Local nature reserve

Alderman Canal East

Field Value Fact links
Reference TM155445 Facts
Prefix local-nature-reserve Facts
Name Alderman Canal East Facts
Dataset Local nature reserve no fact link
Organisation Natural England no fact link
Start date no fact link
End date no fact link
Entry date 2012-03-28 Facts
Typology geography no fact link
Geometry MULTIPOLYGON (((1.140835 52.056549, 1.140966 52.056504, 1.143184 52.056709, 1.143752 52.057228, 1.143929 52.057233, 1.144144 52.057207, 1.144187 52.057224, 1.14432 52.057255, 1.144301 52.057333, 1.144166 52.057329, 1.144157 52.057387, 1.14424 52.057412, 1.144209 52.057491, 1.144186 52.057487, 1.144179 52.057506, 1.144202 52.057509, 1.144187 52.057544, 1.143905 52.057505, 1.143622 52.057478, 1.143058 52.057348, 1.14287 52.057325, 1.142726 52.057279, 1.142602 52.057281, 1.142517 52.057294, 1.142115 52.057317, 1.141848 52.057317, 1.141816 52.057315, 1.141777 52.057299, 1.141646 52.057305, 1.141543 52.05729, 1.141299 52.057274, 1.140896 52.057155, 1.140845 52.057129, 1.140774 52.057077, 1.140698 52.056998, 1.14068 52.05696, 1.140668 52.056856, 1.140667 52.056758, 1.140679 52.056673, 1.140739 52.0566, 1.140794 52.056609, 1.140839 52.056634, 1.140828 52.056584, 1.140802 52.056555, 1.140835 52.056549))) Facts
Point POINT (1.142266 52.056999) Facts
Nature reserve status Declared Facts

Available Code Snippets:

    "reference": "TM155445",
    "prefix": "local-nature-reserve",
    "name": "Alderman Canal East",
    "dataset": "local-nature-reserve",
    "organisation-entity": "501910",
    "start-date": "",
    "end-date": "",
    "entry-date": "2012-03-28",
    "typology": "geography",
    "geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON (((1.140835 52.056549, 1.140966 52.056504, 1.143184 52.056709, 1.143752 52.057228, 1.143929 52.057233, 1.144144 52.057207, 1.144187 52.057224, 1.14432 52.057255, 1.144301 52.057333, 1.144166 52.057329, 1.144157 52.057387, 1.14424 52.057412, 1.144209 52.057491, 1.144186 52.057487, 1.144179 52.057506, 1.144202 52.057509, 1.144187 52.057544, 1.143905 52.057505, 1.143622 52.057478, 1.143058 52.057348, 1.14287 52.057325, 1.142726 52.057279, 1.142602 52.057281, 1.142517 52.057294, 1.142115 52.057317, 1.141848 52.057317, 1.141816 52.057315, 1.141777 52.057299, 1.141646 52.057305, 1.141543 52.05729, 1.141299 52.057274, 1.140896 52.057155, 1.140845 52.057129, 1.140774 52.057077, 1.140698 52.056998, 1.14068 52.05696, 1.140668 52.056856, 1.140667 52.056758, 1.140679 52.056673, 1.140739 52.0566, 1.140794 52.056609, 1.140839 52.056634, 1.140828 52.056584, 1.140802 52.056555, 1.140835 52.056549)))",
    "point": "POINT (1.142266 52.056999)",
    "entity": 45250018,
    "nature-reserve-status": "Declared"

© Crown copyright and database right 2025

Licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Geographical area