Local nature reserve

Claygate Common

Field Value Fact links
Reference TQ160630 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Claygate Common Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.335399 51.357516, -0.335428 51.357464, -0.335751 51.357169, -0.335749 51.357155, -0.335951 51.356934, -0.336351 51.356528, -0.336501 51.35634, -0.336545 51.356269, -0.336662 51.356113, -0.336706 51.356071, -0.336883 51.355836, -0.336895 51.355586, -0.336916 51.355485, -0.336931 51.355166, -0.336928 51.354716, -0.336944 51.354262, -0.336944 51.353948, -0.336945 51.353931, -0.336959 51.353931, -0.336972 51.353475, -0.336983 51.352522, -0.337004 51.351625, -0.33682 51.351701, -0.33671 51.351732, -0.336525 51.351733, -0.335581 51.352184, -0.335136 51.352421, -0.334034 51.352971, -0.333893 51.352988, -0.333729 51.353299, -0.333615 51.353494, -0.333502 51.353715, -0.333727 51.353726, -0.333763 51.353773, -0.333839 51.353775, -0.333882 51.353792, -0.333911 51.35382, -0.333935 51.35386, -0.333942 51.353904, -0.333931 51.353964, -0.333895 51.353999, -0.333835 51.354026, -0.333722 51.354018, -0.333643 51.353987, -0.333619 51.353961, -0.333604 51.353922, -0.333501 51.35392, -0.333425 51.353881, -0.333306 51.35421, -0.33289 51.355259, -0.332829 51.355288, -0.332853 51.355351, -0.332906 51.355336, -0.332962 51.355356, -0.332923 51.355398, -0.332887 51.355477, -0.332667 51.356166, -0.332493 51.356622, -0.332405 51.356821, -0.332402 51.356837, -0.334117 51.357551, -0.334623 51.357527, -0.334648 51.357533, -0.335297 51.357498, -0.335336 51.357499, -0.335399 51.357516))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.335023 51.354889) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TQ160630",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Claygate Common",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.335399 51.357516, -0.335428 51.357464, -0.335751 51.357169, -0.335749 51.357155, -0.335951 51.356934, -0.336351 51.356528, -0.336501 51.35634, -0.336545 51.356269, -0.336662 51.356113, -0.336706 51.356071, -0.336883 51.355836, -0.336895 51.355586, -0.336916 51.355485, -0.336931 51.355166, -0.336928 51.354716, -0.336944 51.354262, -0.336944 51.353948, -0.336945 51.353931, -0.336959 51.353931, -0.336972 51.353475, -0.336983 51.352522, -0.337004 51.351625, -0.33682 51.351701, -0.33671 51.351732, -0.336525 51.351733, -0.335581 51.352184, -0.335136 51.352421, -0.334034 51.352971, -0.333893 51.352988, -0.333729 51.353299, -0.333615 51.353494, -0.333502 51.353715, -0.333727 51.353726, -0.333763 51.353773, -0.333839 51.353775, -0.333882 51.353792, -0.333911 51.35382, -0.333935 51.35386, -0.333942 51.353904, -0.333931 51.353964, -0.333895 51.353999, -0.333835 51.354026, -0.333722 51.354018, -0.333643 51.353987, -0.333619 51.353961, -0.333604 51.353922, -0.333501 51.35392, -0.333425 51.353881, -0.333306 51.35421, -0.33289 51.355259, -0.332829 51.355288, -0.332853 51.355351, -0.332906 51.355336, -0.332962 51.355356, -0.332923 51.355398, -0.332887 51.355477, -0.332667 51.356166, -0.332493 51.356622, -0.332405 51.356821, -0.332402 51.356837, -0.334117 51.357551, -0.334623 51.357527, -0.334648 51.357533, -0.335297 51.357498, -0.335336 51.357499, -0.335399 51.357516)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.335023 51.354889)",
    "entity": 45250287,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area