.589949 52.325464, 0.589445 52.325558, 0.588976 52.325596, 0.588529 52.325588, 0.587767 52.325496, 0.587427 52.325502, 0.587217 52.325542, 0.587009 52.325605, 0.586727 52.32572, 0.586435 52.325867, 0.586276 52.325928, 0.58616 52.325961, 0.586062 52.325979, 0.585845 52.325989, 0.585771 52.325983, 0.585674 52.325958, 0.585474 52.325846, 0.585296 52.325688, 0.585018 52.325392, 0.584853 52.325232, 0.584703 52.325108, 0.584587 52.325032, 0.584489 52.324992, 0.584275 52.324937, 0.583963 52.324881, 0.58377 52.324861, 0.583165 52.324861, 0.582626 52.324824, 0.582365 52.324823, 0.582283 52.324833, 0.582039 52.324883, 0.581324 52.32499, 0.580529 52.325177, 0.579891 52.325366, 0.57953 52.325493, 0.57913 52.325609, 0.579053 52.325647, 0.579029 52.325666, 0.578986 52.325727, 0.57881 52.325838, 0.578416 52.326306, 0.578427 52.326356, 0.578403 52.326404, 0.578367 52.326441, 0.578303 52.326488, 0.578252 52.326476, 0.578213 52.326513, 0.57812 52.326642, 0.578133 52.32668, 0.578063 52.326874, 0.577919 52.327191, 0.577537 52.327684, 0.577485 52.327739, 0.577429 52.327777, 0.57738 52.327798, 0.577107 52.32784, 0.576872 52.327886, 0.576654 52.327949, 0.576411 52.328043, 0.576177 52.328161, 0.575927 52.328298, 0.575823 52.328374, 0.575791 52.328407, 0.575731 52.328494, 0.57564 52.328662, 0.575561 52.328739, 0.575424 52.328814, 0.575079 52.328938, 0.574928 52.329006, 0.574618 52.329206, 0.574546 52.329233, 0.574398 52.329248, 0.574278 52.32924, 0.574049 52.329204, 0.573963 52.329198, 0.573829 52.329219, 0.573337 52.329324, 0.572971 52.329365, 0.572741 52.32937, 0.572639 52.32938, 0.572584 52.329399, 0.572345 52.329529, 0.572009 52.329763, 0.571925 52.329845, 0.571906 52.329847, 0.571836 52.329911, 0.571765 52.330024, 0.571697 52.330103, 0.571551 52.330209, 0.571461 52.330258, 0.571335 52.330313, 0.571094 52.330373, 0.569835 52.330638, 0.568909 52.330873, 0.568232 52.331089, 0.567656 52.331285, 0.566739 52.331626, 0.566396 52.331688, 0.565731 52.331731))) Facts
Point POINT (0.568407 52.325328) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TL751727",
    "prefix": "national-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Cavenham Heath",
    "dataset": "national-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2003-12-13",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((0.565731 52.331731, 0.565361 52.331754, 0.564321 52.331871, 0.563657 52.331924, 0.562527 52.332048, 0.561431 52.332208, 0.560801 52.332292, 0.55997 52.33245, 0.558864 52.332615, 0.557834 52.332697, 0.557627 52.332722, 0.556936 52.332809, 0.555307 52.333056, 0.555664 52.331173, 0.555723 52.331121, 0.555809 52.330973, 0.555831 52.330918, 0.555943 52.330477, 0.556369 52.328913, 0.556457 52.328236, 0.556578 52.327395, 0.556604 52.327409, 0.556796 52.326045, 0.556984 52.324378, 0.55731 52.321804, 0.557434 52.320885, 0.557623 52.319264, 0.559415 52.320096, 0.561395 52.318851, 0.561517 52.318883, 0.561532 52.318868, 0.561829 52.318923, 0.562187 52.318968, 0.562764 52.319055, 0.562963 52.319269, 0.563104 52.319295, 0.563117 52.319279, 0.564119 52.319426, 0.564732 52.31954, 0.565654 52.319686, 0.566142 52.319713, 0.567138 52.31982, 0.566986 52.319944, 0.567135 52.320114, 0.567427 52.31993, 0.567465 52.319885, 0.567533 52.319726, 0.567571 52.31968, 0.56784 52.319508, 0.567861 52.31946, 0.567881 52.319355, 0.56793 52.319244, 0.568253 52.319337, 0.568306 52.31937, 0.568327 52.319399, 0.56833 52.319425, 