Local nature reserve

Chertsey Meads

Field Value Fact links
Reference TQ061662 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Chertsey Meads Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.471837 51.385776, -0.471814 51.385859, -0.47181 51.385943, -0.471889 51.385985, -0.471904 51.386081, -0.471959 51.386195, -0.471058 51.386323, -0.471266 51.38646, -0.471499 51.386649, -0.471482 51.386657, -0.471769 51.386896, -0.471784 51.38689, -0.471897 51.386981, -0.471905 51.386977, -0.471928 51.386996, -0.471921 51.387, -0.471996 51.38706, -0.472307 51.386922, -0.47243 51.386897, -0.473054 51.387425, -0.47325 51.387521, -0.473404 51.387634, -0.473155 51.387639, -0.473029 51.387771, -0.473627 51.388114, -0.474302 51.388456, -0.474501 51.388587, -0.474562 51.388613, -0.474685 51.388684, -0.474746 51.388745, -0.474851 51.388795, -0.474989 51.388875, -0.475055 51.388926, -0.475145 51.389032, -0.475254 51.389115, -0.475285 51.389157, -0.475334 51.389187, -0.475652 51.389431, -0.475803 51.389522, -0.475864 51.389535, -0.475919 51.389569, -0.475924 51.389583, -0.476107 51.389674, -0.476119 51.389673, -0.476214 51.389727, -0.476211 51.389751, -0.47619 51.389766, -0.476215 51.389779, -0.476383 51.389831, -0.476668 51.389897, -0.476759 51.389953, -0.476922 51.389992, -0.477245 51.389418, -0.477295 51.38928, -0.477433 51.389281, -0.477384 51.389423, -0.477272 51.39003, -0.477818 51.390074, -0.478007 51.390064, -0.478095 51.390051, -0.478167 51.390035, -0.478363 51.389949, -0.478448 51.389901, -0.478581 51.389767, -0.47857 51.389765, -0.478714 51.389589, -0.478762 51.389496, -0.478775 51.389484, -0.478821 51.389382, -0.478971 51.389145, -0.478968 51.389134, -0.478936 51.389127, -0.478925 51.389113, -0.478932 51.389096, -0.478979 51.38906, -0.478958 51.388997, -0.478942 51.388976, -0.478979 51.388895, -0.47909 51.388749, -0.479102 51.388705, -0.479122 51.388676, -0.479185 51.388628, -0.47931 51.388446, -0.479341 51.388445, -0.47933 51.38843, -0.479338 51.388399, -0.479389 51.388319, -0.478354 51.386708, -0.480542 51.384167, -0.477956 51.384238, -0.478186 51.380838, -0.476736 51.380869, -0.476256 51.380868, -0.47584 51.380856, -0.475603 51.380827, -0.475388 51.380773, -0.475079 51.380709, -0.474782 51.380679, -0.474601 51.380696, -0.474394 51.380751, -0.474306 51.380786, -0.474325 51.380808, -0.47428 51.380817, -0.47427 51.380805, -0.474243 51.380813, -0.474013 51.380904, -0.473861 51.380992, -0.473821 51.381043, -0.473808 51.381049, -0.473723 51.381079, -0.473589 51.381103, -0.473422 51.381116, -0.47336 51.381112, -0.473318 51.381099, -0.47331 51.381117, -0.473294 51.381118, -0.473267 51.381111, -0.473273 51.381093, -0.47306 51.381035, -0.472846 51.380981, -0.472728 51.380974, -0.471177 51.381142, -0.471564 51.381356, -0.471749 51.381478, -0.471979 51.381721, -0.472344 51.382152, -0.472559 51.382427, -0.472617 51.382526, -0.472642 51.382628, -0.472687 51.382918, -0.472745 51.383088, -0.472736 51.38313, -0.472698 51.383177, -0.472642 51.383209, -0.472599 51.383221, -0.472637 51.383381, -0.472746 51.383369, -0.472898 51.384403, -0.4723 51.384452, -0.472284 51.384431, -0.472258 51.384433, -0.472175 51.384456, -0.472134 51.384488, -0.472124 51.384531, -0.472138 51.384635, -0.472237 51.38482, -0.472243 51.384879, -0.472233 51.384988, -0.472186 51.385151, -0.472054 51.38544, -0.471999 51.385533, -0.471901 51.385658, -0.471837 51.385776))) Facts
