National nature reserve

Beacon Hill

Field Value Fact links
Reference SU603226 Facts
Prefix national-nature-reserve Facts
Name Beacon Hill Facts
Dataset National nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2003-12-18 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.143278 50.998593, -1.142848 50.99847, -1.142723 50.998262, -1.142365 50.998136, -1.142698 50.997504, -1.141187 50.997041, -1.140809 50.997122, -1.140389 50.997193, -1.140217 50.997125, -1.140131 50.997201, -1.139559 50.997216, -1.139422 50.997218, -1.139047 50.997148, -1.137985 50.997171, -1.136687 50.997236, -1.136373 50.997272, -1.13606 50.997338, -1.135439 50.997517, -1.135253 50.997598, -1.135042 50.997712, -1.134913 50.997795, -1.13448 50.998174, -1.134313 50.998331, -1.134165 50.998609, -1.133995 50.998988, -1.133972 50.999082, -1.13396 50.999299, -1.134114 50.999908, -1.133916 51.000045, -1.133834 51.000089, -1.133555 51.000207, -1.133304 51.000302, -1.135631 51.000387, -1.136399 51.000396, -1.136897 51.000392, -1.137433 51.000416, -1.138955 51.0006, -1.139357 51.000658, -1.139928 51.000762, -1.140302 51.000874, -1.14115 51.001169, -1.141592 51.001314, -1.142102 51.001418, -1.142388 51.001455, -1.142529 51.001461, -1.142672 51.001459, -1.143103 51.001422, -1.143518 51.001444, -1.144064 51.001522, -1.144397 51.0016, -1.144348 51.00174, -1.143983 51.002231, -1.143743 51.002455, -1.143629 51.002551, -1.142858 51.003074, -1.141948 51.003571, -1.141666 51.003712, -1.141696 51.003726, -1.141672 51.003725, -1.141393 51.003811, -1.141093 51.003885, -1.139977 51.004114, -1.139372 51.004258, -1.139253 51.00428, -1.139506 51.004679, -1.14008 51.004713, -1.14094 51.004664, -1.142516 51.004504, -1.142749 51.004467, -1.143039 51.004402, -1.143329 51.004302, -1.143464 51.004245, -1.143812 51.004075, -1.144036 51.003956, -1.144437 51.003728, -1.144656 51.003588, -1.144768 51.003489, -1.14544 51.002804, -1.145549 51.002829, -1.145549 51.002956, -1.145558 51.003011, -1.145579 51.003071, -1.145617 51.003141, -1.145776 51.003162, -1.145886 51.003146, -1.146031 51.003077, -1.146247 51.002946, -1.147274 51.002273, -1.147607 51.002012, -1.147765 51.001898, -1.148321 51.001385, -1.14841 51.001275, -1.148533 51.001178, -1.148643 51.001002, -1.148549 51.000956, -1.148515 51.000953, -1.148409 51.000834, -1.148153 51.000507, -1.147882 51.000303, -1.14704 50.999775, -1.145595 50.999271, -1.144767 50.999019, -1.143278 50.998593))) Facts
Point POINT (-1.141303 51.000136) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SU603226",
    "prefix": "national-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Beacon Hill",
    "dataset": "national-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2003-12-18",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.143278 50.998593, -1.142848 50.99847, -1.142723 50.998262, -1.142365 50.998136, -1.142698 50.997504, -1.141187 50.997041, -1.140809 50.997122, -1.140389 50.997193, -1.140217 50.997125, -1.140131 50.997201, -1.139559 50.997216, -1.139422 50.997218, -1.139047 50.997148, -1.137985 50.997171, -1.136687 50.997236, -1.136373 50.997272, -1.13606 50.997338, -1.135439 50.997517, -1.135253 50.997598, -1.135042 50.997712, -1.134913 50.997795, -1.13448 50.998174, -1.134313 50.998331, -1.134165 50.998609, -1.133995 50.998988, -1.133972 50.999082, -1.13396 50.999299, -1.134114 50.999908, -1.133916 51.000045, -1.133834 51.000089, -1.133555 51.000207, -1.133304 51.000302, -1.135631 51.000387, -1.136399 51.000396, -1.136897 51.000392, -1.137433 51.000416, -1.138955 51.0006, -1.139357 51.000658, -1.139928 51.000762, -1.140302 51.000874, -1.14115 51.001169, -1.141592 51.001314, -1.142102 51.001418, -1.142388 51.001455, -1.142529 51.001461, -1.142672 51.001459, -1.143103 51.001422, -1.143518 51.001444, -1.144064 51.001522, -1.144397 51.0016, -1.144348 51.00174, -1.143983 51.002231, -1.143743 51.002455, -1.143629 51.002551, -1.142858 51.003074, -1.141948 51.003571, -1.141666 51.003712, -1.141696 51.003726, -1.141672 51.003725, -1.141393 51.003811, -1.141093 51.003885, -1.139977 51.004114, -1.139372 51.004258, -1.139253 51.00428, -1.139506 51.004679, -1.14008 51.004713, -1.14094 51.004664, -1.142516 51.004504, -1.142749 51.004467, -1.143039 51.004402, -1.143329 51.004302, -1.143464 51.004245, -1.143812 51.004075, -1.144036 51.003956, -1.144437 51.003728, -1.144656 51.003588, -1.144768 51.003489, -1.14544 51.002804, -1.145549 51.002829, -1.145549 51.002956, -1.145558 51.003011, -1.145579 51.003071, -1.145617 51.003141, -1.145776 51.003162, -1.145886 51.003146, -1.146031 51.003077, -1.146247 51.002946, -1.147274 51.002273, -1.147607 51.002012, -1.147765 51.001898, -1.148321 51.001385, -1.14841 51.001275, -1.148533 51.001178, -1.148643 51.001002, -1.148549 51.000956, -1.148515 51.000953, -1.148409 51.000834, -1.148153 51.000507, -1.147882 51.000303, -1.14704 50.999775, -1.145595 50.999271, -1.144767 50.999019, -1.143278 50.998593)))",
    "point": "POINT (-1.141303 51.000136)",
    "entity": 45000004,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area