National nature reserve

Buckingham Thick Copse

Field Value Fact links
Reference SP707432 Facts
Prefix national-nature-reserve Facts
Name Buckingham Thick Copse Facts
Dataset National nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2003-12-04 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.974495 52.086567, -0.974526 52.086512, -0.97458 52.086496, -0.974775 52.086031, -0.9748 52.085955, -0.974826 52.085823, -0.974832 52.085735, -0.974825 52.0856, -0.974791 52.085424, -0.974741 52.085244, -0.974574 52.084647, -0.974296 52.083742, -0.974011 52.082678, -0.973815 52.082124, -0.973767 52.08206, -0.9737 52.082003, -0.973537 52.081909, -0.972869 52.081621, -0.972743 52.081529, -0.972495 52.081442, -0.972205 52.081359, -0.972147 52.081353, -0.970822 52.081361, -0.970764 52.081346, -0.970715 52.081303, -0.969432 52.079848, -0.9672 52.07848, -0.966896 52.078515, -0.966883 52.07853, -0.96684 52.078536, -0.966813 52.078522, -0.965748 52.078639, -0.965728 52.078665, -0.96567 52.078671, -0.965641 52.078654, -0.963651 52.078882, -0.96387 52.079691, -0.964069 52.080068, -0.96417 52.080683, -0.964201 52.080795, -0.964215 52.080816, -0.964296 52.081046, -0.964347 52.081277, -0.964341 52.082106, -0.964691 52.083284, -0.964295 52.084949, -0.96432 52.085505, -0.964809 52.085692, -0.965579 52.085897, -0.96567 52.085913, -0.966154 52.085891, -0.966325 52.085873, -0.96666 52.085831, -0.967099 52.085747, -0.967436 52.085717, -0.967865 52.085721, -0.968228 52.085715, -0.968768 52.085742, -0.969146 52.08575, -0.969473 52.085741, -0.969887 52.085697, -0.970117 52.085694, -0.970341 52.08571, -0.970718 52.085769, -0.970986 52.085831, -0.972453 52.08626, -0.97283 52.086358, -0.973087 52.086414, -0.973362 52.086455, -0.974218 52.086557, -0.974495 52.086567))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.968829 52.082852) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "SP707432",
    "prefix": "national-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Buckingham Thick Copse",
    "dataset": "national-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2003-12-04",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.974495 52.086567, -0.974526 52.086512, -0.97458 52.086496, -0.974775 52.086031, -0.9748 52.085955, -0.974826 52.085823, -0.974832 52.085735, -0.974825 52.0856, -0.974791 52.085424, -0.974741 52.085244, -0.974574 52.084647, -0.974296 52.083742, -0.974011 52.082678, -0.973815 52.082124, -0.973767 52.08206, -0.9737 52.082003, -0.973537 52.081909, -0.972869 52.081621, -0.972743 52.081529, -0.972495 52.081442, -0.972205 52.081359, -0.972147 52.081353, -0.970822 52.081361, -0.970764 52.081346, -0.970715 52.081303, -0.969432 52.079848, -0.9672 52.07848, -0.966896 52.078515, -0.966883 52.07853, -0.96684 52.078536, -0.966813 52.078522, -0.965748 52.078639, -0.965728 52.078665, -0.96567 52.078671, -0.965641 52.078654, -0.963651 52.078882, -0.96387 52.079691, -0.964069 52.080068, -0.96417 52.080683, -0.964201 52.080795, -0.964215 52.080816, -0.964296 52.081046, -0.964347 52.081277, -0.964341 52.082106, -0.964691 52.083284, -0.964295 52.084949, -0.96432 52.085505, -0.964809 52.085692, -0.965579 52.085897, -0.96567 52.085913, -0.966154 52.085891, -0.966325 52.085873, -0.96666 52.085831, -0.967099 52.085747, -0.967436 52.085717, -0.967865 52.085721, -0.968228 52.085715, -0.968768 52.085742, -0.969146 52.08575, -0.969473 52.085741, -0.969887 52.085697, -0.970117 52.085694, -0.970341 52.08571, -0.970718 52.085769, -0.970986 52.085831, -0.972453 52.08626, -0.97283 52.086358, -0.973087 52.086414, -0.973362 52.086455, -0.974218 52.086557, -0.974495 52.086567)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.968829 52.082852)",
    "entity": 45000131,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area