0.5682 52.319627, 0.568323 52.319663, 0.568411 52.319515, 0.568448 52.319469, 0.568509 52.319429, 0.568604 52.319415, 0.568273 52.320023, 0.568074 52.320436, 0.571952 52.320443, 0.578779 52.320479, 0.578833 52.319739, 0.580417 52.319318, 0.580503 52.319288, 0.580801 52.319661, 0.580909 52.320003, 0.580971 52.320232, 0.580664 52.320571, 0.580484 52.3208, 0.580353 52.32095, 0.580281 52.321051, 0.580207 52.321195, 0.580148 52.321415, 0.580028 52.322393, 0.579993 52.3229, 0.580004 52.323164, 0.580027 52.323408, 0.580046 52.323464, 0.58031 52.323972, 0.580476 52.324192, 0.580643 52.324386, 0.580785 52.324533, 0.580828 52.32462, 0.580847 52.324702, 0.580902 52.324855, 0.581252 52.324798, 0.582537 52.324636, 0.584405 52.324709, 0.584637 52.32448, 0.585243 52.323852, 0.584944 52.323584, 0.584882 52.323518, 0.584817 52.323419, 0.584718 52.323232, 0.584444 52.322622, 0.584217 52.322055, 0.584116 52.321775, 0.58404 52.321496, 0.584475 52.321341, 0.58521 52.321094, 0.585244 52.321034, 0.585253 52.321, 0.58523 52.320861, 0.585234 52.320823, 0.58583 52.320724, 0.58776 52.320435, 0.588298 52.321783, 0.587023 52.323462, 0.586921 52.323665, 0.58698 52.323678, 0.588147 52.324193, 0.588312 52.324225, 0.588431 52.324233, 0.588595 52.324226, 0.589772 52.324026, 0.590428 52.325355, 0.59047 52.325458, 0.590294 52.325449, 0.589949 52.325464, 0.589445 52.325558, 0.588976 52.325596, 0.588529 52.325588, 0.587767 52.325496, 0.587427 52.325502, 0.587217 52.325542, 0.587009 52.325605, 0.586727 52.32572, 0.586435 52.325867, 0.586276 52.325928, 0.58616 52.325961, 0.586062 52.325979, 0.585845 52.325989, 0.585771 52.325983, 0.585674 52.325958, 0.585474 52.325846, 0.585296 52.325688, 0.585018 52.325392, 0.584853 52.325232, 0.584703 52.325108, 0.584587 52.325032, 0.584489 52.324992, 0.584275 52.324937, 0.583963 52.324881, 0.58377 52.324861, 0.583165 52.324861, 0.582626 52.324824, 0.582365 52.324823, 0.582283 52.324833, 0.582039 52.324883, 0.581324 52.32499, 0.580529 52.325177, 0.579891 52.325366, 0.57953 52.325493, 0.57913 52.325609, 0.579053 52.325647, 0.579029 52.325666, 0.578986 52.325727, 0.57881 52.325838, 0.578416 52.326306, 0.578427 52.326356, 0.578403 52.326404, 0.578367 52.326441, 0.578303 52.326488, 0.578252 52.326476, 0.578213 52.326513, 0.57812 52.326642, 0.578133 52.32668, 0.578063 52.326874, 0.577919 52.327191, 0.577537 52.327684, 0.577485 52.327739, 0.577429 52.327777, 0.57738 52.327798, 0.577107 52.32784, 0.576872 52.327886, 0.576654 52.327949, 0.576411 52.328043, 0.576177 52.328161, 0.575927 52.328298, 0.575823 52.328374, 0.575791 52.328407, 0.575731 52.328494, 0.57564 52.328662, 0.575561 52.328739, 0.575424 52.328814, 0.575079 52.328938, 0.574928 52.329006, 0.574618 52.329206, 0.574546 52.329233, 0.574398 52.329248, 0.574278 52.32924, 0.574049 52.329204, 0.573963 52.329198, 0.573829 52.329219, 0.573337 52.329324, 0.572971 52.329365, 0.572741 52.32937, 0.572639 52.32938, 0.572584 52.329399, 0.572345 52.329529, 0.572009 52.329763, 0.571925 52.329845, 0.571906 52.329847, 0.571836 52.329911, 0.571765 52.330024, 0.571697 52.330103, 0.571551 52.330209, 0.571461 52.330258, 0.571335 52.330313, 0.571094 52.330373, 0.569835 52.330638, 0.568909 52.330873, 0.568232 52.331089, 0.567656 52.331285, 0.566739 52.331626, 0.566396 52.331688, 0.565731 52.331731)))",
    "point": "POINT (0.568407 52.325328)",
    "entity": 45000135,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area