Point POINT (-0.475729 51.385139) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TQ061662",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Chertsey Meads",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.471837 51.385776, -0.471814 51.385859, -0.47181 51.385943, -0.471889 51.385985, -0.471904 51.386081, -0.471959 51.386195, -0.471058 51.386323, -0.471266 51.38646, -0.471499 51.386649, -0.471482 51.386657, -0.471769 51.386896, -0.471784 51.38689, -0.471897 51.386981, -0.471905 51.386977, -0.471928 51.386996, -0.471921 51.387, -0.471996 51.38706, -0.472307 51.386922, -0.47243 51.386897, -0.473054 51.387425, -0.47325 51.387521, -0.473404 51.387634, -0.473155 51.387639, -0.473029 51.387771, -0.473627 51.388114, -0.474302 51.388456, -0.474501 51.388587, -0.474562 51.388613, -0.474685 51.388684, -0.474746 51.388745, -0.474851 51.388795, -0.474989 51.388875, -0.475055 51.388926, -0.475145 51.389032, -0.475254 51.389115, -0.475285 51.389157, -0.475334 51.389187, -0.475652 51.389431, -0.475803 51.389522, -0.475864 51.389535, -0.475919 51.389569, -0.475924 51.389583, -0.476107 51.389674, -0.476119 51.389673, -0.476214 51.389727, -0.476211 51.389751, -0.47619 51.389766, -0.476215 51.389779, -0.476383 51.389831, -0.476668 51.389897, -0.476759 51.389953, -0.476922 51.389992, -0.477245 51.389418, -0.477295 51.38928, -0.477433 51.389281, -0.477384 51.389423, -0.477272 51.39003, -0.477818 51.390074, -0.478007 51.390064, -0.478095 51.390051, -0.478167 51.390035, -0.478363 51.389949, -0.478448 51.389901, -0.478581 51.389767, -0.47857 51.389765, -0.478714 51.389589, -0.478762 51.389496, -0.478775 51.389484, -0.478821 51.389382, -0.478971 51.389145, -0.478968 51.389134, -0.478936 51.389127, -0.478925 51.389113, -0.478932 51.389096, -0.478979 51.38906, -0.478958 51.388997, -0.478942 51.388976, -0.478979 51.388895, -0.47909 51.388749, -0.479102 51.388705, -0.479122 51.388676, -0.479185 51.388628, -0.47931 51.388446, -0.479341 51.388445, -0.47933 51.38843, -0.479338 51.388399, -0.479389 51.388319, -0.478354 51.386708, -0.480542 51.384167, -0.477956 51.384238, -0.478186 51.380838, -0.476736 51.380869, -0.476256 51.380868, -0.47584 51.380856, -0.475603 51.380827, -0.475388 51.380773, -0.475079 51.380709, -0.474782 51.380679, -0.474601 51.380696, -0.474394 51.380751, -0.474306 51.380786, -0.474325 51.380808, -0.47428 51.380817, -0.47427 51.380805, -0.474243 51.380813, -0.474013 51.380904, -0.473861 51.380992, -0.473821 51.381043, -0.473808 51.381049, -0.473723 51.381079, -0.473589 51.381103, -0.473422 51.381116, -0.47336 51.381112, -0.473318 51.381099, -0.47331 51.381117, -0.473294 51.381118, -0.473267 51.381111, -0.473273 51.381093, -0.47306 51.381035, -0.472846 51.380981, -0.472728 51.380974, -0.471177 51.381142, -0.471564 51.381356, -0.471749 51.381478, -0.471979 51.381721, -0.472344 51.382152, -0.472559 51.382427, -0.472617 51.382526, -0.472642 51.382628, -0.472687 51.382918, -0.472745 51.383088, -0.472736 51.38313, -0.472698 51.383177, -0.472642 51.383209, -0.472599 51.383221, -0.472637 51.383381, -0.472746 51.383369, -0.472898 51.384403, -0.4723 51.384452, -0.472284 51.384431, -0.472258 51.384433, -0.472175 51.384456, -0.472134 51.384488, -0.472124 51.384531, -0.472138 51.384635, -0.472237 51.38482, -0.472243 51.384879, -0.472233 51.384988, -0.472186 51.385151, -0.472054 51.38544, -0.471999 51.385533, -0.471901 51.385658, -0.471837 51.385776)))",
    "point": "POINT (-0.475729 51.385139)",
    "entity": 45250274,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2024

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area